#lax (2019-05)
A place for people in (and around!) Los Angeles
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/lax/
@btai Would love to know once you guys have the date set for the June West LA Devops meetup - we like to share those events with our network!
@Amanda Heironimus nothing official yet but tentatively June 13th. will let you know in the next day or two
@Maciek Strömich is in town this week. we’re thinking to get together aroudn downtown
@Maciek Strömich has joined the channel
who is free?
Thu, Jun 13, 2019, 6:00 PM: WHENJune 13, 2019Doors open at 6pmWHEREGumGum HQ[masked]th St.4th floorSanta Monica, 90401AGENDA6pm: Doors open, food and beer served6 Industry updates new6 T
Prometheus talk - count me in
Thu, Jun 13, 2019, 6:00 PM: WHENJune 13, 2019Doors open at 6pmWHEREGumGum HQ[masked]th St.4th floorSanta Monica, 90401AGENDA6pm: Doors open, food and beer served6 Industry updates new6 T