#helmfile (2024-07)
Questions and discussion around helmfile https://github.com/roboll/helmfile and https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/helmfile/

Hello, I created article integrating ory product with my K8S cluster and istio using helmfile, I would appreciate your feedback https://hamzabouissi.github.io/posts/guardians_of_hell/

Introduction It’s been a nearly 3 months on my journey of learning kubernetes,…. One day I came across an architecture of AWS that includes AWS Cognito and ECS, if you have worked with AWS before, you would know that Cognito is a hosted authentication service which handles OAuth2/OIDC for you, To put it in a simpler way, it handles authentication and authorization to your AWS resources and provides different techniques to authenticate variying from Github, Google, etc.

Maybe include a link to the github project at the start somewhere as well as at the very end. Fun read either way. Vetting out the project first is something I do frequently, thanks for sharing your experiences with this stuff. The identity realm feels less frequently covered as well.

Introduction It’s been a nearly 3 months on my journey of learning kubernetes,…. One day I came across an architecture of AWS that includes AWS Cognito and ECS, if you have worked with AWS before, you would know that Cognito is a hosted authentication service which handles OAuth2/OIDC for you, To put it in a simpler way, it handles authentication and authorization to your AWS resources and provides different techniques to authenticate variying from Github, Google, etc.

you can find the github link at the end

thanks for your feedback

I’ve got a dependent chart with a helper file with:
{{- define "dep.environment" -}}
{{ (.Values.common | default (dict "envName" "DEFAULT")).envName }}
{{- end -}}
Which works super as long as .Values.common.envName
has a value. I can’t figure out a config that works when it doesn’t have a value. The default never kicks in.
Have tried dig
, and ((.Values.common).envName) | default "default")
and a few other methods. In fact the example with default I just listed works if I move it into the deploy directly instead of the dependent chart. So what format works properly in a dependent chart, if any?

Figured out it was user error. Test environment had tgz files that I didn’t take notice of. So all my testing was falling flat. Sigh @ me.

Hey I recently wrote this blog post on how painful it was to write a Helm Deployment and Kubernetes Objects using Go: https://theclouddude.co.uk/the-painful-journey-of-deploying-a-helm-chart-to-kubernetes-with-go

Here, I describe the pain of trying to deploy a helm chart to Kubernetes using Go.

Is there a way I can build a variable inside release scope before rendering it? Or create some kind of self-reference?

could you post a issue in github>

Hello, my Helmfile is version v0.144.0
and set-string:
should be available since v0.144.0
However, when I try to use it I get this error:
⨠ helmfile lint
in ./helmfile.yaml: failed to read helmfile.yaml: reading document at index 1: yaml: unmarshal errors:
line 23: field set-string not found in type state.ReleaseSpec
I must be doing something wrong, but not sure what

Here are the PRs related to this feature. It was merged a long time ago:

Is there a reason you’re not upgrading past that version?