#kubernetes (2022-12)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/

Hi all! hope I have reached the right place with the following question:
In general, would you recommend adding seccompProfile.type=RuntimeDefault
to securityContext
on any container running on k8s workloads? or am I missing something?
Thank you

Moved here from terraform channel
Automating k8s upgrades: has anyone successfully automated upgrade of k8s cluster (managed via EKS)?
Namely you have a script you run it does this (some of it via terraform, some via helm, some bash, etc)
• it verifies all pre-requisites are met • verifies that no deprecated apis have been removed • ensures the worker nodes are at same version as control plane • ensure correct kubectl is installed since kubectl only supports +- 1 minor delta from current and target • upgrade control plane • upgrade add-ons and other “operationsl” charts (like external dns, cloudwatch agent, etc) • upgrade the worker nodes • repeat the whole process if you were more than one minor away from target I am skeptical this is worth automating, or that it is even safe, but I’m curious, maybe it has been done.

Is it possible to use kubectl patch to change a string inside a configmap? like using sed on a file?

Should be doable, But you’d require to pass correct jsonPath object. Why can’t you just use kubectl edit
or Kustomize?

Cause i need to do it as a part of a script