#helmfile (2021-03)


Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/


Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

hello all, is there a way to give failover docker & helm repository in case the 1st give error 5xx or not accessible ?

Lukasz K avatar
Lukasz K

hey gang, I’m using vals to retrieve secrets from aws secrets manager. This is may config {{ .Values.awsSecret | expandSecretRefs | toYaml | nindent 2 }} Now, the problem: one of the value on the secret starts with # which is then treated as a comment in yaml. any idea how to wrap values with "" or something?

Lukasz K avatar
Lukasz K

something like piping trhough | quote would be ideal

Lukasz K avatar
Lukasz K

it turns out that I was missing | quote in the k8s secret definition, boom, solved

Marcus Ramberg avatar
Marcus Ramberg

Anyone had success using helmfile secrets with aws sso? Getting a ‘deprecated’ message

 NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.
tomv avatar

do you have a valid aws profile? i.e. does aws sts get-caller-identity return properly?

Marcus Ramberg avatar
Marcus Ramberg


Marcus Ramberg avatar
Marcus Ramberg

terraform was recently updated to support sso, so it works with terraform, aws, kubectl. But not helmfile vals refs

Justin Seiser avatar
Justin Seiser

@Marcus Ramberg i think the issue is with sops

Justin Seiser avatar
Justin Seiser

Simple and flexible tool for managing secrets. Contribute to mozilla/sops development by creating an account on GitHub.

Justin Seiser avatar
Justin Seiser

i know, it used to be a problem for us, and users had to start exporting variables before they could do it

Justin Seiser avatar
Justin Seiser

in AWS SSO, if you go to `command line or programmatic access”. – it gives you a copy/paste of the access/secret and token

Justin Seiser avatar
Justin Seiser

if you export those, you can use sops/helm-secret

Marcus Ramberg avatar
Marcus Ramberg

@Justin Seiser I think you’re right. we’re using vals (ref+ urls) and not sops, but probably same workaround.





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Rene Hernandez avatar
Rene Hernandez

Hi everyone. have anyone here has had success integrating helmfile with the helm unittest plugin? https://github.com/lrills/helm-unittest


BDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin. - lrills/helm-unittest


z0rc3r avatar

I’m installing certain chart from external repo via helmfile. This chart has post-upgrade hook, and I want to run this hook on first install too (job that applies migrations in db). Is this doable in helmfile? Also what would be general recommendation to manually run hook specific job from chart?

Ievgenii Shepeliuk avatar
Ievgenii Shepeliuk

Just thinking aloud but maybe

$ helm upgrade --install ....

could solve this.

half serious / half joke

mumoshu avatar

Have you considered postsync hook?



Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

mumoshu avatar

Perhaps we’d better add postinstall hooks to helmfile?

z0rc3r avatar

@mumoshu Hmm, how to “connect/call” helm chart’s post-upgrade hook with hooks defined in helmfile?

The more I look into this, the more I think that helmfile shouldn’t bother solving this one time operation. I extracted job from helmfile template and manually applied it with kubectl.



Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

I’m wondering if some mechanisms exist to prevent privateKey: <ref+gcpsecrets://blablabla> from failing during helmfile template when I don’t have this secret created yet.

mumoshu avatar

Probably it might be a bug if it doesn’t fail in such case

mumoshu avatar

Do you have any github issue related to it?

mumoshu avatar
Handle vals failures if a reference is unavailable · Issue #1728 · roboll/helmfile

Say I have the following reference: privateKey: <ref+gcpsecrets://blablabla> By default, if a referenced value is not presented helmfile template or helmfile apply will fail. However sometimes it'…

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Probably it might be a bug if it doesn’t fail in such case
Actually it’s the opposite - I don’t want it to fail, because I know that the referenced object is not there yet:)

mumoshu avatar

ah gotcha! that’s definitely not implemented. would be my next good exercise with https://github.com/variantdev/vals


Helm-like configuration values loader with support for various sources - variantdev/vals





Loukas Agorgianitis avatar
Loukas Agorgianitis


Loukas Agorgianitis avatar
Loukas Agorgianitis

Quick question, does helmfile somehow support to set a values file for all environments using a template? I wanted something like this globally applied:

  - .env.{{ .Environment.Name }}.yaml
bradym avatar

One way to do that is using a template in your helmfile:

  default: &default
      - .env.{{ .Environment.Name }}.yaml

Then in your releases:

  - name: your_app
    version: 1.0
    <<: *default
Loukas Agorgianitis avatar
Loukas Agorgianitis

I imagined that this could be the solution

bradym avatar

Not claiming this is the best way, but it works for me.

bradym avatar

You might also be able to do this in your helmfile:

  - .env.{{ .Environment.Name }}.yaml
bradym avatar

Which is what you originally suggested.

bradym avatar

It may actually work, though. I’ve got a section like that where I’m setting individual values.

bradym avatar

Never tried it myself, so not sure.

Loukas Agorgianitis avatar
Loukas Agorgianitis

Well its not documented (or I’m not seeing it)

bradym avatar

Yeah, there are some definite holes in the documentation

bradym avatar

I think someone in here told me that you could do that with values

andrea.pavan avatar

I can confirm it works. Used many times



Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

if I install a chart like this

- name: chart-name
  namespace: default
  chart: repo/chart-name
  version: 2.5.4
  wait: true

How could I add an additional yaml like secretfile to the installation ?

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

you can add a

  - secrets_file.yaml
gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

ot is ok secret was an example. it can be any type of resources.

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

maybe you can use the helmfiles: feature for nested states?

  - path: ..
Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

currently I solved it with a “custom” chart. that contains all yamls I need. but I will check that feature. thanks

andrea.pavan avatar

You can create a “chart from a folder” and declare as a dependency. Used this approach in the past but had some issue with latest versions. There are some issue opened regarding how to create resources from scratch

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

@andrea.pavan how do you declare a chart as dependency?

andrea.pavan avatar
  - name: prometheus-stack-addons
    namespace: monitoring
      chart: prometheus-stack-addons
      repo: local
      component: monitoring-addons
      namespace: monitoring
    chart: ./prometheus-stack-addons
    version: "0.4.0"
      - chart: incubator/raw
    wait: true
    installed: true
    atomic: true
      - "./prometheus-stack-addons-raw/raw_{{ .Environment.Name }}.yml"

this was an example I used to create brand new resources from simple yaml manifests The trick was declaring incubator/raw as a dependencies (attention that stable and incubator are now both deprecated). I used this in my previous job.

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

great, this dependencies should work with local charts as well, right?

andrea.pavan avatar

I think so. Have a look at https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1547. I think it can help you to find the proper syntax

Add a way to disable dependency up when using helm-x · Issue #1547 · roboll/helmfile

Hi. When trying to use helm-x features on third party charts like linkerd, the process fails because of missing directories being referenced as dependency on the chart. I know this sounds like a &q…

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

ok thanks!

BTW declaring it as:

 - chart: file://..path

throw a panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1 error.

If declared as

 - name: some_name
   repository: file://..path

as in the linked issue, it does not recognise those name and repository fields: field name not found in type state.Dependency

mumoshu avatar

@gonzalez.mariano.gabr I have never tried file://..path so it might be not supported. Could you submit a github issue for that? (A tiny example for reproduction would be very much appreciated

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

@mumoshu it works by placing this dependencies directive in Charts.yaml (within the chart’s directory) instead of declaring it as part of the release. Not sure if that is the expected behaviour, but let me know if this is actually an issue or me just trying to do something not supported please

mumoshu avatar

@gonzalez.mariano.gabr Thanks! I might say it’s a bug in helmfile. If that works in Chart.yaml, it should ideally work in releases.[].dependencies within helmfile.yaml, too

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

yeah. if I declare it it works, but as @mumoshu mentioned it would be awesome if it could work from helmfile,yaml too. should I create bug ticket about it ?

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

cool thank you for the clarification, will open an issue and let you know

mumoshu avatar

I’d appreciate it if you could create one!

mumoshu avatar


gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar
Local dependencies not working in release definition · Issue #1762 · roboll/helmfile

Hi all. I am facing an issue with local dependencies declaration part of a release, as follows: releases: - name: foo_rel namespace: foo_ns chart: foo_example dependencies: - name: dep_chart reposi…

mumoshu avatar

@gonzalez.mariano.gabr Thanks! In this thread, I thought you’ve also mentioned

 - chart: file://..path

Is it supposed to work in Helm’s Chart.yaml? If so, I believe it should also be addressed in the issue

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

thank you guys.

gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

@mumoshu well, actually I just tried chart: file://../path in Chart.yaml and it doesn’t work there either (it complains about no repository being declared..which makes sense), so maybe that is not something supported.

mumoshu avatar

Gotcha! I’ll focus on repository thing then. Thanks for your confirmation



Nenad Strainovic avatar
Nenad Strainovic

Hi everyone. I’m trying to use https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/blob/master/docs/advanced-features.md but I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong as I cannot see any kustomize calls when I try to replace container registry before deployment. Any hint please? Thanks


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Nenad Strainovic avatar
Nenad Strainovic
Kustomize · Issue #1739 · roboll/helmfile

Hi, I&#39;m trying to apply kustomize to modify the registry of container images based on examples from https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/blob/master/docs/advanced-features.md page. What I did: in…

mumoshu avatar

@Nenad Strainovic Hey! I’ve just added another reply there

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

if I have the following folder structures charts config environments helmfile.d

• 00-foo.yaml where 00-foo.yaml contains the releases

  - ../repositories.yaml
  - ../environments.yaml

{{ readFile "../templates.yaml" }}

  - ../environments/example.yaml

- name: bar
  namespace: default
  chart: charthub/bar
  version: 1.0.0
  <<: *default

and templates.yaml contains the following

  default: &default
    missingFileHandler: Debug
      - ../config/{{ .Release.Name }}/values.yaml
      - ../config/{{ .Release.Name }}/values.yaml.gotmpl
      - ../config/{{ .Release.Name }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}.yaml
      - ../config/{{ .Release.Name }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}.yaml.gotmpl

can I somehow move the strategicmergepatches to a new folder like I did with values? ( I create a file under config/bar/values.yaml). so I don’t need to mess up my 00-foo.yaml file

Sam Buckingham avatar
Sam Buckingham

Is anyone facing issues with roboll.io DNS?

12:43:43    Error: looks like "<http://roboll.io/charts>" is not a valid chart repository or cannot be reached: Get <http://roboll.io/charts/index.yaml>: dial tcp: lookup roboll.io on no such host
walicolc avatar

Yes its fu_ked

mumoshu avatar

Oh well what was in [roboll.io](http://roboll.io)? I’ve never realized it was there

rms1000watt avatar

How would you base64 encode an ssm reference in helmfile?

var: <ref+awsssm://path/to/var>

Like, what is the order of rendering? Would I be able to pipe into b64enc ?

Sungho Spark avatar
Sungho Spark

Sounds like there’s a conscious decision made against supporting template functions with this. https://github.com/variantdev/vals#non-goals Gonna just do base64 encoding in helm chart it self.


Helm-like configuration values loader with support for various sources - variantdev/vals

rms1000watt avatar

our lord and savior @Cameron Boulton pointed out this solution

{{ .Values.secrets.var123 | fetchSecretValue }}
mumoshu avatar

Yeah the original design decision in vals was to not support templating but so many people asked for it in helmfile, and even a contributor submited a PR to add fetchSecretValue

so it’s there



gonzalez.mariano.gabr avatar

hi guys, i’m trying to add a k8s secret definition template as .yaml using the helmfiles directive as described in https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/tree/v0.138.7 . But i’m facing this error when running diff (or template)

parsing: template: stringTemplate:5: function "include" not defined

i’ve included an {{ include "valueX"}} in it and that is what the error refers to, so: is that the correct way of pointing using helmfiles directive? directly to a yaml file? or is it done similarly to a dependency directive in helmsman for example which points to a whole chart directory (with /templates and Chart.yaml included)?


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

mumoshu avatar

hey! include isn’t supported in helmfile but you could intead if readFile and tpl


Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.
