#helmfile (2021-12)
Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/

Hi, I am new to this channel and have a quick questions: Can the environment values be passed to my helm charts?

I’m pretty new too so maybe someone will come along and have better answers for you. Values from the environments
section can be passed to the release and OS env values can be used in template as well. I’ve had a hard time getting values from environments
into inline values but works like expected for *.yaml.gotmpl files

It’s more or less well-defined in docs: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile#environment-values
If it’s not what you want, please elaborate:)
Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hi , I am new in helmfile . is it possible to do inherit from helmfile ? meaning that I have 1 helmfile with values and I want second helmfile to get all the data from the first one and to add some data like hooks and info

Yes, you can see the bases
section near the bottom of https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/tree/v0.142.0#configuration
Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

you an also see examples of yaml anchors in https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/tree/v0.142.0#labels-overview
Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

it is a different way without the base option ?

so if I got it I have 2 yaml parent and child in the child I will add to the base the parent and than I need to add all the structures to add values meaning in the child I need to add release: parentA - name:A values newy

yes, two different ways though they could be used together. from what i understand bases
doesn’t support any kind of merging of the files so some cases will require using yaml anchors.

it’s not clear to me what you’re trying to do but I only started reading the docs a bunch last night. maybe if you had some actual examples or some kind of picture it would be more clear to me.

yes I will add now

- name: controller
version: "1.0.0"
- image:
repository: controller-repo
tag: {{ .Values.tag }}
pullPolicy: Never
- name: controller2
version: "2.0.0"
- image:
repository: controller-repo2
tag: {{ .Values.tag2 }}
pullPolicy: Never

this is the parent

now I want to create new file that will get all the values of the first yaml and will add those one

- events: [ "postsync" ]
showlogs: true
command: "bash"
args: [ "myFile"]

so if I understood you right I need to so something like this

- parent.yaml
- name: controller
x: y
- events: [ "postsync" ]
showlogs: true
command: "bash"
args: [ "myFile"]

I hope it is clear

The idea it to have super yaml and than to create another yaml that use all the data/values from the super yaml and add his modification in the values/hooks section

I think you’d want to use something like https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/tree/v0.142.0#labels-overview

which one do you want to be the “super” yaml file?

well, either way, the “super” yaml would be your template

yaml anchors are part of the yaml spec, not just a helmfile thing

It looks like this page has a friendly introduction to it but you might want to look around some more
Take advantage of YAML and Docker Compose features to reduce repetition.

This one also looks pretty good https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/yaml_optimization.html
Documentation for GitLab Community Edition, GitLab Enterprise Edition, Omnibus GitLab, and GitLab Runner.

neither of them are talking about helmfile specifically but the way anchors are used are kind of the same

I will try , thanks

Hi All I am trying to do simple helm config using helmfile but no success.
as mention here (overriding-values-from-a-parent-chart) I would like to provide one parent configuration and override release value.
this is a release configmap charts/microservice-a/templates/configmap.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
labels: {{- include "microservice-a.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
name: {{ include "microservice-a.fullname" . }}-config
namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
MODEL.EN: {{ .Values.model.en }}
this is my helmfile.yaml
- name: microservice-a
chart: ../charts/microservice-a
- "../charts/microservice-a/values.yaml"
- "./environments/{{ .Environment.Name }}/values.yaml"
and this is my environments/default/values.yaml
en: "model-en-1.0.mdl"
I found that the {{ .Values.model.en }}
in the configmap can not be reslove.
What am I doing wrong ?
Interacting with a subchart’s and global values.

Greetings! For a long running hook command (like watching a canary progress) is it possible to stream logs in some way? Currently it seems the logs are only output once the hook completes.

Hi, I would like to have some recommendations, since we want to integrate helmfile in our deployment process…
Our infrastructure has following details:
• we have many customers
• all customers have the same installed services (each customer get’s it’s own services, no sharing between customers)
• credentials are different for all customers
• we have seperate deployment process (we dont want to upgrade all customers at the same time)
• all customer-config data is seperated into seperate config files, like:
• -> config/customer1.yaml
• -> config/customer2.yaml
• -> config/customer3.yaml So I’m wondering, if we should use “Environment” with the customer name, to upgrade it.. or would you recommend another variable? And do you think it’s better to create multiple helmfiles for this process, or just one? Thank you!

I would recommend using Environment per customer and set the kubecontext there. For values per customer, I’d make it regex’able like
- ./{{`{{ .Release.Name }}`}}/{{`{{ .Environment.Name }}`}}.yaml.gotmpl
Where .Environment.Name
is your customers name or something

ok thank you!

hi folks! Thanks so much for creating helmfile - it is one of the most useful tools on the SRE team i’m on. QQ - any plans to start releasing a darwin arm64 (m1 mac) build?

Hi, how is this PR supposed to work? https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/1745
Related to #494 This feature is mostly a built-in alternative to incubator/raw chart without external dependency and has access to helmfile's own template functions and template data. The expec…

I’d like to be able to add more manifests/templates to a release
Related to #494 This feature is mostly a built-in alternative to incubator/raw chart without external dependency and has access to helmfile's own template functions and template data. The expec…

I’ve just come across this tool which seems to be an alternative to helmfile. https://github.com/helmwave/helmwave
Helmwave is like docker-compose for @helm. Contribute to helmwave/helmwave development by creating an account on GitHub.

Hmm. Look definitively nice, but have everything in helmfile already. Only real plus is multi environment at once

I don’t see alternative to helmfile’s needs