#jobs (2020-07)
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Job opportunities (hiring or looking)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/jobs/

Hi all ! We are looking for part-time Terraform expert(s) to write some custom modules . Please DM me if you are interested

GitHub has introduced READMEs for profiles that allow to display profile views

Great way to post a resume

It supports asciidoc too for those rebels who prefer that. https://github.com/sheldonhull
It’s an adoc file (asciidoctor).
Senior Developer with background in Database & DevOps. I code. Software, Infrastructure-as-code, Compliance-as-code, … you name it - sheldonhull


speaking of writing (we werent, but somewhere else was) - if kubernetes fans are looking to pivot from the engineering side and switch to writing, I have it on good authority that hashi is trying to hire folks to write about k8s full time.

Still have info about this?

Anyone ever worked with mediatata and be willing to DM to chat?
One platform for Full Lifecycle management in Life Sciences, in the Age of Precision Medicine.


Hi all. If interested, we are looking for a few DevOps Engineers. The posting says Remote is an option if you are in 4 hours of Roanoke, VA. However, that is negotiable.


Not posted yet by DigitalOnUs to the job boards, but we are hiring a Senior DevOps Engineer/Architect (that codes) on the East Coast US (NY/NJ) work from home. Canada is also okay on the East Coast. You need to be able to code some Python, JS and/or Go clients/libs to be successful here. Focus is on DevSecOps and first long term project would be help a large media customer implement Cloud Native secrets management (AWS SSM, AWS Secrets Manager, Azure KeyVault, etc). They don’t want to use Hashicorp Vault. Lots of scale, teams, apps, legacy and new stuff where you’d be leading the project and implementing the solutions with the customer’s teams.
If you’ve lead/implemented large projects before, can stay organized under pressure, have a thorough understanding of the native secret management solutions across AWS and Azure, send me a DM if interested.
Life is DOU is great if you are a self starter, self managing, independent, earnest and humble. Compensation is competitive.

@roth.andy posted an interesting poll - an anonymous NPS (net promoter score) across our community

:bust_in_silhouette: This poll is anonymous. The identity of all responses will be hidden. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to recommend working at your company to a friend? :one: 1
:two: 2
:three: 3
:four: 4
:five: 5
:six: 6
:seven: 7
:eight: 8 1
:nine: 9
:keycap_ten: 10 1
Created by @roth.andy with /poll

click on the view message
link to vote