#help (2022-03)
Where to get help about getting help!
Hello everyone, I am trying to use this to comment on a github PR https://github.com/cloudposse/github-commenter
Is there a way to use something else than just {{ . }}, I am a bit confused if I can create variables like {{ .Name }} {{ . status }} and if yes how
Command line utility for creating GitHub comments on Commits, Pull Request Reviews or Issues
hi, I’m playing around with atmos and after deploying a terraform component I expected the state file to be in my s3 bucket but I don’t see anything there and all state information is stored in the component directory. I’m doing this from within a container if that makes a difference. I’m using atmos version v1.3.30. I have
vars: {}
backend_type: s3 # s3, remote, vault, static, azurerm, etc.
bucket information here
role_arn: XXXX
as part of a global file in my stacks and the prod file references the global file. I’m feeling as though I’m missing a small configuration thing. I was wondering if someone could maybe point me in a direction?
Best to use atmos
sounds like you don’t have a backend.tf.json in your component directory and atmos probably isn’t generating it because the toggle may be set to false in atmos.yaml