#helmfile (2021-07)
Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/
Hello! I’m wondering how do you develop/test things locally with Helmfile? I’m looking for some kind of seamless (automated) process of having the feedback loop on dev environment, wether it be triggered by some change of the code or helm chart or Helmfile. Similar to what one can do with the skaffold.
I’ve opened an issue in Helmfile - https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1903 to discuss this. Thank you for sharing!
I guess one of the greatest features of the Helmfile is the reusability of the deployment logic across local/ci/prod environments, and it seems there are tons of choices of how one can use Helmfile…
Hi folks! I’m trying to loop over same release but every iteration needs a different set of values per release iteration.
The helmfile looks like this:
{{ range $i, $releases := until .Values.RELEASE_COUNTER }}
{{ $chartNumber := add1 $releases | toString }}
- name: release-number-{{ $chartNumber }}
<<: *default
app: '{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}'
chart: some-chart
tier: core
{{- end }}
What is the best way to achieve that with helmfile ? https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1906
Hi! I'm trying to loop over same release but every iteration needs a different set of values per release iteration. The helmfile looks like this: releases: {{ range $i, $releases := until .Valu…
Hi all
the project readme shows passCredentials
parameter for OCI repos
But when using it I received an error
in ./helmfile.yaml: failed to read helmfile.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 7: field passCredentials not found in type state.RepositorySpec
helmfile version
$ helmfile version
helmfile version v0.139.9
Could you show how you’re using the parameter?
- name: ghcr
url: ghcr.io/.....
username: ...
password: ...
oci: true
passCredentials: true
Taken from https://github.com/roboll/helmfile
Is there any way to patch output of a helm chart in a helmfile?
Without helmfile
, I would do something like this:
helm template ... | linkerd inject | kubectl apply -f -
So I am wondering how I could do the equivalent in helmfile? Make post hook with some patch.json or linkerd inject?
Answer to this: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/673
This enhances helmfile so that it can: Treat K8s manifests directories and Kustomize projects as charts Add adhoc chart dependencies on sync/diff/template without forking or modifying chart(s) (#6…
Is it possible to inline replacement, trying to do equivalent of --set-file
without the set-file.
- name: linkerd
namespace: linkerd
chart: linkerd/linkerd2
version: 2.10.2
- identityTrustAnchorsPEM: {{ readFile "certs/ca.crt" }}
I thought I would get this in-place, but then I think it is causing maybe an indentation problem. I am not sure.
I get this error
in ./helmfile.yaml: failed to read helmfile.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: line 13: could not find expected ':'
I am digging through this: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/227
I tried using this
foo: |
{{ readFile "path/to/file" | indent 2 }}
But as it is a multi-line file, I need the whole block to be idented.
Hi, I have the following folder structure for openldap: in common.yaml.gotmpl I have the following lines: customLdifFiles: init.ldif: | {{ readFile "../files/ldif/init.ldif" }} Content of… |
I wrote this one up: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1911
When using a values list item, readFile + indent is only indenting the first line. Steps to Reproduce helmfile –debug template repositories: - name: linkerd url: https://helm.linkerd.io/stable rel…
Is it possible to reference the {{ .Release.Namespace }}
in the helmfile.yaml
I was following docs from https://github.com/roboll/helmfile#labels-overview, where there’s an example of {{ .Release.Name }}
, but I get this:
err: error during helmfile.yaml.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate:7:30: executing "stringTemplate" at <.Release.Name>: can't evaluate field Release in type state.EnvironmentTemplateData
in ./helmfile.yaml: error during helmfile.yaml.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate:7:30: executing "stringTemplate" at <.Release.Name>: can't evaluate field Release in type state.EnvironmentTemplateData
I wrote this up, I cannot figure it out from the docs. https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/issues/1914
In following documentation regarding .Release.Name in the helmfile.yaml, I found that I could not get this to resolve correctly. Based on the documentation, using either {{ .Release.Name }} or {{`{…
After finding a more COMPLETE example online (ref. https://www.arthurkoziel.com/managing-helm-charts-with-helmfile/), I found few things that I was doing wrong, in case anyone interested in this:
• can reference {{
{{ .Release.Name }}}}
in templates.default
values, but not values passed to the helm chart.
• cannot seem to use {{ .Release.Name }}
in helmfile under releases:
I eventually settled on:
- name: linkerd
url: <https://helm.linkerd.io/stable>
default: &default
chart: linkerd/{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}
missingFileHandler: Warn
- ./values/{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}.yaml.gotmpl
- installNamespace: false
- name: linkerd2
namespace: linkerd
<<: *default
- name: linkerd-viz
namespace: linkerd-viz
<<: *default
- name: linkerd-jaeger
namespace: linkerd-jaeger
<<: *default
I wish that I could use if blocks around the .Release.Name
, but as these are rendered later, that is not possible. I wish I could also reference the .Release.Name
in the helm chart values themselves, as that would be useful.
How many of you received any help from this chat
SweetOps Slack archive of #helmfile for July, 2021.
A lot. Just a lot also falls on one mans shoulders :-)
On my helmfile templates exploration, I wish I could use the .Release.Name
, to branch, like if you are this chart, do this thingy. The best that can be done is to put the chart specific changes values file that is fetched using .Release.Name
as part of the file name. There will undoubtedly be redundancy. In looking at github issues, it would look like that to change this current behavior would require some major refactoring, especially as .Release.Name is determine later in the process.
In the case of my linkerd use case, then extensions are all consistent, and because linkerd is more unique and requires deploying CRD plus other components that take a few minutes to come up, I may have these as separate stages, maybe through environments, and let the operator determine when to install the extensions. The other problem is that there might be some rate limit to access docker images from Azure (some anti-competitiveness), but cannot prove 100%, just noticing behavior from Azure to where Linkerd stores their images (AWS) with CrashBackOffs.
Hi folks, how are you? I’m new with helm and I want to know if helmfile can help me to deploy Application and Database at the same time. I want to deploy Database only If some flag is true inside my values(eg: mongo.enabled.true )… Someone here have experience doing it ? Or do you recommend another idea? Thanks a lot!
Hi all I’m trying to reconcile what the difference between these two (inline vs file) could be (v0.139.9):
I am able to do this, the value with the “env” gets picked up with FOO=bar helmfile -e myenv diff
- foo: {{ env "FOO" }}
However, it seems referencing the same “env” in a values file does not work. Getting an error
in helmfile.d/environments.yaml: failed to read environments.yaml: failed to load environment values file "values/myenv.yaml": yaml: invalid map key: map[interface {}]interface {}{"env \"FOO\"":interface {}(nil)}
- values/myenv.yaml
foo: {{ env "FOO" }}
Not sure if this is also supposed to work or not
Is there a sensible way install CRDs from urls prior to installing chart that depends on CRDs availability via just helmfile? For example this chart requires CRDs to be installed via kubectl https://github.com/piraeusdatastore/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/snapshot-validation-webhook
Collection of useful charts for Piraeus and similar projects - piraeusdatastore/helm-charts
- Put CRD to your helmfile repo
- add a new release containing those CRD
- make your main chart depend (via
on that new release)
Collection of useful charts for Piraeus and similar projects - piraeusdatastore/helm-charts
Ideally I’d like not to keep CRDs in my repo, hence the OP statement install CRDs from urls
OP is an original post ?
you may write a shell script that call kubectl -f URL
and call it from of of your templates / values gotmpl / helmfile
hmm, interesting, I need to look whether I can template it in a way where helm-diff
would work as expected
just be sure you’re downloading / applying a fixed (aka pinned) version of remote CRD, not the latest ones
For the templating and helm diff
feature I may suggest following
- add your URL as a values
- create a template that will iterate over those values, download particular URL and outputs it
- so when rendering a chart - you be able to see downloaded CRD, thus helm diff may detect and show changes
here is my current solution that does crd’s installation via raw chart and templates with exec. it isn’t pretty, but works rather ok
- name: external-snapshotter-crds
namespace: kube-system
chart: incubator/raw
version: 0.2.4
# trimPrefix-indent-trim pipes do proper allignment of CRD within values
- resources:
- {{ exec "curl" (list "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/v4.1.1/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshotclasses.yaml>") | trimPrefix "\n---\n" | indent 6 | trim }}
- {{ exec "curl" (list "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/v4.1.1/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshots.yaml>") | trimPrefix "\n---\n" | indent 6 | trim }}
- {{ exec "curl" (list "<https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes-csi/external-snapshotter/v4.1.1/client/config/crd/snapshot.storage.k8s.io_volumesnapshotcontents.yaml>") | trimPrefix "\n---\n" | indent 6 | trim }}
@z0rc3r and where resources
are used ? In some template ? or elsewhere ?
it’s “feature” of incubator/raw chart. resources
is a list of plain kube manifests that can be anything valid in kubectl terms
ahh, ok ok
So, congrats
(on the side note: i wish raw
was helmfile’s built-in feature, or at least maintained, as incubator repo is readonly and deprecated)
So, congrats
Hello all, helmfile is really a great tool. However, there is a use-case that I have all the time and wondered if my cumbersome way is the right one.
I have to add for example istio virtualService and Gateway templates to several charts. Optimal would be a way where I can add templates. Currently I solve the problem by creating a new chart that contains these templates but this is not very good because I can’t reuse values from the original chart and also not the helper.tpl….
Is there any smarter way?
Probably a monochart approach is the way to go. You can put everything you might need in a single chart and then enable or disable a certain functionality (for example virtualService) via flags.
We are doing something similar having a base/common chart with templates of all objects we might need and then for microservices we create “real” charts which have this common chart as a dependency.
The “Cloud Posse” Distribution of Kubernetes Applications - charts/incubator/monochart at master · cloudposse/charts
Hi thank you very much! This is definitely a good approach for inhouse charts! I forgot in my question the main aspect for my question. I have remote charts as source! So for example I am using pgadmin helm chart and need to add to it a virtualService…
Try incubator/raw chart. It allows to create CRs via raw chart values, maybe it would work for you
You might find some of the kustomize features of helmfile useful as well
Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.
thank you very much!
Hello together,
I have several helmfiles which I want to bundle. So far I do this via helmfiles:
in another helmfile.
However I then lose the parallel processing of releases. Is there a way to wrap helmfiles and still specify that some of the subhelmfiles can run in parallel?
the only option I’m aware of is to use single helmfile with some other sort of including, like {{- tpl (readFile "../common/templates.yaml") . | nindent 0 }}
Wow :tada: Awesome you saved my day! I tried before with readFile "../common/templates.yaml"
but this was rendered as last. tpl
did the trick Definitely something for the docs.
@voron but how to you overcome this problem?
line 5: field releases already set in type state.HelmState
line 28: field releases already set in type state.HelmState
line 68: field releases already set in type state.HelmState
we don’t overcome this. It should be single helmfile, we cannot include helmfile.yaml
into helmfile.yaml
Some gotmpl magic may be useful to build single helmfile, f. e. https://github.com/dysnix/helmfiles/blob/master/releases/cert-manager/helmfile.yaml but it’s not a helmfiles:
Dysnix Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes. Contribute to dysnix/helmfiles development by creating an account on GitHub.
Hello everyone, Is it possible to construct helmfile
dynamically from a yaml config file or some other format? I wanted have a service specific config file where I can define all my dependencies and then on run time it constructs a helmfile
Don’t think I got you right. However, we are kinda creating some of our helmfiles dynamically using, for example, range
{{- range $instance, $map := .Values.instances }}
It reads environment values and construct some parts out of it.
Thanks for your response @Andrew Nazarov . I have common repo which performs some action on all services. I want this common repo to have config file which construct helmfile and deploy on kube clusters
or can we pass a git repo file address as chart value in helmfile
Guys? I am trying to recreate map from values to CR, but getting null instead, any idea? Thanks
- applications:
- name: test-app
project: test-project
repoURL: <https://git.example.com/foo/bar>
targetRevision: HEAD
path: john/doe
server: <https://example.com>
namespace: argocd
- name: incubator
url: <https://charts.helm.sh/incubator>
- name: argocd-applications
namespace: argocd
createNamespace: true
chart: incubator/raw
version: 0.2.3
- resources:
{{- range $pIndex, $application := .Values.applications }}
- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: {{ $application.name }}
namespace: argocd
- resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io
{{- toYaml $application.spec | nindent 6 }}
{{- end }}
hello everyone, can we’ve helmfile
defined in some-other repo ? which point to chart that reside in some other github repo
use git sub-module to add external helmfiles
use chart repos, maybe helm-git, to point to chart in another git repo
thanks @voron
@voron: can you point me any example where we using / pointing to remote charts using helm-git
in helmfile ?
ok got it
# helm-git powered repository: You can treat any Git repository as a charts repository
- name: polaris
url: git+<https://github.com/reactiveops/polaris@deploy/helm?ref=master>
you may hit issues w/ helm-git and large charts repos, thus use it with small repos only.
ok.. my usecase is to just pass helm charts for a Service and it’s dependency in a different repo where i’m constructing helmfile dynamically
Hello, is there any way to include encoded secret.yaml inside helfile via gitlab url raw file? I’ve tried using url: as well ref+sops wo any result
is git submodule suitable for you ? Not a helmfile-specific way, but …
I would prefer to avoid such tricks but i need it asap so @voron Could you send any examples?
hello All, can we create a template / yaml file with app configurations and create helmfile dynamically using this template config file?