#kubecon (2018-12)
Who is going to Kubecon?
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubecon/
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Here’s a post-kubecon event we’re planning. Location TBD. (#lax) https://www.meetup.com/DevOpsMastermind/events/256905127/
Mon, Dec 17, 2018, 12:00 PM: Whether you attended Kubecon or did not make it this year, you won’t want to miss this Meetup as we review what we learned in Seattle at Kubecon + CloudNativeCon 2018!What
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@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel
I’m not yet booked and don’t think I’ll make it. =/
@fdrescher you should meet up with @dustinvb at kubecon
@dustinvb Hi Dustin. I will be from Sunday - Thursday in Seattle..
@jdolitsky has joined the channel
i’ve known @fdrescher for ages. he’s now moving over to the kubernetes camp. he’s along time terraform / chef user.
Florian is also here in LA.
That’s my background as well but haven’t touched either in ages.
@jdolitsky is the man behind Chart Museum arguably the best helm chart repo serviceß
I am going to be in town starting Monday morning thru Thursday but calendar is pretty packed. We have a booth and lounge.
Josh is going to be at KubeCon as well.
Come distract us at the Codefresh booth!
Yes, come by say you need us for something urgent, I will get you the times to drop by so they align with the sessions I would like to attend….
Cool! Get me the times and I will find a very convincing reason why you need to leave the booth!
@pericdaniel has joined the channel
im not going but would love to hear about the stuff going on!
yea, same.
i’m tempted though to fly up for a day and just mingle with folks.
I wish I have more of an opportunity to mingle but I will be primarily at the booth. Expo floor is expected to be open during keynotes as well.
Monday night I have a planned dinner. Tuesday night is the Expo Happy Hour. Wednesday Night Codefresh is sponsoring Happy Hour at Gameworks before the KubeCon all attendee party./
Thursday Night - Seatac !
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Wish I could attend but unfortunately tickets sold out
@mbarrien has joined the channel
Yes, someone was a bad judge when it came to estimating attendees. Last I heard the waiting list was over 2,500.
Also a couple reinvent attendees felt the KubeCon conference content was better but the organization of the event, venue and the space was not very well done.
I personally did not like the lunch on a couple days. It was pretty terrible Wednesday and Thursday,
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