#kubernetes (2023-02)


Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/



managedkaos avatar

Welcome to the EKS Best Practices Guides. The primary goal of this project is to offer a set of best practices for day 2 operations for Amazon EKS. We elected to publish this guidance to GitHub so we could iterate quickly, provide timely and effective recommendations for variety of concerns, and easily incorporate suggestions from the broader community.



Ron avatar

quick question about secrets, in kubernetes from the kubernetes docs we need to encode the secret in base64, in my situation I have to mount the secret in the filesystem of the pod… if you shell into it it still is encoded in base64. is that the normal behaviour ? or it should appear decoded ?

Ron avatar

does the application need to be able to decode the secret first to use it ?

mr.shayv avatar

Hi Does anyone knows what might cause Kubespray to still override my system hostnames and fqdn even though i am changing everywhere the variable override_system_hostname to false?

jonjitsu avatar

Out of all the projects such as microk8s, k3s, minikube, etc, anyone have any opinions on which is best for a linux workstation for local development? I also have the same question about a windows workstation.

bradym avatar

We’re using k3d on linux & mac. It works well, but their documentation is definitely lacking. I haven’t used the others to compare so I can’t say it’s the best.

jonjitsu avatar

Thanks for the response. Do you use tools like terraform against it? I guess I’d like to know if k3d is good for testing terraform modules.

bradym avatar

Nope, we’re not using terraform.

johntellsall avatar

I’ve had great luck with Colima, which is Containers on MacOS. It handles the VM, and installs a nice version of K3s. K3s in general I recommend, it has a number of plugins pre-installed so it’s more “baked” than some of the raw distributions.



tolstikov avatar

What are the recommended FOSS applications to track k8s costs, e.g. like kubecost, opencost with no strings attached and without artificially limited features?



jonjitsu avatar

Anyone have any recommendations on tools that can generate diagrams/visualizations?

managedkaos avatar

There was quite a bit of discussion around this in a recent Office Hours. If you scroll back in the #office-hours channel, you can likely find the recording and the links.

Andy avatar

Recent praise for mermaid on hacker news https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34906378

jonjitsu avatar

mermaid’s great, is there a tool that can autogenerate mermaid diagrams for a namespace?


Andy avatar

Are any teams out there running micro-services and long running Datascience batch jobs in the same EKS Kubernetes cluster? Just curious how you manage this. e.g.

• Use spot instances for micro-services

• Use non-spots for Datascience batch jobs

• Or does it make sense to use something else for Datascience batch jobs like Fargate or AWS batch?

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

Totally doable if you use Karpenter and have separate Provisioners for Spot instances for things that are allowed to be interrupted, such as deployments for microservices, as you said.

Then non-interruptible stuff can use the Provisioner with on-demand instances.

Set taints in the on-demand provisioners, corresponding tolerations and nodeaffinity on your batch job Pod specs.

We do something similar for non-interruptible builds that can’t go on spots.



timduhenchanter avatar
Introducing Ambient Mesh

A new dataplane mode for Istio without sidecars.

Andy avatar

We were interested in this but it’s a way off from being production ready (screenshot from the Istio Slack)

Introducing Ambient Mesh

A new dataplane mode for Istio without sidecars.


