#kubernetes (2019-09)


Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Introducing Fine-Grained IAM Roles for Service Accounts | Amazon Web Servicesattachment image

Here at AWS we focus first and foremost on customer needs. In the context of access control in Amazon EKS, you asked in issue #23 of our public container roadmap for fine-grained IAM roles in EKS. To address this need, the community came up with a number of open source solutions, such as kube2iam, kiam, […]

btai avatar

wow that’s noiceeee


Jonathan Le avatar
Jonathan Le
Amazon EKS Cluster OIDC Issuer URL · Issue #9995 · terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave "+1" or "me to…

Jonathan Le avatar
Jonathan Le

Anyone wanna add their thumbs up to that issue? EKS IAM POD roles TF

Jonathan Le avatar
Jonathan Le

It should hit 2.28.0 coming out in Thursday on the AWS Provider


johncblandii avatar

I’m not learned in the area of k8s scheduling so this is destroying my day. LOL. Anyone have any helpful insights?
Warning FailedScheduling 50s (x9 over 8m7s) default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 node(s) had volume node affinity conflict.

johncblandii avatar

This is a 1-node cluster on EKS

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

the scheduler is trying to tell you it has no nodes to work on, I believe. I’m no expert here either, but i’d start by investigating the node itself to see why it’s busto.

what does kubectl get nodes show?

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

I wish the error was better than “volume node affinity conflict”

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

volume node affinity makes me think that some pod and some persistant volume out on EBS can’t connect to each other. A PV backed by EBS will limit a POD to a specific AZ. That AZ will match that of the worker that created/hosts the PV. Is somehow an EBS volume of a PV being created in the wrong AZ?

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman

not sure how you launched your 1 node in EKS, or why this would be an issue thereon

johncblandii avatar

at hashiconf so was moving around, but catching up on the read

johncblandii avatar

get nodes shows the node is healthy and not maxed out

johncblandii avatar

it is just 1 node, though. i guess it is time to grow this a bit

johncblandii avatar

ah, it does have a pvc. let me check the AZ

Maycon Santos avatar
Maycon Santos

kubectl describe pv PV_NAME kubectl describe node NODE_NAME

Maycon Santos avatar
Maycon Santos

check its Labels or VolumeId and ProviderID

Maycon Santos avatar
Maycon Santos

could be a relaunch of your single node on another AZ

johncblandii avatar

nailed it. pv in 2c and node in 2a

johncblandii avatar

my other nodes aren’t joining the cluster anymore

johncblandii avatar

not sure why my eks nodes no longer work on private IPs, but i had this node problem with another cluster too

johncblandii avatar

got the nodes back and that resolved it



joshmyers avatar

Anyone done multi region EKS?

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski

Not but I was doing some research

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski

To me it looks like it’s possible with a Latency record combined with ExternalDNS

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski

but that’s possible if this PR is merged

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski
Add support for latency-based routing on AWS · Issue #571 · kubernetes-incubator/external-dns

Route53 on AWS supports "latency-based routing" for DNS records. You can have multiple DNS records for the same hostname, having different ALIAS to regional ELBs. This is usually the pref…

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski

I was doing a blog post about it

Nikola Velkovski avatar
Nikola Velkovski

and decided to cut it short at the DNS/app level.


cabrinha avatar

Anyone use https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/aws-efs-csi-driver yet? I’m having some trouble getting the volume mounted.


CSI Driver for Amazon EFS https://aws.amazon.com/efs/ - kubernetes-sigs/aws-efs-csi-driver


Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman
Deploying to Kubernetes with Helm and GitHub Actions

This tutorial will go through the basics of GitHub actions as well as deploying to Kubernetes using a pre-built Helm action

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Kubernetes 1.16: Custom Resources, Overhauled Metrics, and Volume Extensionsattachment image

Authors: Kubernetes 1.16 Release Team We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.16, our third release of 2019! Kubernetes 1.16 consists of 31 enhancements: 8 enhancements moving to stable, 8 enhancements in beta, and 15 enhancements in alpha. Major Themes Custom resources CRDs are in widespread use as a Kubernetes extensibility mechanism and have been available in beta since the 1.7 release. The 1.16 release marks the graduation of CRDs to general availability (GA).

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Kubernetes event reporter for Sentry. Contribute to getsentry/sentry-kubernetes development by creating an account on GitHub.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
ruan.arcega avatar

hi guys,

quick question….

i have 2 configMap, A and B, and i have a bunch of key value in both situations, but, in the middle of this bunch i have some key name duplicated with values differents, when configure the specification using envFrom in kuberentes, i call configMap A and in the sequencia configMap B.

Which value will persistent in my container when the pod going up and running ?

rms1000watt avatar

I’m guessing the last one wins. But this seems straight forward enough to just test and find out. I don’t actually know off the top of my head

ruan.arcega avatar

yeah @rms1000watt you are right, i just took a test now, and the last one wins….

i had this question because in the project that i am working one developers want to use the same environment variable with values different.

i know it was not possible, but never had some tests… i suggested use a prefix when call configMap…

- prefix: VALUE_
    name: configmap

and treat this situation in the code…

rms1000watt avatar

Have you ever heard of anything (in EKS) where you containers just sit idle? Like, we had a 10 minute period in time where the containers didn’t do anything (no logs, no http responses). Datadog said the containers were still running and consuming memory.. but just no application activity. When we looked at the container logs.. it’s like nothing happened.. i mean, there was a 10 minute gap in time between logs, but other than that.. it looked normal

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Are logs/responses the only metrics you are reviewing? You said Datadog shows memory consumption but does CPU or memory for that same time period show any changes or is it literally flat?

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Do you have request metrics (rate, errors, etc.) for this time period?

rms1000watt avatar

the datadog metrics are flat, but non-zero.. idling around 1-5% in both cases

rms1000watt avatar

request metrics, yea. Like, the ALB gets a ton of 4xx

rms1000watt avatar

since the containers aren’t returning HTTP results

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Sounds like they aren’t getting any requests either though

rms1000watt avatar


Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

ALB health graph looks like …?

rms1000watt avatar

like, i wouldn’t be surprised if the readiness probe failed.. so the k8s service stopped routing requests.. but then the livlieness probe would have died too and caused a restart.. which we had 0 of

rms1000watt avatar

lemme look at ALB graph

rms1000watt avatar

like.. an order of magnitude more 4xx and 5xx

rms1000watt avatar

but health seemed fine, unless I’m not looking at the right spot

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

You’ll have to look at Target Groups monitoring specifically for [Un]Healty Hosts metric

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

And how are you configuring your ALB(s)? Directly? Indirectly with a Kubernetes controller like alb-ingress-controller?

rms1000watt avatar

lol, 8 out of 350 healthy hosts

rms1000watt avatar


Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Check that controller’s logs

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Maybe an reconciliation loop is stuck from bad config and triggering every few minutes?

rms1000watt avatar


rms1000watt avatar

i can look at that

rms1000watt avatar

this only happened once out of like.. a few months of having alb-ingress-controller

rms1000watt avatar

@Cameron Boulton you’re a god

rms1000watt avatar

yea alb-ingress-controller

rms1000watt avatar

11 minute gap

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

rms1000watt avatar

will you marry me?

rms1000watt avatar

this is amazing work

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Yea I think alb-ingress-controller reconsil loop is 10 mins +/- some seconds (imprecise scheduler)

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

I’ll send my consultation bill to Calm, Attention: Ryan Smith

rms1000watt avatar

so whyy in the heck has this never happened before

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton


rms1000watt avatar

hahahaha nice

rms1000watt avatar

“payment: 1 big hug”

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton


Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Well, depending on what the logs are showing you that it can’t reconcile; maybe this is the first time someone pushed a config change that it couldn’t handle.

rms1000watt avatar

what’s lame is the the deployments only change the k8s deployment image

rms1000watt avatar

which trigger a deploy

rms1000watt avatar

so like.. uhh.. there shouldn’t really have been anything gnarly that killed it

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Maybe you’ve hit a bug/are on an older version of alb-ingress-controller?

rms1000watt avatar

ah.. guessing older version

rms1000watt avatar


rms1000watt avatar

yeah, a patch behind

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

I’m skeptical that’s it then

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

What are the logs telling you that the controller is doing/failing?

rms1000watt avatar

only info level logs.. but they look like..

I0924 18:55:33.158007       1 targets.go:95] service-a: Removing targets from arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing

to remove a big chunk of them.. then

I0924 19:06:30.101251       1 targets.go:80] service-a: Adding targets to arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing

adding the big chunk (11min later)

rms1000watt avatar

and it was during this timeframe all the activity ceased

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Right (as you would expect)

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

How recently was that version deployed?

rms1000watt avatar

the pod alb-ingress-controller is 43 days old

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Any chance you’ve been experiencing this issue for 43 days or is it newer?

rms1000watt avatar

brand spanking new

rms1000watt avatar

caused an outage.. alerted everyone

rms1000watt avatar

would have known if it happened before

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton


Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

How old is/are the Ingress(es) that are annotated for this controller?

rms1000watt avatar

the ing is 154d old

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Actually, that’s creation time not last modified so nevermind

rms1000watt avatar

lol whoops

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

If you describe your Ingress(es) do you see anything under the events?

rms1000watt avatar

<none> events

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton


rms1000watt avatar

stupid question.. should probably just google it.. but do you have a replica > 1 when you run alb-ingress-controller

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Maybe keep going back in your Ingress Controller logs until you find something else or the start of the “Removing/Adding targets” loop?

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Did you launch the alb-ingress-controller into a new namespace/cluster recently?

rms1000watt avatar

Theres just some detaching and attaching of SGs to ENIs

I0924 18:55:35.660049       1 instance_attachment.go:120] service-a: detaching securityGroup sg-redacted from ENI eni-redacted
rms1000watt avatar

hmmm, yeah, but different cluster and different sub account

rms1000watt avatar

this one has been stable for a few months

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

The new cluster/sub-account recent?

rms1000watt avatar

but this is the 11 min gap.. and the logs

rms1000watt avatar
I0924 18:55:59.734800       1 instance_attachment.go:120] service-a: detaching securityGroup sg-readacted from ENI eni-redated
I0924 19:06:30.101251       1 targets.go:80] prod/app-api: Adding targets to arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing
rms1000watt avatar

nothing in between

rms1000watt avatar

unless EKS had a fart or something for a little

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

I0924 19:06:30.101251 is the beginning/first instance of “Adding targets” loop?

rms1000watt avatar

new cluster/sub account. yeah, but not today.. like a week ago

rms1000watt avatar
I0924 18:55:33.158007       1 targets.go:95] service-a: Removing targets 
I0924 18:55:58.344701       1 targets.go:95] service-a: Removing targets 
I0924 19:06:30.101251       1 targets.go:80] service-a: Adding targets 
Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

What are the “args” key for the only container in the alb-ingress-controller pod (if any)?

rms1000watt avatar
      - args:
        - --cluster-name=k8s
        - --ingress-class=alb
Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Okay, so if you have this controller running anywhere else on this cluster or any other cluster in the same account and that one is also using --cluster-name=k8s the controllers are going to fight over ALBs/Target Groups.

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Any chance that’s possible?

rms1000watt avatar

lemme iterate regions.. but I’m fairly certain 1 cluster in this account

rms1000watt avatar

yeah.. 1 cluster in the account

rms1000watt avatar
rms1000watt avatar

helm deployed

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

And no possibility of it in another namespace or something?

rms1000watt avatar
➜  ~ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep alb
default       alb-aws-alb-ingress-controller-6b9cfd997f-b99zz                   1/1     Running     1          43d
rms1000watt avatar

afk for a smidge.. father duties

rms1000watt avatar

i really appreciate all your help on this btw. you’re a rare breed and it’s incredibly invaluable

Cameron Boulton avatar
Cameron Boulton

Sure thing. I think that’s all I can spare today though. The behavior you describe sure feels like an solation failure/reconciliation competition.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
A Practical Guide to Setting Kubernetes Requests and Limits

Setting Kubernetes requests and limits effectively has a major impact on application performance, stability, and cost. And yet working with many teams over the past year has shown us that determining the right values for these parameters is hard. For this reason, we have created this short guide and are launching a new product to help teams more accurately set Kubernetes requests and limits for their applications.

Matthew Cascio avatar
Matthew Cascio

Wow. I had just begun research to make a tool that does exactly this. Saves me some time, I guess. Thanks for the post.

A Practical Guide to Setting Kubernetes Requests and Limits

Setting Kubernetes requests and limits effectively has a major impact on application performance, stability, and cost. And yet working with many teams over the past year has shown us that determining the right values for these parameters is hard. For this reason, we have created this short guide and are launching a new product to help teams more accurately set Kubernetes requests and limits for their applications.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Do you use helmfile by chance?

Matthew Cascio avatar
Matthew Cascio

Planning on using it more. Why do you ask?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d - cloudposse/helmfiles

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

here’s how we deploy kubecost

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Matthew Cascio avatar
Matthew Cascio

Thanks, I’ll take a look



jetstreamin avatar

has anyone used kubeless before?
