#jobs (2019-01)
Please report companies engaging in hiring spam. They may be scams or phishing attacks. It’s against our Code of Conduct. Please report all incidents.
Job opportunities (hiring or looking)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/jobs/

@all I am an independent well rounded consultant - looking to my next gig. if you know of anything, or need details on what my strengths are, please reach out! And happy new year! Let’s get this year started properly!

@OScar has cut his teeth on the cloudposse/sweet ops stack. So he knows what we’re all about here.

I’m letting my current contract lapse (I’m not a fan of the commute to Downey and the role isn’t quite what I signed up for), would be happy to keep falling into the k8s rabbit hole: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonleibowitz

Sent you an invitation on LinkedIn, would love to chat about a role I have open.

thanks Max, I’ll pm you

set the channel topic: http://cloudposse.com/jobs

We’ve launched our Cloud Posse applicant tracking system today on Google Hire. Our preference is to always hire from within our awesome our community If you would like to work at Cloud Posse at some point in the future, then I encourage you to apply through Google Hire, so we can stay in touch with you as opportunities arise.
Please drop us your resume here: (links are at the bottom)

Interesting, I see Bulgaria on the list, I am wondering if you have an office there ?

(and I need to update that to include the UK)