#helmfile (2020-07)


Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/



opollie avatar

hi all, i am pretty much new to helmfile and currently trying to migrate a huge helm2 umbrella chart to helmfile… one of my problems is for some reason the needs: concept doesn’t work in the way it’s written in the doc (or at least i got it wrong): when i do sync this:

- name: loggingMaster
  chart: elastic/elasticsearch
  version: 7.3.0
  condition: loggingMaster.enabled
  <<: *default
- name: loggingData
  chart: elastic/elasticsearch
  version: 7.3.0
  condition: loggingData.enabled
  <<: *default
- name: misc-es
  chart: ./charts/misc-es
  version: 0.1.0
  verify: false
  condition: loggingMaster.enabled
  - loggingMaster

i get the following error:

in ./helmfile.yaml: "clusterinfra/misc-es" depends on nonexistent release "loggingMaster"

any idea why?

Vasco avatar

I’m the last person to advice, but I noticed you have a condition there:

condition: loggingMaster.enabled

is it enabled?

opollie avatar

yep, it is

voron avatar

what’s the output of

helmfile -l name=loggingMaster list 


opollie avatar
loggingMaster	clusterinfra	true   	name:loggingMaster,namespace:clusterinfra,chart:elasticsearch
voron avatar

it’s indeed enabled.

opollie avatar

i wouldn’t lie

voron avatar

I see release order is reversed in the example


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

voron avatar

it starts with releases with deps and it ends with releases w/o deps

voron avatar

I’m not sure, but maybe order matters in case of dependencies

opollie avatar

o_0 i would never thought about this, but let me try to change the order…

opollie avatar

nope, didn’t helped… any more ideas?

opollie avatar

the weird thing is that helmfile apply renders the templates of all the releases correctly, but still throws the error message…

voron avatar

I don’t have issues with similar helmfile

  - name: loggingMaster
    chart: elastic/elasticsearch
    version: 7.3.0
  - name: loggingData
    chart: elastic/elasticsearch
    version: 7.3.0
  - name: misc-es
    chart: stable/nginx-ingress
    verify: false
      - loggingMaster
opollie avatar

but if you change

chart: stable/nginx-ingress

to something that is on the same filesystem?

voron avatar

nothing changes.

opollie avatar

that’s odd…

soumya avatar
02:43:16 PM

Is there a way I can prevent creation of new config maps every time I deploy through helm.

opollie avatar
--history-max 0
soumya avatar

sure let me try that



sean avatar

Hi guys i’m having trouble getting readFile working with requiredEnv templating.

I currently have dev.yaml

      - HelmRepo: custom-staging
{{ readFile "./helmfile-cs-base.yaml" }}

and helmfile-cs-base.yaml


  - name: custom
    url: <https://chartmuseum.internal.ourdomain.com/master>
    certFile: {{ requiredEnv CHARTMUSEUM_CERT_FILE }}
    keyFile: {{ requiredEnv CHARTMUSEUM_KEY_FILE }}
  - name: custom-staging
    url: <https://chartmuseum.internal.ourdomain.com/staging>
    certFile: {{ requiredEnv CHARTMUSEUM_CERT_FILE }}
    keyFile: {{ requiredEnv CHARTMUSEUM_KEY_FILE }}

And when running it i get

err: failed to read helmfile-cs.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 32: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 33: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 36: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 37: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
in ./helmfile-cs.yaml: failed to read helmfile-cs.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: unmarshal errors:
  line 32: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 33: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 36: cannot unmarshal !!map into string
  line 37: cannot unmarshal !!map into string

which corresponds to the repositories chunk.

im running helmfile version v0.119.1

Has anyone got any ideas?

sean avatar

Oh i figured it out. For anyone else stuck. using bases: instead of readfile makes it work. so my dev.yaml looks like

    - HelmRepo: custom-staging
    - Namespace: default
    - ImageTag: latest-staging
    - CustomerTag: dev

  - ./helmfile-cs-base.yaml
sean avatar

I had to fix up requiredEnv to have quotes arund the env var. but otherwise it works as expected.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Using bases is the better solution, but the fix to the previous error is probably to rename the file dev.yaml to dev.yaml.gotmpl so it’s interpretted as a go template.

sean avatar

ah ok good to know. thanks



jason800 avatar

Hey All, I’m having a really confusing problem that I think someone better than I can maybe easily pinpoint. I have a straight-forward helm file. I pull in a values file to the environment and try to use a top level variable and I immediately get an error. helmfile:

      - vars/helmfile/realms/preprod.yaml

{{- $realm := .Values.realm -}}


$ cat vars/helmfile/realms/preprod.yaml
realm: preprod


$ helmfile -e preprod -f helmfile-node-local-dns.yaml lint
in ./helmfile-node-local-dns.yaml: error during helmfile-node-local-dns.yaml.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate:18:21: executing "stringTemplate" at <.Values.realm>: map has no entry for key "realm"
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Filename extensions matter. Can you update your examples?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Using bases is the better solution, but the fix to the previous error is probably to rename the file dev.yaml to dev.yaml.gotmpl so it’s interpretted as a go template.

jason800 avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Thank you for the response! I’m a bit confused. The only go templating is happening inside the helmfile, which I didn’t think required .gotmpl extension?

jason800 avatar

The environment values file include is just straight hard-coded text yaml

jason800 avatar

Am I simply mistaken? Do I need the values include to be interpretted as a go template regardless?

jason800 avatar

Looking at https://github.com/roboll/helmfile#templates , it seems like I’m following directions?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Aha yes you’re right based on your examples

jason800 avatar

https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1204 seems to have worked, although i’m still entirely confused. I also have other helmfile setups in this repo that work with the way I was doing it…

jason800 avatar

this has now presented more challenges

jason800 avatar

Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong?

sean avatar

Hi guys. I’m trying to figure out how to override the environment values in a helmfile from the CLI and i’m not sure how to go about it, since I think the cli flag provided values --state-values-set ImageTag=latest-master are being overriden by the environment values specified in my helmfile.

i’m running helmfile -f dev.yaml --debug -e flaky-smalt-cat-aujzyfqd0cc --interactive --state-values-set ImageTag=latest-master apply --context=3

Is there anyway to override what ImageTag is in dev.yaml from the CLI? dev.yaml

    - HelmRepo: company-staging
    - Namespace: flaky-smalt-cat-aujzyfqd0cc
    - ImageTag: latest-staging
    - CustomerTag: flaky-smalt-cat-aujzyfqd0cc
    - Monolith: true
    - Domain: company.dev

  - ./namespace.yaml


sean avatar

Ah.. i figured it out. by adding --- to dev.yaml before bases it somehow works now. following https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1204

Values in maps not available for namespace · Issue #1204 · roboll/helmfile

This looks like a bug to me. Given this hemlfile.yaml: environments: default: values: - defaults.yaml repositories: # Kubernetes incubator repo of helm charts - name: &quot;kubernetes-incubator&quo…

sean avatar
      - HelmRepo: company
      - Namespace: default
      - ImageTag: latest
      - CustomerTag: default-customer-tag


  chartnamespace: &chartnamespace
    namespace: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.Namespace }}`}}"
    # missingFileHandler: Warn

  set: &set
      - name: image_tag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.ImageTag }}`}}"
      - name: customerTag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}`}}"
      - name: namespace
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.Namespace }}`}}"
      - name: baseHost
        value: "{{`.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"

  cs-ui-default: &cs-ui-default
    <<: *chartnamespace
      - name: image_tag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.ImageTag }}`}}"
      - name: customerTag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}`}}"
      - name: namespace
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.Namespace }}`}}"
      - name: config.server_name
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"
      - name: baseHost
        value: "{{`.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"

  default: &default
    <<: *set
    <<: *chartnamespace

  cs-engine: &cs-engine
    name: cs-engine{{`{{ if ne .Environment.Values.Namespace "default" }}-{{ .Environment.Values.Namespace }}{{ end }}`}}
    chart: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.HelmRepo }}`}}/cs-engine"
    <<: *chartnamespace
      - name: image_tag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.ImageTag }}`}}"
      - name: customerTag
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}`}}"
      - name: namespace
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.Namespace }}`}}"
      - name: baseHost
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"
      - name: config.server_name
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.CustomerTag }}.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"
      - name: monolith.enabled
        value: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Monolith\" \"false\" }}`}}"
      - name: baseHost
        value: "{{`.{{ .Environment.Values | get \"Domain\" \"companycloud.com\" }}`}}"

  cs-ui: &cs-ui
    name: cs-ui{{`{{ if ne .Environment.Values.Namespace "default" }}-{{  .Environment.Values.Namespace }}{{ end }}`}}
    chart: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.HelmRepo }}`}}/cs-ui"
    <<: *cs-ui-default
  cs-api: &cs-api
    name: cs-api{{`{{ if ne .Environment.Values.Namespace "default" }}-{{  .Environment.Values.Namespace }}{{ end }}`}}
    chart: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.HelmRepo }}`}}/cs-api"
    <<: *default
  cs-database: &cs-database
    name: cs-database{{`{{ if ne .Environment.Values.Namespace "default" }}-{{  .Environment.Values.Namespace }}{{ end }}`}}
    chart: "{{`{{ .Environment.Values.HelmRepo }}`}}/cs-database"
    <<: *default

  - name: company
    url: <https://chartmuseum.companycloud.com/master>
    certFile: {{ requiredEnv "CHARTMUSEUM_CERT_FILE"  }}
    keyFile: {{ requiredEnv "CHARTMUSEUM_KEY_FILE" }}
  - name: company-staging
    url: <https://chartmuseum.companycloud.com/staging>
    certFile: {{ requiredEnv "CHARTMUSEUM_CERT_FILE" }}
    keyFile: {{ requiredEnv "CHARTMUSEUM_KEY_FILE" }}

  timeout: 600
  recreatePods: true
  atomic: true
  force: true

  - <<: *cs-engine
  - <<: *cs-ui
  - <<: *cs-api
  - <<: *cs-database


muhaha avatar

guys? how are you installing cert-manager? this https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles/blob/master/releases/cert-manager.yaml will not remove CRDs in helmfile delete phase.

muhaha avatar

it will probably not work, cuz of diff of CRDs, these are not present in initial install..

muhaha avatar

i took @Vadim Bauer example:

  - name: jetstack
    url:  <https://charts.jetstack.io>
  - name: incubator
    url:  <https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com>

  - name: cert-manager
    namespace: cert-manager
    chart: jetstack/cert-manager
    version: v0.15.2
    atomic: true
    cleanupOnFail: true
      - events: ["PostSync"]
        command: "/bin/sh"
        args: ["-c", "kubectl label namespace \"{{`{{ .Release.Namespace }}`}}\" certmanager.k8s.io/disable-validation=true --overwrite"]
      - installCRDs: true

  - name: letsencrypt-cert-issuer
    namespace: cert-manager
    chart: incubator/raw
    atomic: true
    cleanupOnFail: true
    force: true
      - cert-manager/cert-manager
      - resources:
          - apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha3
            kind: ClusterIssuer
              name: letsencrypt-staging
                server: <https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory>
                email: [email protected]
                  name: letsencrypt-staging

, but still getting:

  Error: Failed to render chart: exit status 1: Error: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: unable to recognize "": no matches for kind "ClusterIssuer" in version "cert-manager.io/v1alpha3"
  Error: plugin "diff" exited with error

• k3s version v1.18.4

• helmfile version v0.119.0

• helm version v3.2.4

• helm diff plugin version 3.1.1

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Perhaps setting helmfile concurrency to 1. Alternatively, you can make the certissuers creation depend on the certmanager install. example for how I do so can be found here: https://github.com/zloeber/KubeStitch/blob/master/helmfiles/helmfile.certmanager.yaml


Kubernetes deployment stitcher. Contribute to zloeber/KubeStitch development by creating an account on GitHub.

muhaha avatar
helm diff failes when CRDs aren't present · Issue #183 · databus23/helm-diff

helm-diff version: 3.1.0 helm version: 3.1.0 helmfile version: 0.94.1 or 0.100.0 Hi, we have problems installing prometheus-operator with helmfile. We get these error messages: failed processing re…

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

That diff issue may exist but the error you are showing clearly indicates something being applied out of order (the ClusterIssuer attempting to be created before the CRDs exist).

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I just took a look at our latest stuff (not yet available publically) and I see that @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) has documented this:

We have a target like this in our Makefile :

NAMESPACE = cert-manager
RELEASE_VERSION = $(shell yq -j r defaults.yaml | jq -r .chart_version)

%.crds: %.kubecfg
	kubectl get namespace $(NAMESPACE) >/dev/null 2>&1 || kubectl create namespace $(NAMESPACE)
	kubectl apply --validate=false -f <https://github.com/jetstack/cert-manager/releases/download/$(RELEASE_VERSION)/cert-manager.crds.yaml>

%.delete-crds: %.kubecfg
	kubectl delete crd certificaterequests.cert-manager.io
	kubectl delete crd certificates.cert-manager.io
	kubectl delete crd challenges.acme.cert-manager.io
	kubectl delete crd clusterissuers.cert-manager.io
	kubectl delete crd issuers.cert-manager.io
	kubectl delete crd orders.acme.cert-manager.io
muhaha avatar

Thanks. I just wrote small proposal https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/802#issuecomment-659938624 , not sure if its possible tho

muhaha avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Are You using ArgoCD for that deployment? Or is this just for manual bootraping ?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

This particular one runs under a Jenkins build.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Add installCRDs option to Helm chart by munnerz · Pull Request #2775 · jetstack/cert-manager

What this PR does / why we need it: In order to support eventually building a &#39;helm-operator&#39; based OLM plugin (for deploying cert-manager on OpenShift clusters), this PR adds an optional i…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Haven’t explored it further.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

It came up in this issue.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@johncblandii @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) checkout #1375 - could come in handy

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Oh man!! and native support now to fetching helm charts from git

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
07:34:23 PM
muhaha avatar

There are also some fixes on helmfile tf provider… Whole ecosystem seems to be closer and closer to no.1 Last thing is tool for version bumping of helmfiles..

https://github.com/variantdev/mod does not edit previously created PRs/MRs

https://docs.renovatebot.com/modules/manager/helmfile/ does not handle go templating = version must be hardcoded ( .. and version constraints may not work )

https://docs.renovatebot.com/modules/manager/regex/ may work, if values.yaml will be aside of helmfiles



bradym avatar

I have a repo for which I need to deploy multiple releases: one is the main app, the other is a worker. I want them as separate releases as the worker should be able to scale independently of the main app. I have this part working great with helmfile. The worker listens to an SQS queue and processes the messages as they come in.

In stage I create an environment every time a new branch is deployed, and tear it down when that branch is merged. I’m trying to figure out the best way to specify when the worker should be deployed. Ideally we’d control that via an aws ssm parameter as that’s how we manage our env vars. I was hoping I could do something like:

  - name: worker
    installed: <secretref+awsssm://V1/{{> .Values.repo }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}/DEPLOY_WORKER?region=us-west-1

But that doesn’t work. Any ideas on how I could handle this? I’d like to avoid having a separate SQS queue per branch to keep down the number of things that have to be created/torn down.

voron avatar

Did you tried installedTemplate instead of installed ?

voron avatar

it looks like you need to use ref+awsssm: instead of secretref+awsssm:

bradym avatar

Ooh, I didn’t try installedTemplate, I’ll give that a shot.

bradym avatar




Jonathan avatar

Been trying to access secrets from GCP Secret manager the following way in my values file:

password: <ref+gcpsecrets://project/secret-name?version=1>

And using a service account, which I can access the secret manually. Despite this, I get an error regarding accessing the secret:

failed to render values files "config/values.yaml": expand <gcpsecrets://project/secret-name?version=1>: failed to get secret: rpc error: code = PermissionDenied desc = Request had insufficient authentication scopes.

It seems the service account permissions are bad, but they work when accessing manually:

bash-4.3# gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=keyfile.json
Activated service account credentials for: [<SERVICE_ACCOUNT>]
bash-4.3# gcloud secrets versions access 1 --secret="secret-name"

Does anyone have any pointers?

mumoshu avatar

I think you need GCP_PROJECT pointed to a specific gcp project


Add GCP Secret Manager support by travisgroth · Pull Request #20 · variantdev/vals

Hi - I&#39;ve got a working implementation for GCP&#39;s Secret Manager here. Testing is not complete yet, however. I&#39;m having a lot of trouble understanding the interface to Load(). Is ther…

Jonathan avatar

I solved it by adding the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable when running. I was running it through a docker container, and simply had to pass it through using the -e flag

mumoshu avatar

Great! Thanks for sharing your insight


muhaha avatar

How can I override environment values in helmfile? For example:

    missingFileHandler: Warn
       - external_dns:
             tenant_id: {{ requiredEnv "EXTERNAL_DNS_IDENTITY_TENANT_ID" }}
             subscription_id: {{ requiredEnv "EXTERNAL_DNS_IDENTITY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" }}
             resource_group: {{ requiredEnv "EXTERNAL_DNS_IDENTITY_RESOURCE_GROUP" }}
             name: {{ requiredEnv "EXTERNAL_DNS_IDENTITY_NAME" }}
             id: {{ requiredEnv "EXTERNAL_DNS_IDENTITY_ID" }}
       - values.external-dns.yaml

It should fail if values.external-dns.yaml is not present/populated && env vars are not supplied.

roth.andy avatar

I’m not sure I’m following what you are asking. Does values.external-dns.yaml have those same parameters in it, and you want the lines above it to be optional overrides?

muhaha avatar

values.external-dns.yaml should be optional, but paramaters here should take precedence over parameters in helmfile from env.


  1. values file ( optional )
  2. env vars from helmfile
  3. fail
muhaha avatar

@roth.andy I need to load environment values via file ( static deployment ) or env vars ( fallback, for terraform )

roth.andy avatar

Can you reverse it? Standard convention is for environment variables to override file configuration.

If you can’t, I would change the values file to a .env file, and use this

That way, it is an environment variable either way, but you get to control which value for it gets set last


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

We are looking at storing our helm charts in an Azure ACR. Per https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/container-registry/container-registry-helm-repos the recommendation is to use helm’s experimental OCI support to publish the charts to the registry. Does anyone know if helmfile supports pulling charts from an OCI repository via helm’s experimental support?

Store Helm charts - Azure Container Registry

Learn how to store Helm charts for your Kubernetes applications using repositories in Azure Container Registry

roth.andy avatar

I have started almost exclusively using the helm-git plugin with helmfile to just point at a git repo. The plugin packages it up for you

Store Helm charts - Azure Container Registry

Learn how to store Helm charts for your Kubernetes applications using repositories in Azure Container Registry

roth.andy avatar

Works great

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

are you pointing at specific commits?

roth.andy avatar

you can point at any ref, including branches, tags, or specific commits

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

i’ll take a look at it

vgdubrea avatar

Hi Guys , I have a short question , any suggestions would be really helpful .

  - helmfile-first.yaml
  - helmfile-second.yaml

I would like to conditionally execute the helmfile-second.yaml without using if , else . is there an easy way I can do it ?

vgdubrea avatar

Or another thing that could work for me as well is how do I skip the specific releases in a install . Installed flag didn’t help . I am sure I can get very nice ideas here , there must be a way without if else

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

What’s wrong with ifs besides that readability suffers? What kind of condition do you have?

vgdubrea avatar

nothing wrong there in if but I have like 15 environments that are going to be skipped from this . so it feels too bad and I am looking to only use like enable/disable option to be used for entire Helmfile

vgdubrea avatar

so I have like a values.yaml.gotmpl for my app , in that values file I have a variable which has binary output , if I can use that variable in one of the Helmfile to be used for import or not import this helmfile-second

vgdubrea avatar

my end goal is to avoid any releases mentioned in second Helmfile to be deployed.

muhaha avatar

Guys? How should I version dynamic variables used in k8s deployments created with terraform ? Should I back commit these into git and then use helmfile with these values ? ( these are not secrets, just dynamic vars, not predictable )

voron avatar

helmfile can use remote variables, f.e.


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

muhaha avatar

Superb, but still… It need to commit these variables to git repository from terraform in yaml format

voron avatar

it looks like helmfile may pull values from everywhere, so the question is what’s best to use on terraform side to export generated values

Abhishek avatar

Hi everyone ! I have question, In case of nested helmfiles, do children helmfile inherit environment variables from parent helmfile. I’m not able to get the values in child helmfile. Below is my master helmfile and I’m trying to access values from imported-values.yaml but it’s getting values only from folder/values.yaml

      - "imported-values.yaml"

  - path: folder/helmfile.yaml
      - "folder/values.yaml"
Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

No, subhelmfiles don’t inherit anything. Environments: should be defined in every subhelmfile.

Abhishek avatar

@Andrew Nazarov I can’t add this environment values in base of subhelmfile as those can be installed separately or through parent one. Any idea on how to proceed on this ?

voron avatar

use included files in all helmfiles



Marcin Brański avatar
Marcin Brański

I’m kinda new to helmfile and haven’t yet figured everything out. I’d like to use environment variable inside default function

tags: '{{ env "KUBE_PROMETHEUS_ALERT_MANAGER_OPSGENIE_TAGS" | default ` {{ range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs }}{{ .Name }}:{{ .Value }},{{ end }}` {{ env "STAGE" | default "N/A" }} }}'

For such syntax :point_up: I get:

template: stringTemplate:306: unexpected "{" in operand The tricky part is that I want to concatenate string {{ range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs }}{{ .Name }}:{{ .Value }},{{ end }} to another tag which is in environment variable. How to do that?

Marcin Brański avatar
Marcin Brański

Got it. Just added it after first interpolation:

tags: '{{ env "KUBE_PROMETHEUS_ALERT_MANAGER_OPSGENIE_TAGS" | default ` {{ range .CommonLabels.SortedPairs }}{{ .Name }}:{{ .Value }},{{ end }}`}}{{ env "STAGE" | default "N/A" }}'
Mr.OO avatar

Hi, I get the following error:

  Error: no cached repo found. (try 'helm repo update'). error converting YAML to JSON: json: unsupported value: +Inf
  Error: plugin "diff" exited with error                                                                             
COMBINED OUTPUT:                                                                                                     
  [debug] Created tunnel using local port: '44995'                                                                   
  [debug] SERVER: ""                                                                                  
  Error: no cached repo found. (try 'helm repo update'). error converting YAML to JSON: json: unsupported value: +Inf
  Error: plugin "diff" exited with error                                                                             

if I do a “normal” helm diff upgrade it works with complaining. helmfile template also work fine. but I don’t get helmfile diff to work

Has anyone stumbled into a similar problem? I found this link, but it doesn’t give that much information: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/2909

`helm upgrade --install` should also show invalid YAML on error · Issue #2909 · helm/helm

helm install –dry-run –debug nicely dumps the templated YAML when there&#39;s a parse error (see #1546). However, helm upgrade –install –dry-run –debug does not do this, so I just see this fai…

mumoshu avatar

Are you using helm-tiller?

`helm upgrade --install` should also show invalid YAML on error · Issue #2909 · helm/helm

helm install –dry-run –debug nicely dumps the templated YAML when there&#39;s a parse error (see #1546). However, helm upgrade –install –dry-run –debug does not do this, so I just see this fai…

mumoshu avatar

Would there be any chance that you’re using helm2 when you run helm diff upgrade but helm3 for helmfile, or vice-versa?

Mr.OO avatar

Maybe, I can try when I get back to my computer




joshmyers avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) (and others here) how are ya’ll doing Helmfile deployments via CI/CD, promoting per environment with per environment config? AFAIKR CP bundled a version of their helmfiles image with a per env container and slurped config values out of SSM with chamber, but doesn’t look to be the case anymore?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

So we currently use a combination of remote helmfiles (for common dependencies like database), with local helmfiles (that define how the app should be deployed), with environments (not environment variables).

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We typically have one environment called preview that is used for “preview environments” (or what we’ve called unlimited staging)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

And then another environment for each specific stage.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

For secrets, we’re still largely using SSM, but we’re using the built-in support for SSM in helmfile rather than chamber.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

(these patterns are not available in cloudposse/helmfiles , but in the current solutions we’re delivering to customers and haven’t yet open sourced)

bazbremner avatar

So how do you manage promoting a version bump or config change through each stage?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Image tags are passed by environment variable. Example release pipeline here: https://github.com/cloudposse/example-app/blob/master/codefresh/release.yaml


Example application for CI/CD demonstrations of Codefresh - cloudposse/example-app

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Releases are triggered in github by cutting a release.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

preview environments always deploy based on commit sha (when deploy label present)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

master environment always updated on merge to master. master != production.

vgdubrea avatar

Hi folks, One more question it seems that I am facing issues using {{ .Environment.Values.<> }} in my releases: inside helmfile.yaml. my structure is like this

vgdubrea avatar
vgdubrea avatar

to give more context we do Helmfile apply -f helmfile.yaml inside Helmfile.yaml we are calling Helmfile-common.yaml , this common file has all the environments and their values file defined.

vgdubrea avatar

Now I have some variable defined inside those environments that I need to use inside Helmfile but it seems {{ .Environment.Values.<> }} can’t be used in Helmfile releases , any option anyone can suggest ?


muhaha avatar

More love for delete hooks support https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/802#issuecomment-659938624 ? ( crd post delete )

hooks not called with destroy · Issue #802 · roboll/helmfile

I don’t see the hooks being called when I destroy a chart. I need it to call them though…can it be enabled?

Paul Catinean avatar
Paul Catinean

Is anyone here using terraform with helmfile ?

Paul Catinean avatar
Paul Catinean

I can’t figure out how to send environment variables to existing helmfile files

mumoshu avatar

Hey. I just realized that you’ve moved this discussion to #terraform

For anyone interested, see https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CB6GHNLG0/p1595351319054400

Hi, has anyone here used terraform with helmfile together?

Chad Ostler avatar
Chad Ostler

helmfile sync --concurrency <x> seems to only run one at a time no matter what concurrency i set. is this a known issue?

Chad Ostler avatar
Chad Ostler

i’m wondering if it’s due to the fact i have an umbrella helmfile of many nested helmfiles that we use labels to deploy selectively.

mumoshu avatar

I think you’ve found this one already, but for anyone interested, see: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/591

parallel helm installs · Issue #591 · roboll/helmfile

Helmfile should support installing multiple releases at the same time rather than doing them in serial. In addition, there should be a way to set an order of dependencies, in case one install is de…



Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Ohoy! I’ve just started using helmfile, and I’m a bit lost about secrets management.

Is it mandatory to have the helm-secrets plugin installed, even if my secrets are not encrypted? The secret I’m trying to include is not very secret, so I have no reason to add the complexity that comes with SOPS…

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

If your secret is not a secret you can just treat it as a value and not worry about protecting it. SOPS / helm-secrets is all about protecting the secret so no one sees the plaintext

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Alright, cool. How do I go about applying it?

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

applying what exactly?

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

My Secrets object definition. I’ve got a file my-secret.yaml and would normally run kubectl apply -f my-secret.yaml since it’s a secret that lives outside the chart.

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

To be specific: I want to apply a loadDefinition to the bitnami/rabbitmq chart. That chart will read the definition from a secret, so I have to create the secret before the chart is deployed.

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

ah - there’s a few options I think:

  1. do what you have there in a helmfile presync/postsync hook
  2. define a release using the raw chart (https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/incubator/raw) that applies your manifest
  3. Leverage the helm-x support (https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/673) to define a dependency using the raw chart I would say #3 is cleanest because it keeps all your stuff bundled as a single release, however it is sorta the most complex

#1 is dirty and I would likely avoid as your manifest is not managed by helm in this case and so you are on the hook (no pun intended) for lifecycle management (ie deleting your secret at some point)

#2 is alright - it does end up creating an extra release just to manage your extra object


Curated applications for Kubernetes. Contribute to helm/charts development by creating an account on GitHub.

feat: experimental integration with helm-x by mumoshu · Pull Request #673 · roboll/helmfile

This enhances helmfile so that it can: Treat K8s manifests directories and Kustomize projects as charts Add adhoc chart dependencies on sync/diff/template without forking or modifying chart(s) (#6…

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Awesome, I’ll look into this. Thanks a lot!

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

no problem

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Hm… Could maybe a library chart be a viable alternative too?

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

a library chart?

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé


It was introduced in Helm 3. It let’s you deploy resources that are shared among many charts.

Library Charts

Explains library charts and examples of usage

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Specifically, it does not create a release.

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

At first I thought that was what you meant with 2, but then I realized it wasn’t it.

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

that may work - i’m not too familiar with them nor how they will interact with helmfile

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

If I try it and it is a good solution, I’ll report back!

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

sounds good!

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Nah, I think I’m in the wrong here. Library charts are only for providing template definitions that are used in charts, not setting up resources that other releases may use.

voron avatar

Is helm-x is still supported @mumoshu?

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

I feel like I’m really missing something here. I decided to try out helm-secerts after all, but still didn’t get no secrets installed…

I’ve got the file in environments/default/load-definitions.yaml and my helmfile.yaml looks like this (using nginx just because it’s a bit smaller and all I care about in this MWE is to see my secret in kubectl get secrets):

  - name: bitnami
    url: <https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami>

  - name: www
    namespace: default
    chart: bitnami/nginx

    - environments/default/load-definitions.yaml

The output of helmfile apply begins with:

Decrypting secret /home/andreas/tmp/rmq/hf/environments/default/load-definitions.yaml
Decrypting /home/andreas/tmp/rmq/hf/environments/default/load-definitions.yaml
Not encrypted: /home/andreas/tmp/rmq/hf/environments/default/load-definitions.yaml

which sounds promising, but then… nothing.

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

helm-secrets isn’t about creating kubernetes secret objects - its for encrypting sensitive values for storage in source control

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

And what’s environment.default.secrets in the helmfile for?

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

those are references to yaml files that helm-secrets will process - they are expected to be encrypted, and then helmfile will invoke helm-secrets to decrypt them at deployment time

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

But they have nothing to do with Kubernetes secrets?

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford


Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé


Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

more recent versions also support variantdev/vals for secret management, actually pulling sensitive values from a vault at deployment time: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/blob/master/docs/remote-secrets.md


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

this basically accomplishes the same thing as helm-secrets except you don’t have to encrypt and check in your secret values; you store them in a supported vault

Craig Dunford avatar
Craig Dunford

but again, nothing to do with k8s secrets

mumoshu avatar

@voron It can be something different than “supported”. It’s now integrated into Helmfile so you can leverage helm-x features without the additional helm plugin

voron avatar

oh, got it, thanks.

voron avatar

Should someone update readme of helm-x to specify it ?

mumoshu avatar

Probably? (Is anyone using it without helmfile..?

voron avatar

1 of 3 last helm-x bugs doesn’t mention helmfile, just my 2¢

mumoshu avatar

thx! will take a look once i have some time

voron avatar

thank you for your time

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Here’s a pattern we’ve been using to create k8s secrets from SSM parameters:

        - kind: Secret
          apiVersion: v1
            name: common-secrets
            DB_PASSWORD: <ref+awsssm://myapp/database/password?region={{> $.Values.region }}
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Use this with something like the raw chart previously suggested.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Instead of ref+awsssm://, you can use any backend supported by vals

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Helm-like configuration values loader with support for various sources - variantdev/vals

Oleksii Chupryn avatar
Oleksii Chupryn

Hello! Is it possible to skip diff stage as part of apply command? Use case: override changes which were made manually (helm-diff doesn’t show any diff in this case). So, i’m looking for the way of force execute helm upgrade --install . Thanks

roth.andy avatar

helmfile sync

Oleksii Chupryn avatar
Oleksii Chupryn

it is a bit different (sync - sync all resources from state file (repos, releases and chart deps)

roth.andy avatar
04:33:23 PM
Oleksii Chupryn avatar
Oleksii Chupryn

ok, thanks. I will try

Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

Hey! wave I was wondering if there was a way to preview the template rendering of helmfile before actually applying? We often have templating issues that are hard to troubleshoot if we have no way to see what manifests were actually rendered by helmfile.

bradym avatar

helmfile template does that

Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

Excellent, thanks a lot @bradym!

Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

@Adrian Todorov Just FYI!

bradym avatar

Also check out helmfile build - it’s like helmfile template but for your hemlfile instead of your templates.

Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

Oh OK, that’s probably more what we need indeed!

Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

Thanks @bradym, helmfile template is doing exactly what we needed (be able to preview rendered templates). Thanks a lot for your quick response!

bradym avatar

Awesome, glad it’s working for you

vgdubrea avatar

@bradym @Mathieu Frenette @Adrian Todorov I just read the usage of helmfile template per above . But I am sort of unsure how the output chart gets applied after the rendering is successful , i.e. once you got the directory with the rendered file how to do helmfile apply on that directory ? what we have had so far was helmfile lint —> helmfile diff –> helmfile apply , this worked well but we recently started to generalize our env and wanted to first render all charts and then apply. May I know what is your workflow/lifecycle in this case ?

bradym avatar

I guess it depends on what you’re trying to do. I only use helmfile template when I’m developing/debugging a chart.

bradym avatar

I’m not sure what you mean by generalizing your env, what do you see as the benefit of running helmfile template before helmfile apply?

vgdubrea avatar
vgdubrea avatar

so we have a structure like this where we were running the workflow I specified above. lint--> diff-->apply . Now we kind of squeeze the whole bunch of these env files into a very generic 3 files (*.gotmpl) files and we are rendering them based on inputs . To render them I used helmfile template and that spit out the charts perfectly into the directory. But now I want to use those rendered one to apply to my cluster.

vgdubrea avatar

but It seems helmfile apply or sync can’t be applied with the rendered chart files

vgdubrea avatar

does that make sense or make it more clear @bradym ?

bradym avatar

Sorta? helmfile template shouldn’t need to be used as part of a deploy pipeline.

When you run helmfile apply / helmfie sync the charts are rendered and then applied to your cluster as needed. The rendered charts just don’t stick around.

bradym avatar

I did temporarily have a setup where I would do helmfile render | kubectl apply -f - because I was running into issues with the version of helm I was using (pre 3.2.0) - but now I just run helmfile apply

vgdubrea avatar

hmm , yes I also thought the same because at the end of the day even if I reduce those all env files and folders into 3 files (which is what I am doing) those 3 files in the end are still gotmpl files so the use of helmfile apply should still work the same way as before. ?

bradym avatar


Mathieu Frenette avatar
Mathieu Frenette

on our side, we only use helmfile template and helmfile build as an optional standalone step (that does not participate in the rest of the pipeline) just to preview what will be rendered during helmfile apply for troubleshooting purposes. A word of warning though, as yesterday we realized that with this step all our secrets were also output in clear into our build logs. We were assuming that Codefresh was obfuscating those secrets automatically, but that feature is only available to the Enterprise tier. So we’ll need to figure an alternative for troubleshooting helmfile rendering.


Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Can I include multiple values.yaml files in the values: section and they will be sequentially applied?

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé


Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Is the needs: directive broken? It complains to be that “default/y” depends on nonexistent release “x” while I definitely have a release x in my helmfile…

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé
09:34:43 AM

I’ve got a MWE here.

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Alright, it seems namespace is mandatory (i.e., default/foo). I thought it was optional, since it’s in brackets in the documentation.

Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

It seems it’s mandatory because I had defined namespace in the release. If I remove the namespace from the release, I don’t have to define namespace in the needs either.

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

Did anyone figure out a way to run helmfile template only on specific charts/releases?

voron avatar

just specify labels, helmfile -e prod -l app=my-app template . It will fetch all the charts, but output matched template[s] only.

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

@voron thanks, i’ve tried using labels before but sync it fetches all charts I thought it’s not working. Do you know of a way to skip fetching all charts?

voron avatar

nope, IDK how to skip fetch

voron avatar

pls file a bug/PR to fix it. --skip-deps doesn’t affect fetching. I have helmfile with ~60 releases of the same chart and it fetches the same chart for every release

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

@voron exact same issue here

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

@mumoshu are you aware of this issue?

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

I’m not sure why charts need to be fetched at all instead of being templated directly

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen
[BUG] helmfile template with selector fetches all charts · Issue #1377 · roboll/helmfile

When running helmfile –environment –selector chart=<MY_CHART> template, all of the charts are fetched beforehand and not just the charts in the selector. Running the same command but with l…

mumoshu avatar

Yeah I’m aware of it. Could anyone submit a PR for that?

mumoshu avatar

The context is https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/338. We opted to fetch all charts to fix 338 without implementing logic to correlate releases entries to repositories entries by chart names and other gotachs to update only a subset of repos in helm

when no charts are selected repos don't get synced · Issue #338 · roboll/helmfile

With the below helmfile a helmfile repos will result in err: no releases found that matches specified selector() and environment(default), in any helmfile repositories: - name: stable url: https://…

Dudi Cohen avatar
Dudi Cohen

@mumoshu I don’t really understand the issue in 338, also why would the fix influence helmfile template and not helmfile lint? Can you point me to the lines within the code which makes these two commands behave differently in the fetch phase?

voron avatar

it looks like both issues were fixed by @mumoshu in v0.125.3- template honors labels, and template doesn’t fetch charts explicitly, with helm3 only, though.




michal.matyjek avatar

could not find a good answer: can I override name of the chart if syncing from helmfile.yaml?

something like helmfile -f charts/helmfile.yaml --name=notTheOneInHelmfile.yaml ?

michal.matyjek avatar

reading Cloud Posse docs did this in the helmfile: - name: {{ env "CUSTOM_NAME" | default "theogname" }}

michal.matyjek avatar

CUSTOM_NAME=notTheOneInHelmfile helmfile -f helmfile.yaml sync

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Ya, I think an environment variable will be your best bet.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

That’s assuming the requirement is to pass it on the command line vs using an environment file - in which case you can reference settings from that.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

What’s your business use-case that you want to solve?

michal.matyjek avatar

there was a chart using {{ Release.Name }} for some template fields that had to be unique between different deployments - so felt like easiest was to change at source, rather than to have to chase all the places it showed up

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Ya, makes sense


Andreas Lindhé avatar
Andreas Lindhé

Is it possible to have helmfile label namespaces for me, or can it only put labels on Helm releases?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

helmfile can use hooks that call kubectl and label namespaces. So I would use this if you’re already using helmfile in a big way, but if you want to just use helmfile for this use-case, then it’s a bit of a roundabout way of doing it.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

additionally, you can have helmfile create the namespaces using the raw chart with the appropriate labels, but that assumes you want to use helmfile for that.

Graeme Gillies avatar
Graeme Gillies

How would one go about creating hierarchical environments in helmfile? Lots of use of yaml anchors?

mumoshu avatar

maybe leverage go template’s {{ define }} and {{ template }}, or use {{ readFile "my.env.tmpl" | tpl (dict "some" "param") }} to dynamically generate your env?


Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Has anyone else had issues with repositories not being updated? helmfile seems to be completely ignoring the repositories block in my yaml?

mumoshu avatar

which version of helmfile are you using?

it has been skipping repositories update when there were no “releases” defined in the same helmfile.yaml

and i fixed it in a very recent version of helmfile

Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Im using the latest, 0.125 but regardless of what I do or if i use subfiles I can’t get any of it working. I was originally using just one big helmfile with 1 environment listed.

mumoshu avatar

so are you basically saying that helmfile ignores repositories in sub-helmfiles only?

jason800 avatar

Hey All, I’m having some really weird issues about context deadline exceeded from helmfile reaching my clusters. The issue does not happen if i manually query the cluster or use helm directly. Has anyone else ever seen this ?

jason800 avatar

the helm timeout on the CLI helmfile is generating us set to 600s, which its timing out WAY before that.

jason800 avatar
  W0731 11:48:08.996622   14631 transport.go:260] Unable to cancel request for *exec.roundTripper
  Error: Kubernetes cluster unreachable: Get <https://x.x.x.x:6443/version?timeout=32s>: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  helm.go:84: [debug] Get <>: context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
  Kubernetes cluster unreachable
jason800 avatar

but again, this only happens when executing via helmfile

mumoshu avatar

@jason800 This is interesting. I thought Helmfile doesn’t do much fancy things that can result in such problems

mumoshu avatar

Do you see any suspicious flags passed to helm if you run helmfile with --debug, like helmfile --debug lint?

mumoshu avatar

If you have huge amounts of releases and helmfiles managed, can it be due to resource shortage on the machine helmfile is running?

if so im wondering if setting concurrency to a lower value(e.g. 1) makes the timing out issue disappear, at least

mumoshu avatar

from which timing did you start to see this issue? since e.g. upgrading helmfile/helm to a specific version, changed kubeconfig path, kubecontext name, etc

mumoshu avatar

does the issue always occur, or only somtimes?

jason800 avatar

Hey! You were exactly right! We ended up figuring out we were DoSing ourselves. Set the concurrency to 5 and everything worked great

mumoshu avatar


jason800 avatar

Another thing is we just went back and did a huge refactor across our repo to make massive use of templating since we deploy to many clusters across many regions and such. The performance of linting has degraded to point of not being able to run it in any meaningful way

mumoshu avatar

helmfile lint is running helm lint sequentially today.

do you think enhancing helmfile to allow configuring concurrency would help?

mumoshu avatar

honestly i havent done any “scale” testing for helmfile as i dont have such a large dataset for etsting

mumoshu avatar

but i can definitely try to optimize helmfile in any way if you could help

jason800 avatar

So first, thank you so much for the prompt response. The majority of the delay ended up being on our end with exec and hooks

jason800 avatar

We were able to optimize and significantly reduce lint and template time.

mumoshu avatar


jason800 avatar

However one thing that did come out of the refactor was that when templating , kubecontext is not accurately being taken into account when considering a releases uniqueness ( in terms of whether or errors for duplicate release names)

jason800 avatar

Wrt the recent patch that enabled kubecontext in that regard

mumoshu avatar


mumoshu avatar

yeah i think we never included kubecontext into the consideration when calculating the unique id of a helmfile release

mumoshu avatar

so you had to tweak release names a bit depending on kubecontext?

mumoshu avatar

basically it only tillerNamespace, namespace, and name of the release today

mumoshu avatar

did the error you’d seen look like duplicate release "RELEASE" found in "NS": there were NUM releases named "RELEASE" matching specified selector?

jason800 avatar

Yes we are iterating over cloud regions and then multiple k8s clusters within those regions. We were using a ton of environmental/region specific files with hard coded values to do this but refactored into heavy use of go template

jason800 avatar

So we use the region and cluster info in the release name to make it unique

mumoshu avatar

Thanks! That makes sense. You seem like already managed it, but for future use I’ve made this fix:


Fix false-positive duplicate release with kubeContext by mumoshu · Pull Request #1390 · roboll/helmfile

Helmfile has been incorrectly showing releases with the same name but in different kubeContexts as duplicates. This fixes that.

mumoshu avatar

I’ll merge it if it makes sense to you too

jason800 avatar

basically it only tillerNamespace, namespace, and name of the release today. Wasn’t this changed in a recent patch? To include kubecontext?

jason800 avatar

Or you’re just saying it’s not working

mumoshu avatar

AFAIK, no. Did you see any specific issue/pr related to it?

jason800 avatar

It would appear that I confused https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/1312

Fix kubeContext per release override by voron · Pull Request #1312 · roboll/helmfile

This PR allows per-release kubeContext to override kubeContext from helmDefaults by moving helmDefaults&#39;s context to the first helm arg and lowering it&#39;s priority ( last –kube-context wins…

mumoshu avatar

Gotcha. This was to fix the issue about wrong kubeContext being used in certain cases

jason800 avatar

Yup I see that now. Thank you. I reviewed the pr you linked and approved. Looks great to me

mumoshu avatar

Thanks for reviewing! Merged.

mumoshu avatar

@jason800 Have you ever encountered this while using kubeContext w/ recent versions of Helmfile?


KubeContext isn't working for Helmfle v0.119.1 · Issue #1333 · roboll/helmfile

I upgraded from Helmfile v0.118.5 to v0.119.1, and helmfile is no longer picking up on my kubeContext. It says that is doesn&#39;t exist but it works fine in and works fine with Helm, and …

jason800 avatar

No. We use kubecontext on every release and we template it. Never had any issues

mumoshu avatar

Got it. Thanks for your support!

mumoshu avatar

anyone has objection on renaming --state-values-file to --prepend-values and adding --append-values? https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1348

helmfile values override via CLI not working / undocumented · Issue #1348 · roboll/helmfile

When trying to enable/disable releases via the environment clause in helmfile I came about the issue that overriding those values via CLI seems to be impossible. The apparent merge behaviour seems …
