#kubernetes (2023-03)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/

Is anyone here using:
• istio-cni
• istio sidecars?
Just want to confirm if you should see istio-init
containers when using istio-cni
(we are!) The documentation suggests that you shouldn’t :thinking_face:
The Istio CNI plugin replaces the functionality provided by the
Install and use Istio with the Istio CNI plugin, allowing operators to deploy services with lower privilege.

Anyone ever had cURL periodically throw 000
for Kubernetes CronJobs that are making internal HTTP POST calls to K8S services? I don’t have any Network policy that is isolating namespaces defined and no Istio sidecar on the CronJob pod. If I set the job to sleep
and interactively connect to the running job and make the same call I can’t reproduce. I have set a ReadinessProbe with an init delay to GET the same endpoint and that passes (with retries) and then the subsequent POST seemingly randomly fails. It is bizarre

means cURL didn’t execute for some reason, See if you can capture the exit code which is different than 000

Yeah, it is periodic. I added retries as a bandaid

And some calls with be 000 and some calls will be 2XX. Again, none of them are 000 if I am calling cURL interactively from the pod.

curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" --connect-timeout 10 --max-time 30 -H "Authorization:$SECRET" -XPOST <http://svcA.nsA.svc.cluster.local:8080/api/endpoint> -d ""
The call in the job for ref.

Can you added a ; echo "Exit code: $?
to the end of that?

That might help debugging the situation

Thank you for the suggestions

Anyone using kubedb by appscode? If so, can you share your experience?

KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) what was the rub here? I recall we tried using it.

KubeDB simplifies Provision, Upgrade, Scaling, Volume Expansion, Monitor, Backup, Restore for various Databases in Kubernetes on any Public & Private Cloud

We had a use case where we wanted to implement multiple DB operators for mysql and redis, and kubedb looked like it wouldve worked. However, kubedb is pay to use so we decided against it. Instead we used:

Authors: Bob Killen (Google), Davanum Srinivas (AWS), Chris Short (AWS), Frederico Muñoz (SAS Institute), Tim Bannister (The Scale Factory), Ricky Sadowski (AWS), Grace Nguyen (Expo), Mahamed Ali (Rackspace Technology), Mars Toktonaliev (independent), Laura Santamaria (Dell), Kat Cosgrove (Dell) On Monday, March 20th, the k8s.gcr.io registry will be redirected to the community owned registry, registry.k8s.io . TL;DR: What you need to know about this change On Monday, March 20th, traffic from the older k8s.

Is anyone using cast.ai for managing their clusters?

Increase your profit margin without additional work. CAST AI cuts your cloud bill in half, automates DevOps tasks, and prevents downtime in one Autonomous Kubernetes platform.

https://cast.ai/pricing/ their pricing model directly conflicts with what they’re trying to achieve - by pricing per cpu they earn less the better they are

Start saving on your cloud bill now with automation. Discover CAST AI pricing and pick the best option for your business.

I’ve started new Kubernetes Operations Survey. The goal is to better understand so-called “2nd day operations” on Kubernetes clusters e.g. upgrades, migrations, etc. I would appreciate it if you could spend a couple of minutes to fill that out!
Results of the last year’s survey are here.
Thank you!
Hello and thank you for participating in our Kubernetes Cluster Operations Survey!
The goal of this survey for us to have a glance on how do people manage their Kubernetes clusters, what is the adoption rate for cloud cluster management solutions, and what is the state of automation for Kubernetes clusters in general.
The results from the previous year are available here: https://grem1.in/post/k8s-survey-2022-1/

@Dan Miller (Cloud Posse) has joined the channel

EKS no longer has a functional default storage class? I cannot create StatefulSet on 1.24 and 1.25, but I tried the same STS on 1.22 and it works fine.

Yes on 1.24+ the csi driver needs to be added. I believe EKS has an addon for this. Alternatively you can install it into EKS yourself as a helm chart

It’s not a walk in the park. I documented here. It’s required in 1.23+

Also, documented it here https://joachim8675309.medium.com/ultimate-eks-baseline-cluster-46593e75bb68