#office-hours (2019-11)
“Office Hours” are every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers! https://cloudposse.com/office-hours
Public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers!
Meeting password: sweetops

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop https://zoom.us/j/508587304

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Have you played with Rancher Rio?

I’m here! I can do the show-and-tell of pre-commit if people want

Curated applications for Kubernetes. Contribute to helm/charts development by creating an account on GitHub.

Jenkins Configuration as Code Plugin. Contribute to jenkinsci/configuration-as-code-plugin development by creating an account on GitHub.

A Jenkins plugin for posting notifications to a Slack channel - jenkinsci/slack-plugin

A Groovy DSL for Jenkins Jobs - Sweeeeet! Contribute to jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin development by creating an account on GitHub.

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles. Works with helmfile.d
- cloudposse/helmfiles

A Helm plugin to help users determine if there’s an update available for their installed charts. - bacongobbler/helm-whatup

Contribute to helm-notifier/helm-notifier development by creating an account on GitHub.

if you have ideas for this just create github issues.. I am more than happy to continue to work on this if it provides a benefit.
Contribute to helm-notifier/helm-notifier development by creating an account on GitHub.

11:28:59 From Julio Sueiras to Erik Osterman (Privately) : yes
11:29:16 From Julio Sueiras : yes, we use Jenkins
11:29:19 From Julio Sueiras : but blue ocean
11:29:57 From Dale-Kurt Murray : I’ve been looking at Rio: <https://rio.io/>
11:30:47 From Dale-Kurt Murray : Happy birthday!
11:31:19 From MOHAMED Haleem : Happy Birthday Erik!!!
11:34:22 From Blaise Pabon : Andrew, please share links when you can.
11:34:32 From Blaise Pabon : To those helm charts you mention.
11:36:30 From Julio Sueiras : it look like is to describe the normal Jenkins XML in yaml
11:36:40 From Julio Sueiras : jenkins config xml*
11:38:15 From Blaise Pabon : Andrew is my soul brother, I'm trying to setup exactly the same config!
11:39:42 From Julio Sueiras : I mostly use jenkins as the run place for terraform
11:43:02 From MOHAMED Haleem : Anyone here using Concourse?
11:44:13 From Julio Sueiras : I checked, it can do blocks
11:45:33 From Blaise Pabon : (RTFM welcome) any tips on reconciling AWS billing?
11:49:35 From Julio Sueiras : I can create a terraform provider for Jenkins job if you guys want
11:49:46 From Julio Sueiras : like the one I did for packer
11:51:11 From Julio Sueiras : eric?
11:55:40 From Julio Sueiras : ?
11:57:15 From Blaise Pabon : Julio, I would be interested
12:26:32 From M Haleem : :)
12:26:42 From Julio Sueiras : will have the Jenkins provider tomorrow

@Julio Tain Sueiras @Blaise Pabon MOHAMED (slack username?) sorry we didn’t get to your questions this time!

no problem @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) and my handle is @mohamed.naseer

oh, no problem at all.

very cool way to diff charts!

Will create a jenkins provider tonight

Happy Birthday Erik

i was driving to an appt & listening so i couldn’t share at the time: IMO try to use as few jenkins plugins as possible don’t let parallel builds get out of control - we have a team that will use ~40 executors in a single job. it can error out and bring jenkins to its knees if/when you write pipeline libs try not to make common pipeline between projects. make the supporting functions as simple as possible - do things like handle for loops in your Jenkinsfile

+1 on using as few jenkins plugins as possible. If it isn’t necessary, don’t bother. You won’t see GreenBalls on any of my Jenkins masters

@Pierre Humberdroz I have now used helm-notifier to solve an actual problem for my work. Set up a donate button I owe you a beer.

The Utility is now here to read chart contents I just need to build the file browser.

Awesome @roth.andy, I am currently working on the file browser, and chart page features I hope I will finish them today.
I might consider it!

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop https://zoom.us/j/508587304

I will miss it sadly today! See you next week

Practice infrastructure-as-code in your organization and learn how to detect when engineers make manual changes in your AWS Console

Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudformation-stack development by creating an account on GitHub.

Contribute to cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudformation-stack-set development by creating an account on GitHub.

Anyone have experience using the AWS Metering API? I’ve been tasked with getting a Docker distro onto the marketplace and need some guidance.

Open source demos, concept and guidance related to the AWS CIS Foundation framework. - awslabs/aws-security-benchmark

Rules engine for cloud security, cost optimization, and governance, DSL in yaml for policies to query, filter, and take actions on resources - cloud-custodian/cloud-custodian

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles
Forecastle is a control panel which dynamically discovers and provides a launchpad to access applications deployed on Kubernetes – [✩Star] if you’re using it! - stakater/Forecastle

Thanos - Highly available Prometheus setup with long term storage capabilities

another long term prometheus metrics store option – with many moving parts
- https://eng.uber.com/m3/
- https://github.com/m3db/m3
- recent announcement: https://chronosphere.io/

M3, Uber’s open source metrics platform for Prometheus, facilitates scalable and configurable multi-tenant storage for large-scale metrics.
M3 monorepo - Distributed TSDB, Aggregator and Query Engine, Prometheus Sidecar, Graphite Compatible, Metrics Platform - m3db/m3

Contribute to helm-notifier/helm-notifier development by creating an account on GitHub.

JFrog Artifactory – Simple Rules - scale as you go and only pay for the plan that fits your business DevOps needs, whether On-Prem or for Artifactory Cloud!

A lightweight private npm proxy registry

Is there a Docker registry equivalent for this?
A lightweight private npm proxy registry

Future unclear due to recent acquisition, but oss sonatype i’ve also seen recommended. haven’t used it thought. https://www.sonatype.com/nexus-repository-oss
The world’s only repository manager with FREE support for popular formats.

A list of vendors that treat single sign-on as a luxury feature, not a core security requirement.

My favorite line
A list of vendors that treat single sign-on as a luxury feature, not a core security requirement.


someone on office hours was asking about alternatives to artifactory… just found this: https://github.com/features/packages
With GitHub Packages you can safely publish and consume packages within your organization or with the entire world.

this might have already been mentioned: https://www.sonatype.com/download-oss-sonatype – it’s a good option if you need to run behind a firewall
Download Nexus Repository OSS | The world’s first and only universal repository solution that’s FREE to use. |

that’s cool - thanks for sharing

Curated applications for Kubernetes. Contribute to helm/charts development by creating an account on GitHub.

Watch Amazon announce and demo their HashiCorp Terraform Landing Zone (TLZ) AWS Accelerator preview at HashiConf.

Dude codefresh is freaking amazing. I’ve spent 10 minutes with it and I’m in love. I haven’t even run a build yet.

Want to build a docker container? Here’s a code snippet that will just do it!

Whats your experience with circleci?

I haven’t tried it

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop https://zoom.us/j/508587304

Provides a Spotinst Ocean resource using AWS.

Monochart usage wtih helmfiles https://github.com/cloudposse/helmfiles/blob/master/releases/pritunl.yaml
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

Thank you @Igor Rodionov
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

The “Cloud Posse” Distribution of Kubernetes Applications - cloudposse/charts

Has anyone here used github actions and somehow managed to use approval steps / concept of these ?


i’m interested as well.

Using a lot of github actions, but haven’t tackled approval steps

also, started #github-actions

Made a project to play around with CodeFresh, and get a jump on some future work. I’d love some feedback. It’s a philosophical cousin to Geodesic, with slightly different goals.
Container version of Dad's garage. It's full of tools, you spend lots of time in it, and you use it to build great things. https://hub.docker.com/r/dadsgarage/dadsgarage - dadsgarage/dadsga…

New Zoom Recording from our Public “Office Hours” on 2019-11-20 is now available.

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop https://zoom.us/j/508587304

Progressive delivery Kubernetes operator (Canary, A/B Testing and Blue/Green deployments) - weaveworks/flagger

Fluent Plugin for Amazon Kinesis. Contribute to awslabs/aws-fluent-plugin-kinesis development by creating an account on GitHub.

Provides a AWS Kinesis Firehose Delivery Stream

@Zachary Loeber sorry! didn’t see your messages

11:53:34 From zloeber : Haven't used it yet but this looks interesting: <https://kubeform.com/>
11:54:29 From zloeber : Not certain what the appscode model is and how easy/safe it is to use their products, they are behind kubedb as well
11:56:56 From MattyB : podman.io

let’s discuss next week!

I can’t wait for podman to get more mainstream. Should solve a lot of headaches compared to docker