#kops (2019-01)
Discussions related to kops for kubernetes
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kops/
Example Terraform/Kubernetes Reference Infrastructure for Cloud Posse Production Organization in AWS - cloudposse/prod.cloudposse.co
Populate chamber secrets for kops project (make sure to change the keys and values to reflect your environment; add new secrets as needed)
we’ve automated this now!
so these directions are out of date
Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules
We are writing all the settings to SSM
then you can just run
chamber exec kops -- bash -l
and run kops ...
commands as normal
i can show you a demo
where do I find that list? in aws/kops-aws-platform/chamber-kops.sh
@Jan good question
busy trying to stand up the root kops as is
then modify the a fork of the module for targeting existing vpc’s
I am working on docs: https://github.com/cloudposse/geodesic/pull/339
what Move KOPS_* envs out of Dockerfile (prevents deploying multiple clusters) Thoroughly document how to use .envrc with our kops strategy why Our previous strategy of defining all ENVs in the …
this should be merged by EOW (sunday)
they still don’t take into account some of the latest changes.
This is a place for various problem detectors running on the Kubernetes nodes. - kubernetes/node-problem-detector
Terraform module to create and apply a Kubernetes ConfigMap for aws-iam-authenticator
to be used with Kops to map IAM principals to Kubernetes users
@bazbremner has joined the channel
@webb has joined the channel
Are you using rbac by default?
erg wrong channel I think
in our kops manifest, we have it disabled by default
but there’s a boolean to enable it
Geodesic is the fastest way to get up and running with a rock solid, production grade cloud platform built on top of strictly Open Source tools. ★ this repo! https://slack.cloudposse.com/ - clou…
Have it enabled
@Ajay Tripathy has joined the channel
when runnign k8s via kops in aws
what creates the KubernetesAdmin role referenced here?
Terraform module to create and apply a Kubernetes ConfigMap for aws-iam-authenticator
to be used with Kops to map IAM principals to Kubernetes users - cloudposse/terraform-aws-kops-iam-authentica…
A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator
might have to wait for @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) …
are they prerequisites or do you create them automatically?
A tool to use AWS IAM credentials to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster - kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator
I don’t have first-hand experience setting this up yet
so I can just google =P
yea all good
will figure it out
Terraform module to create and apply a Kubernetes ConfigMap for aws-iam-authenticator
to be used with Kops to map IAM principals to Kubernetes users - cloudposse/terraform-aws-kops-iam-authentica…
so liek this is the 2nd half of what I would have expected
the 1st part would have been the creation of the iam roles
will extend and submit
inf act its not needed
Compilation of public failure/horror stories related to Kubernetes - hjacobs/kubernetes-failure-stories
currently the generated yaml file cant be read https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-iam-authenticator/blob/master/example.yaml#L33 here you can see how it should look like
I thanks
so…. who wants to talk me through whats going on here?
module "kops_state_backend" {
source = "git::<https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-kops-state-backend.git?ref=tags/0.1.5>"
cluster_name = "${var.region}"
region = "${var.region}"
Example Terraform service catalog of “root module” invocations for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-root-modules
so in the example we use cluster name as the DNS zone subdomain name, e.g. if the domain for the nevironment is [prod.example.com](http://prod.example.com)
, then the module will create a subdomain us-west-2
and you’ll access your cluster at [us-west-2.prod.example.com](http://us-west-2.prod.example.com)
instead of the region, you can use any name that suits your needs, e.g. [kops.prod.example.com](http://kops.prod.example.com)