#kubernetes (2022-02)


Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/


Sean Turner avatar
Sean Turner

Is it possible to trigger a job when another job completes? Or would you need something like argo workflows to orchestrate the jobs?

Leo Przybylski avatar
Leo Przybylski
08:11:16 PM

@Leo Przybylski has joined the channel

Lucky avatar
08:11:26 PM

@Lucky has joined the channel


emem avatar

hi there. please has anyone seen this error after adding datadog as a sidecar to eks fargate

Your pod's cpu/memory requirements exceed the max Fargate configuration
jose.amengual avatar

WTH? you can’t delete messages anymore????????

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I will check

jose.amengual avatar

you guys moved to a paid account?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

try now to delete

jose.amengual avatar

now it works

jose.amengual avatar

my english is getting worse……



Alencar Junior avatar
Alencar Junior

Hi folks, currently I’m having issues deploying metrics-server on EKS. I’ve installed the latest version via terraform using the resource helm_release however, I’m getting the following error:

$ kubectl top nodes
Error from server (ServiceUnavailable): the server is currently unable to handle the request (get nodes.metrics.k8s.io)
$ kubectl describe apiservice v1beta1.metrics.k8s.io
Message: failing or missing response from <>: Get "<>": context deadline exceeded
Reason: FailedDiscoveryCheck
$ kubectl logs -n kube-system deploy/metrics-server
1 round_trippers.go:454] GET <> 200 OK in 6 milliseconds
1 round_trippers.go:454] GET <> 200 OK in 6 milliseconds
1 scraper.go:157] "Scrape finished" duration="20.409888ms" nodeCount=3 podCount=9
1 server.go:139] "Storing metrics"
1 server.go:144] "Scraping cycle complete"
1 handler.go:153] metrics-server: GET "/readyz" satisfied by nonGoRestful

EKS Cluster version: 1.21 Metrics Server version: 3.7.0

Does anybody know what could be wrong?

Alencar Junior avatar
Alencar Junior

I’ve solved it buy adding an addtional rule to my security group:

 node_security_group_additional_rules = {

    ms_4443_ing = {
      description                   = "Cluster API to metrics server 4443 ingress port"
      protocol                      = "tcp"
      from_port                     = 4443
      to_port                       = 4443
      type                          = "ingress"
      source_cluster_security_group = true


Or Azarzar avatar
Or Azarzar

 _Check out our upcoming Webinar:_ Managed Kubernetes Clusters: Avoiding risky defaults, K8s threat modeling and securing EKS clusters

Click here to register Learn how to navigate the creating of a secure by default K8s cluster, avoid risky default settings and permissions, and listen to some live threat modeling of security EKS clusters. Join Lightspin CISO Jonathan Rau and Director of Security Research Gafnit Amiga to discuss hot topics and tips for leveling up your Kubernetes security knowledge. Questions and topics covered include:

  • Avoiding risky default settings in your Kubernetes clusters
  • Creating a secure by default Kubernetes cluster
  • Unique supply chain risks for Kubernetes


Adnan avatar

Hi there,

I have a rolling update deployment strategy with a 0 max unavailable value. Unfortunately when I deploy many pods get terminated and I am not sure why.


Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  30m   deployment-controller Scaled down replica set deployment-xyz to 27
Normal  ScalingReplicaSet  2m20s deployment-controller Scaled down replica set deployment-xyz to 10

It went from 27 to 10


StrategyType:           RollingUpdate
MinReadySeconds:        0
RollingUpdateStrategy:  0 max unavailable, 25% max surge

Any ideas where I could look at to maybe understand why this is happening?

Zach avatar

Try a PodDisruptionBudget. Or increase your max surge

Adnan avatar

The problem was the replicas property of the deployment which takes effect over the HPA every time something is deployed. I guess I’ll skip/remove the replicas property from the deployment if the HPA is enabled.

Zach avatar

Oh, yes you’re supposed to do that.

Zach avatar

It causes the deployment and hpa controllers to fight



Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

brew for kubernetes –> https://github.com/kbrew-dev/kbrew


kbrew is homebrew for Kubernetes

Zachary Loeber avatar
Zachary Loeber

Not that it would be something I’d personally throw on a pipeline but could be useful for some rapid local testing perhaps


kbrew is homebrew for Kubernetes

Mr.Devops avatar

hi if anyone is using <https://github.com/terraform-aws-modules/terraform-aws-eks> i am trying to add some additional tag to the ELB which get created from this module but having a hard time locating it. If anyone can point me to the right location pls thx.

RB avatar

i don’t believe this module creates a load balancer

RB avatar

in the document it shows all the resources created and none of them are a load balancer



Terraform module to create an Elastic Kubernetes (EKS) cluster and associated worker instances on AWS

Mr.Devops avatar

wouldn’t the ASG perform that?

RB avatar

i don’t believe the ASG would create a load balancer

Mr.Devops avatar

i mean for instance to be attached to an ELB when ASG resources are created.

Mr.Devops avatar

i’m probably confusion things with kubernetes external-dns (helm)

RB avatar

external-dns creates the route53 record in the r53 hosted zone

RB avatar

perhaps the LB was created with an ingress resource from one of your helm charts

Mr.Devops avatar

Using ExternalDNS with alb-ingress-controller

This tutorial describes how to use ExternalDNS with the aws-alb-ingress-controller.

Setting up ExternalDNS and aws-alb-ingress-controller

Follow the <aws.md|AWS tutorial> to setup ExternalDNS for use in Kubernetes clusters
running in AWS. Specify the source=ingress argument so that ExternalDNS will look
for hostnames in Ingress objects. In addition, you may wish to limit which Ingress
objects are used as an ExternalDNS source via the ingress-class argument, but
this is not required.

For help setting up the ALB Ingress Controller, follow the Setup Guide.

Note that the ALB ingress controller uses the same tags for subnet auto-discovery
as Kubernetes does with the AWS cloud provider.

In the examples that follow, it is assumed that you configured the ALB Ingress
Controller with the ingress-class=alb argument (not to be confused with the
same argument to ExternalDNS) so that the controller will only respect Ingress
objects with the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation set to “alb”.

Deploy an example application

Create the following sample “echoserver” application to demonstrate how
ExternalDNS works with ALB ingress objects.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: echoserver
  replicas: 1
      app: echoserver
        app: echoserver
      - image: gcr.io/google_containers/echoserver:1.4
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        name: echoserver
        - containerPort: 8080
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: echoserver
    - port: 80
      targetPort: 8080
      protocol: TCP
  type: NodePort
    app: echoserver

Note that the Service object is of type NodePort. We don’t need a Service of
type LoadBalancer here, since we will be using an Ingress to create an ALB.

Ingress examples

Create the following Ingress to expose the echoserver application to the Internet.

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
  name: echoserver
  ingressClassName: alb
  - host: echoserver.mycluster.example.org
    http: &echoserver_root
      - path: /
            name: echoserver
              number: 80
        pathType: Prefix
  - host: [echoserver.example.org](http://echoserver.example.org)
    http: *echoserver_root

The above should result in the creation of an (ipv4) ALB in AWS which will forward
traffic to the echoserver application.

If the source=ingress argument is specified, then ExternalDNS will create DNS
records based on the hosts specified in ingress objects. The above example would
result in two alias records being created, echoserver.mycluster.example.org and
[echoserver.example.org](http://echoserver.example.org), which both alias the ALB that is associated with the
Ingress object.

Note that the above example makes use of the YAML anchor feature to avoid having
to repeat the http section for multiple hosts that use the exact same paths. If
this Ingress object will only be fronting one backend Service, we might instead
create the following:

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    [external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname](http://external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname): echoserver.mycluster.example.org, [echoserver.example.org](http://echoserver.example.org)
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
  name: echoserver
  ingressClassName: alb
  - http:
      - path: /
            name: echoserver
              number: 80
        pathType: Prefix

In the above example we create a default path that works for any hostname, and
make use of the [external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname](http://external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname) annotation to create
multiple aliases for the resulting ALB.

Dualstack ALBs

AWS supports both IPv4 and “dualstack” (both IPv4 and IPv6) interfaces for ALBs.
The ALB ingress controller uses the alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/ip-address-type
annotation (which defaults to ipv4) to determine this. If this annotation is
set to dualstack then ExternalDNS will create two alias records (one A record
and one AAAA record) for each hostname associated with the Ingress object.


apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
    alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/ip-address-type: dualstack
    kubernetes.io/ingress.class: alb
  name: echoserver
  ingressClassName: alb
  - host: [echoserver.example.org](http://echoserver.example.org)
      - path: /
            name: echoserver
              number: 80
        pathType: Prefix

The above Ingress object will result in the creation of an ALB with a dualstack
interface. ExternalDNS will create both an A [echoserver.example.org](http://echoserver.example.org) record and
an AAAA record of the same name, that each are aliases for the same ALB.

Mr.Devops avatar

ignore that i brought up terraform module i was looking in the wrong place.


zadkiel avatar

Collection of gadgets for debugging and introspecting Kubernetes applications using BPF

Sherif avatar

Hey For Platform Engineers over here, what do you think about this PR ? https://github.com/kubernetes/kube-state-metrics/pull/1689

What this PR does / why we need it:

This PR Introduce a new flag --per-metric-labels-allowlist that its syntax works similar to --metric-labels-allowlist but instead of being a filter to add labels to kube_X_labels, it is a filter for K8S’ labels that will be added to each metric time series of a resource.


Motivation for this change can be better described from a Platform Team POV, who is responsible for the observability stack and provides it to multiple teams and/or multiple tenants.

The goal is to make it easier to define queries, alerts, and rules without the need for complex joins. Making the barrier for smaller less experienced teams smaller. As well as alleviate pressure from Prometheus Server that’s constantly doing joins for each alert rule.

Use Case 1

  1. A Development Team wants to create alerts for the multiple components of their applications.
  2. Different Components have different alerts, severities, thresholds. (example, web pods, background consumers, different kinds of jobs) and as components live in the same namespace; filtering with a namespace is not feasible.
  3. You’ll now have to use joins with kube_X_labels to filter for the specific resources. Complex queries become more complex, especially ones that had joins already.

Use Case 2

  1. Platform Team defining general, default rules for every namespace.
  2. Platform team expects resources to have a set of standard labels, that defines something like [alerting.xxx/severity](http://alerting.xxx/severity), [alerting.xxx/slack-channel](http://alerting.xxx/slack-channel) along side the [app.kubernetes.io/name](http://app.kubernetes.io/name), [app.kubernetes.io/component](http://app.kubernetes.io/component) ones.
  3. Complex Rules are defined to join with these labels and generate alerts with variables based on labels defined by teams. Queries become even more complex as you want to join with more than one label.

Complex Queries Example

Deployment has not matched the expected number of replicas.

• Using only 1 label for joins

     kube_deployment_spec_replicas{} * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"}
     kube_deployment_status_replicas_available{} * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"}
     changes(kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated{}[10m] ) * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"}
     ==  0

• Using 2 label for joins

     kube_deployment_spec_replicas{} * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name, label_alerting_severity) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"}
     kube_deployment_status_replicas_available{} * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name, label_alerting_severity) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"}
     changes(kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated{}[10m] ) * on (deployment) group_left(label_app_kubernetes_io_name, label_alerting_severity) kube_deployment_labels{ label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"}
     ==  0

Same query but with labels as part of metric series:

      kube_deployment_spec_replicas{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"} 
      kube_deployment_status_replicas_available{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"}
      changes(kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", namespace=~"emoji"}[10m] )

      kube_deployment_spec_replicas{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"} 
      kube_deployment_status_replicas_available{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"}
      changes(kube_deployment_status_replicas_updated{label_app_kubernetes_io_name="emojiapp", label_alerting_severity="critical", namespace=~"emoji"}[10m] )


• Making it easier for Platform and Development teams to create queries, rules, alerts, and dashboards for resources running in Kubernetes without the need for complex joins to filter resources. • Alleviate some pressure from the Prometheus Servers that are constantly running Joins for each alert rule.

Alternatives we tried

• Run recording rules to pre-compute the joins:
Having to have a recording rule for each metric series generated by KSM is cumbersome, and adds a dependency between teams and platform teams to add any recording rule. Not ideal especially in a multi-tenant environment.

How does this change affect the cardinality of KSM

(increases, decreases, or does not change cardinality)

• Unless explicitly using the new flag, this PR has no change to generated metrics cardinality. • Using the flag will add new labels for each metric series of each resource that has a label key that’s whitelisted. • Cardinality of the label values depends on how often these labels change for the same resource. • For the use-case behind this new feature, whitelisted labels are often labels that don’t change often. Admins should be cautious of what labels to whitelist.


• KSM already fetches each resource label during metric collection. • Prometheus Performance shouldn’t be affected as long as whitelisted labels are not changing constantly.


Which issue(s) this PR fixes:

• Fixes #1415


Dynamic alert routing with Prometheus and Alertmanager


• :warning: This is a Draft PR, the implementation is not final, PR is a working POC for pods resource, and is yet to be discussed.


Or Azarzar avatar
Or Azarzar

Hi All Our Managed Kubernetes Clusters: Avoiding risky defaults, K8s threat modeling and securing EKS clusters webinar starts in less than an hour, still time to register 


Welcome! You are invited to join a webinar: Managed Kubernetes Clusters: Avoiding risky defaults, K8s threat modeling and securing EKS clusters. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the webinar.attachment image

Learn how to navigate the creating of a secure by default K8s cluster, avoid risky default settings and permissions, and listen to some live threat modeling of security EKS clusters. Join Lightspin CISO Jonathan Rau and Director of Security Research Gafnit Amiga to discuss hot topics and tips for leveling up your Kubernetes security knowledge. Questions and topics covered include: - Avoiding risky default settings in your Kubernetes clusters - Creating a secure by default Kubernetes cluster - Unique supply chain risks for Kubernetes Bring your questions and notepads to this live webinar!


Mr.Devops avatar

Hi we’re using the kubernetes provider here and I’m wondering how others are using this when they have multiply clusters/contexts being used? thx!

something simple as below would only allow a single context to be access, what if i have multiply contexts?

provider "kubernetes" {
  config_paths    = [
  config_context = "cluster01


Eric Berg avatar
Eric Berg

Regarding an EKS upgrade from 1.18 to 1.21, one option that was proposed was to leave kube-proxy and the AMIs at the 1.18 versions to reduce the amount of change and expedite the process, following up with these upgrades (and probably more) in the future. I’m not comfortable with that one. Anybody have any thoughts on the matter? Thanks for any input.

rafa_d avatar

@Eric Berg you’d be outside the recommended version skew policy since the kubelet will be 3 minor versions older. Per https://kubernetes.io/releases/version-skew-policy/ kubelet must not be newer than kube-apiserver, and may be up to two minor versions older.

Version Skew Policy

The maximum version skew supported between various Kubernetes components.

Eric Berg avatar
Eric Berg

Thanks for the feedback, @rafa_d. We are doing a fast-follow round of updates to core-dns and kube-proxy. Not optimal, but the logs are clean and so far so good.

