#kubecost (2020-02)
Kubernetes resource and cost management
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubecost/
@webb have yiu got some other slack space or something? Seems pretty quiet in here
@Jan we do! Here’s an invite: https://join.slack.com/t/kubecost/shared_invite/enQtNTA2MjQ1NDUyODE5LWFjYzIzNWE4MDkzMmUyZGU4NjkwMzMyMjIyM2E0NGNmYjExZjBiNjk1YzY5ZDI0ZTNhZDg4NjlkMGRkYzFlZTU Would be great to catch up soon too.
Sweet, let me know if we can help!
@scorebot help keep tabs!
@scorebot has joined the channel
Thanks for adding me emojis used in this channel are now worth points.
Wondering what I can do? try @scorebot help
@Ajay Tripathy
We are running kubecost version 1.46.6
Because of k8s autoscaling we see a lot of log messages in cost-model
Like that
I0228 23:14:25.979517 1 costmodel.go:623] Node "" has been deleted from Kubernetes. Query historical data to get it.
How can we reduce logging noise? If update kubecost would solve the problem? Is there any env var that change logging verbosity ?