#helmfile (2023-07)
Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/

So far we’ve been using helmfile.lock in our workflow, but we’ve started using Renovate and adding versions to the helmfile.yaml - however this makes the for some problems in our workflow because the lock isn’t updated by renovate. Is there any reason we need the lockfiles at all when we pin the versions in the helmfile.yaml ?

please post an issue on the github repo.

an issue? I’m not reporting a bug.

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

We’ve been successfully using helmfile+renovate for years already without caring about lockfiles:)

Hi everybody, I wonder how can CRDS dependencies be managed with helmfile. For example in the same run I am deploying the prometheus op CRDs and the k8s cluster autoscaler (in which values I have a service monitor resource(crd)) . my pipeline make first a helmfile diff and this fail as expected, because that resource does not exist

Well, I’m not sure you have to use diff
in this case. Is it possible to you to use sync
instead? Deps can be handled by helmfile needs:

Autoscaler chart expects service monitor is present already, you cannot handle it with diff in the same run imho.

thank you very much I will try that!

Let’s imagine that you don’t have a helmfile - what would you do with helm
alone to get diff
with the missing autoscaler helm release?

# passes --disable-validation to helm 3 diff plugin, this requires diff plugin >= 3.1.2
# It is useful when any release contains custom resources for CRDs that is not yet installed onto the cluster.
# <https://github.com/roboll/helmfile/pull/1618>
disableValidationOnInstall: false

thank you guys, make a search in the docs but I didn’t find it

you are the best thank you

is there any way to avoid this control ?

I have helmfile.yaml.gotmpl with following simplified content:
- envType: prod
region: <ref+vault://secret/core/service/{{> .Values.envType }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}/s3#/region
- name: some-release
namespace: some-namespace
chart: some/chart
version: 5.0.0
- storage:
backend: s3
endpoint: s3.{{ .Values.region | fetchSecretValue }}.amazonaws.com
region: {{ .Values.region | fetchSecretValue }}
bucket_name: <ref+vault://secret/core/service/{{> .Values.envType }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}/s3#/storage
this works fine, but with with HELMFILE_V1MODE=true
produces in ./helmfile.yaml.gotmpl: error during helmfile.yaml.gotmpl.part.0 parsing: template: stringTemplate:6:54: executing "stringTemplate" at <.Values.envType>: map has no entry for key "envType"
. It seems v1 doesn’t allow to reuse env values in other env values. Is this right? What would be refactoring approach to keep things mostly dry?

In case anyone interested. With v1 mode I have to write environments with layers to resolve environment values within environment values like this:
- envType: prod
- region: <ref+vault://secret/core/service/{{> .Values.envType }}/{{ .Environment.Name }}/s3#/region
Which is just meh. Hopefully this will be fixed with https://github.com/helmfile/helmfile/pull/741
Refers to this discussion: #726
Allow inheriting values defined in previous values items.
There were some concerns about the risk of introducing a breaking change with this feature, that’s why we changed the field name in order top isolate this behaviour and avoid breaking changes.
Default behaviour stays the same with environment values but you can now use layeredValues
- values1.yaml
- values2.yaml.gotmpl <-- variables from values1.yaml are available in there
We added a dedicated test for EnvironmentValuesLoader.
I’m not sure about the instantiation of EnvironmentValuesLoader within desiredStateLoader. Tell me if I should do it another way.

Hi @z0rc3r Do you need help on this?

@Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) is cloud posse accountable for this project?

I though this channel is for general helmfile discussions

It is indeed, but I can chase internal resources if any community member needs help

Hello everybody, i am trying to apply a nested state implementation, I have read the docs and I think I am applying it well. this is my scheme: **** Remote repo: sre-tools-helm-centralized ├── helmfiles │ └── monitoring │ └── global │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack.yaml │ └── loki-stack.yaml └── values ├── kube-prometheus-stack │ └── global │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml.gotmpl │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack-grafana.yaml.gotmpl │ ├── kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.yaml.gotmpl ****** And I am working in this folder: 01_monitoring ├── helmfile.d │ └── helmfile-v3.yaml └── values └── kube-prometheus-stack └── kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml ********* this is helmfile-v3.yaml content: helmBinary: helm3 missingFileHandler: Error namespace: {{ requiredEnv “NAMESPACE” }} helmfiles:
- path: “git://[email protected]/sre-prod/sre-tools/sre-tools-helm-centralized@/helmfiles/monitoring/global/kube-prometheus-stack.yaml?ref=v1.1.1>”
- name=kube-prometheus-stack
- ../values/kube-prometheus-stack/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml **** this is global/kube-prometheus-stack.yaml: — helmBinary: helm3 namespace: monitoring
- name=kube-prometheus-stack
- name: prometheus-community url: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts releases:
- name: kube-prometheus-stack
chart: prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack
version: 41.7.3
- ../../../values/kube-prometheus-stack/global/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml
- ../../../values/kube-prometheus-stack/global/kube-prometheus-stack-alertmanager.yaml.gotmpl
- ../../../values/kube-prometheus-stack/global/kube-prometheus-stack-grafana.yaml.gotmpl
- ../../../values/kube-prometheus-stack/global/kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus.yaml.gotmpl ****** *I don’t understand why values file in “helmfiles:” section is not beeing applied?

any logs?

yes, let me run it again

in line 71 de file is being rendered

Hi there, may I open an issue? I am not totally sure if there is some kind of misuse from my side..

yeah. you can post a issue on the github repo.