#kubernetes (2023-10)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/kubernetes/

https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/10/amazon-eks-support-kubernetes-versions-preview/ be ready to pay up, if you run outdated EKS version

Anyone have insight on what final pricing will be?

Hi fellas! Greetings from the KusionStack team at AntGroup! We are building an open source, Kubernetes-based Platform Engineering tech stack based on years of cloud-native practice at a massive scale. We have recently released Kusion v0.9.0 with some pretty major and exciting changes, focusing on the out-of-the-box experience for anyone who wants to give it a try! More about the updates in Kusion v0.9.0 is here: https://medium.com/@kusionstack/kusion-v0-9-0-is-here-8f8a5541745e Our Github repository is here: https://github.com/KusionStack/kusion All feedback is welcomed and appreciated!
Deliver intentions to Kubernetes and Clouds

What are some of the high level strategies you use to manage upgrading Kubernetes in production.
Are any of you at the stage where you can just create new clusters and migrate workloads over, rather than upgrading in place?

We call that stage blue-green cluster upgrades. There’s a further strategy that removes a lot of operational toil and naturally removes the DR risks of running a single cluster, called a fleet. We have a couple of articles about it here: https://superorbital.io/blog/kubernetes-cluster-fleets-from-pet-to-cattle/
Exploring the ideal pathway for platform adoption of Kubernetes cluster fleets

This is good thanks