#jobs (2024-02)

alert Please report companies engaging in hiring spam. They may be scams or phishing attacks. It’s against our Code of Conduct. Please report all incidents.

Job opportunities (hiring or looking)

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/jobs/


bonfaceanami6 avatar

wave Hello, team! Am here as a chemical engineer if any chance is available conduct me


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Just deleted another post that looked like a scam (also pretending to be another web3 company, different name) using purely notion.so to represent the brand. Let me know if you notice anything shady.

Taras avatar

What are those fake companies trying to achieve? Just stealing private data of the engineers? Or something way worse?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Basically they are phishing engineers. In the other incident, they had victims install software for the interview (e.g. not zoom, but something your antivirus would flag!) Or, imaging the unlucky job seeker gets the “job”! They then submit their application and go through a fake background check, with social, home address, 7 years of work history, or other compromising information revealed. These days anything can be valuable to carry out further attacks. Beyond phishing, there are affiliate programs out there that compensate for installs. A scam can trick job seekers to install something before, during or after the interview.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Some job seekers may be employed, and any exploitation can be used against them with their current employer, for blackmail, extortion or even compromising their employer. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/job-phishing-social-engineering-scams-target-seekers-mcfarlane?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via

Job Phishing & Social Engineering Scams Target Job Seekersattachment image

In December 2022, many people in my network were laid off due to cutbacks. Already experiencing a difficult time in the middle of the worst inflation period and rising housing costs, people are waiting over a month for unemployment and compensation packages to be paid out due to holiday slowdowns.

Taras avatar

Got it. Thanks for the explanation. Sounds awful and really dangerous.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Thanks for the info, seems another round of social engineering on the way

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yes, exactly - it’s really a shame.


Eric Malloy avatar
Eric Malloy

Any US-Based Security Focused Engineers with GCP experience looking for contract work? DM Me



Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

After a year of contract work, my personal 2 cents to all Devops engineers, you should only consider contract work it is a lot of fun and you will learn a lot among different projects

Miguel Zenteno avatar
Miguel Zenteno

Which platform do you use to land those contracts/gigs?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

most are from my previous clients

Choukri avatar

“contract work Lol”, what Lol stands for here ?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

no Lol now (if any confusion)

jonjitsu avatar

Are these all american clients? What are some of types of projects?

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

most of them are, US is still the power of the world

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I know some freelancers use https://www.moonlightwork.com/

We found/hired @tamsky from there.

venkata.mutyala avatar

I just opened the site and I immediately saw one of my old colleagues on the front page. Best part is they have a full-time day job. So clearly the site lives up to the name of moon light work.





James Beardon avatar
James Beardon

Hi All, Not a job post but something potentially helpful. I wrote an article that I hope can help a fair few of the DevSecOps (or hopeful DevSecOps) engineers in this channel based on my analysis of 200 job ads in this area. What is worth upskilling on, what is a load of crap, along with a bit of my opinion too. Took a lot of time, so I hope its genuinely useful.

Really happy to hear feedback either here or in the comments etc. https://jamesbeardon.substack.com/p/what-do-employers-want-in-a-devsecops

What do employers want in a DevSecOps engineer?attachment image

A semi-scientific statistical analysis of Job requirements in adverts

olumide avatar

Nice write-up. I ’m a devOps engineer and adding some Sec knowledge to my skills. Most job advert i have seen for devsecops requires the applicants to be citizen as part of the requirement which sometimes is a show stopper..

What do employers want in a DevSecOps engineer?attachment image

A semi-scientific statistical analysis of Job requirements in adverts

James Beardon avatar
James Beardon

Very true, I find it is the case 90% of the time, with the exception being some large organisations where they can afford to pay for the license to sponsor VISA’s.

saiful avatar

Really Nice . Learn some security frameworks

James Beardon avatar
James Beardon

Sure, this is probably a good example and explains it more accurately than I would.


Essential Guide to Security Frameworks & 14 Examples | Secureframeattachment image

Security frameworks can make IT security feel daunting. In this guide, we explore 14 options and help you choose the right ones for your organization.

James Beardon avatar
James Beardon

The first 7 are the ones I tended to see in JD’s most often

ag4ve.us avatar

Hi, I’ve been looking for work for a while and posted about what I’ve done (portfolio stuff) on LinkedIn if anyone is interested https://www.linkedin.com/posts/ag4ve_straying-from-the-google-able-activity-7165734254545502208-IuRM

Shawn Wilson on LinkedIn: Straying from the Google-ableattachment image

Hi LinkedIn, I’m Shawn. I’ve been unemployed and looking for work for a few months now (like hundreds of thousands of other tech workers). I am a systems…

brendonvpalmer avatar

Hello wave
Any opportunity to have a resume reviewed? Also, I’m looking for a new role as a AWS Cloud/DevOps Engineer

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I’m not sure if it is my personal feeling, I got laid off last year and I cannot get any work with the same resume which gave me interviews in last many years. The problem may not be resume but the whole market. It may last a while (maybe a few years). May relax and learn more (I know it is easy saying than doing)

yxxhero avatar

@Bhagya Sharma I think so. learn something about AI maybe better.



aj8521 avatar
Seeking New Opportunities in DevOpsOpen to Full-time, Contract, & Gig Work

Hello everyone! I’m Akhil Jahagirdar, a passionate Senior DevOps Engineer with over 6 years of experience sculpting cloud infrastructures , automating workflows , and championing CI/CD pipelines to enhance operational efficiency and scalability. I’ve had the privilege of contributing my expertise in diverse environments, from startups to established corporations , always with a focus on innovation, security , and resilience.

Key Highlights:Expertise

Across Cloud Platforms:

Proficient in AWS, Azure, and GCP , with a deep understanding of cloud architecture and a track record of leveraging cloud services (EC2, S3, Route53, Azure VMs) to drive automation and efficiency.

Kubernetes & Containerization: Designed custom Kubernetes operators and managed complex microservice architectures , ensuring scalable and secure deployments.

Comfortable with K8s, Istio, and Cert-Manager.Automation & IaC: Skilled in both Terraform and Pulumi for infrastructure as code, automating deployment processes that significantly reduce manual intervention and boost system reliability .

CI/CD and DevOps Best Practices: Developed and enhanced CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps, improving workflow efficiency by 50%, and leading DevOps transformation projects with a focus on collaboration and streamlining processes .

Certifications Galore: AWS Certified Solutions Architect, Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert, Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA), and more , underscoring my commitment to staying at the forefront of DevOps technologies.

I’m eager to bring my blend of technical skills , dedication to innovation , and collaborative spirit to new challenges. Whether it’s pioneering DevOps strategies, managing cloud infrastructures, or leading digital transformations, I’m ready to dive in and make an immediate impact.Open to discussing how I can contribute to your team’s success through full-time roles, contracts, or gigs . Let’s connect!

Thank you for considering my profile . Looking forward to the opportunity to innovate and excel together!
