#kubernetes (2018-08)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/

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eksctl - a CLI for Amazon EKS


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/kind bug What happened: Hi, I'm an engineer at Let's Encrypt. I think you may also have heard from my colleague @cpu. We're finding that a lot of our top clients (21 out of 25, by log …

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Kubernetes Operations (kops) - Production Grade K8s Installation, Upgrades, and Management

@Daren @michal.matyjek are you using this? I didn’t know about this.

I do not believe we do, first time I see this

Documentation for Helm - The Kubernetes Package Manager.

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) No. Id wait for an official upgrade path., but it will be welcome

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Kind of an edge case scenario, but lead me to finding some (older) issues for nginx-ingress, but other folks might run into this as well.. There is a known race condition in the 0.11 release of nginx-ingress that leads to a race condition that causes the mechanism that retrieves secrets to fail, if and only if, you are creating multiple ingresses w/ TLS enabled.

this is with kube-lego?



btw, rohit contributed cert manager

but I haven’t tried it out yet

i haven’t gotten around to moving to cert manager yet either

From the git issues I was seeing, the main guy that works on nginx-ingress (git user: aledbf) fixed it pretty quickly in later releases, apparently should be stable in >= 0.13

I think this issue is what led @dave.yu and @jonathan.olson to ultimately switch to ACM

less fancy and not dynamic

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yeah, i think that for staging (especially unlimited staging env) cert-manager or kube-lego is fine, but for prod, ACM (for now) is the way to go


have you set that up?

in the process of

Also, learned a bit about this, this morning, very cool. https://cilium.io/ Saw it featured on the TGI Kube thing that Joe Beda/Heptio does
Linux-Native, API-Aware Networking and Security for Containers. Open source project, Fork me on Github

FWIW: Updated to use nginx-ingress 0.15.0 and all my services are still available and the race condition is fixed

what Upgrade nginx-ingress to use docker image 0.15.0 why Fix race condition when using TLS and kube-lego references https://sweetops.slack.com/archives/CBW699XE0/p1535138518000100


@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) We have even stopped using certmanager and nginx ingress controller , we are currently using ACM and kube-aws-ingress-controller

thanks for the update

This is a better setup if we are not require to rewrite targets

I would also recommend to switch to CoreDns

how was kube-aws-ingress-controller
to setup? is this the same are the original coreos alb ingress?

(does kube-aws-ingress-controller
use ALBs?)

yes kube-aws-ingress-controller use ALB


did you need to specify the subnets?

but its very different than coreos alb ingress

or security groups

no, it doesn’t work that way

it takes only region

(the coreos one didn’t autodiscover a lot - at least when we tried it, and ultimate felt it wasn’t worth it)

but then discover autodiscover all components


do you have a helmfile
you can share?

coreos had only single alb ingress controller, they have another forwarder component as skipper

i don’t have helmfile but can share my manifest.

it automatically discover the acm also which we have created as part of root modules

another cool thing would be to enable aws-iam-authenticator by default

so you’re not using the zalando helm chart?


how come?

my policy is, if the setup is not too complicated kubectl apply is preferred

this a very simple setup

and if the chart didn’t work in 3 trials , use kubectly lack of time

(haha, you had me googling kubectly

yea, a bit of time goes to maintaining charts

interested to see what other engines will be introduced in helm 3

i am awaiting when helm3 will be launched, specially as of namespace limitation

i couldn’t use helm to manage our internal service

hey did you got chance to try with .dockerenv in xx.cloudpose.co modules

We’re doing something similar for Caltech. Building a kubernetes-in-a-box distro with geodesic as the base image

And a pretty setup menu.

We’re writing the env to /localhost/.geodesic/env
and then sourcing it on load.

It’s similar in design, but not using a .dockerenv


also, we’ve got a poc running #geodesic containers in CI/CD


lots of PRs in the past week to polish up the geodesic base image for that

if I got it right, you are saying you did setup a ci/cd for complete dev.cp.co environment, correct?

that is very cool, i was trying to samething at some point of time,

Yes, we got it as far as running init-terraform
and terraform plan

nothing precluding apply

but doing that with Codefresh, isn’t unsecure, cause geodesic require nearly adminacess to setup env

also, going to start adding some testing

CD of infrastructure requires admin access pretty much

either that be CodeBuild, Jenkins, or any other system.

our strategy is multipronged

use multiple pipelines for different kinds of CI and CD

and use multiple codefresh accounts, one per stage

I agree but I will rely on instance profile more than a exposing admin credentials

Yea, just codebuild is more teadious iMO to work with

codefresh enterprise supports running agents on prem

also, the way we’re currently pursuing this is still running aws-vault
inside of codefresh

to generate short-lived sessions

that is much better, i would probably continue with codebuild since we are not using aws-vault also

yea… you’re diverging but that’s cool

once you are finished, if you decided to openup I will translate to a codebuild pipeline for you

that would be cool

anyways since this is very limited build minutes, it would be easily covered under build plane

by the way do you come across this project https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/kaniko
kaniko - Build Container Images In Kubernetes

Haven’t seen it

Similar tools include:
Bazel rules_docker

is this something you’re researching to implement?

yes, we are using ci agents in kubernetes. Since most of them use dind and rely on host docker

its insecure as well as we experienced that its not good to have more than 1 agent per machine

docker build is actually a single threaded command and use some intrinsic locking

if we are able to use these projects with our agents, we can actually run many agents with our cluster

yea, good point

just came across img
the other day

not something though we’re optimizing for

honestly, there’s too much to solve

i’d rather not also have to solve building

just checking

have you used probot/hubot?

nope, never heard actually

we are mostly on gitlab


i like the way the kubernetes/charts PRs work. how authorized users can issue commands via comments.

want to do that via slack and github

this is also very cool, github is actually coolest of all. I wish my org wasn’t such a miser to use the free gitlab

haha, these days it feels like i just hear how awesome gitlab is

Geodesic “Kiosk” Mode

Using dialog
we’ve created a simple menu system to spin up kubernetes clusters with the full ML stack they need.

One-click create/destroy cluster

Uses helmfile to install all charts

what are some interview questions that come up for k8?

I’m not quite sure - haven’t interviewed

but I can share the line of questioning I use

I like to start broad - first ask about the kubernetes architecture. what are all the daemons used to create a kubernetes cluster. the objective here is to see if the candidate is just a user or operator.

if they don’t know, then they are a user. if they answer correctly (e.g. api server, controller, kubelet, proxy, etc), then I dig down into each one of those to see what level of depth they have.

if they are just a user, that’s cool too - with kops, you barely need to know the underlying services any more

then I ask them to rattle off as many resource types as they can. it shows what they’ve used.

then when to use what kind of resource type and when.

I like to ask what kinds of problems they’ve encountered in the past and how they solved them.

I like to ask what kinds of apps they’ve deployed and how they deployed it. if they deployed stateful apps, i’m always curious if the risks are well understood.

i like to know what integrations they’ve used with kubernetes. for example, if they haven’t used helm, that would be a redflag.

thank you!

this helps!


now redirects to <https://github.com/helm/charts>