#kubernetes (2023-11)


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Andy avatar
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venkata.mutyala avatar

I’m using kube prometheus stack and it works well but today I found that I can’t find a dashboard that tells me my overall capacity usage. Ex. if my cluster has 4 cpu total and i’ve requested 3 cpu already leaving 1 cpu left to be requested. Does anyone have a recommended community dashboard for this? Also, any other dashboards you folks would suggest ontop of the default kube-prometheus-stack installation?

venkata.mutyala avatar

Alternatively, i’ll probably build one and just publish it as a community dashboard. Any other high level metrics you folks would find helpful?

venkata.mutyala avatar

I think i may have answered my own question: https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/?search=capacity

Dashboards | Grafana Labsattachment image

Browse a library of official and community-built dashboards.

venkata.mutyala avatar
#3977 [kube-prometheus-stack] Adding a capacity dashboard

Is your feature request related to a problem ?

The current dashboards that ship with kube prometheus stack do not show capacity.

Describe the solution you’d like.

I think adding a capacity dashboard would be very helpful to users of kube-prometheus-stack. Here are a couple of examples I was thinking of implementing:


Describe alternatives you’ve considered.

I can build a dashboard for myself but I think this would be a good addition to the helm chart so that everyone can benefit from it.

Additional context.

I’d be happy to make a PR myself or let someone pick up this idea. I’m hoping to just get this approved and get additional feedback before I go off and build it for kube-prometheus-stack
