#office-hours (2020-02)

“Office Hours” are every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers! https://cloudposse.com/office-hours

Public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers!


Meeting password: sweetops


Prasanna Pawar avatar
Prasanna Pawar

@ here how to do vpc peering using multiple natgateway with terraform ?


tamsky avatar

unable to join office-hours meeting as I usually do via web

tamsky avatar
Blaise Pabon avatar
Blaise Pabon

At work I’m building a showcase open source dev ops tools, starting with:




ofc.dev.labs.sumologic.io If anyone wants to run experiments (eg. benchmarks, functional tests, comparisons), showcase their work, or make any suggestions, please let me know. For the forseeable future, I won’t have any hard constraints on EC2 usage, so I’m taking advantage of the chance to do cool stuff with my friends!

Blaise Pabon avatar
Blaise Pabon
Go Time #114: Cloudy with a chance of Kelsey Hightower with Johnny, Carmen, Mat, & Jaana

In this episode, we’re joined by Kelsey Hightower to discuss the evolution of cloud infrastructure management, the role Kubernetes and its API play in it, and how we, as developers and operators, should be adapting to these changes.

Alex Siegman avatar
Alex Siegman
tamsky avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Cloudposse’s tfmask gets mentioned at 10m:00s in the video

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Oh man! Just a shame we haven’t yet updated the regex to work with 0.12

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

talk by @antonbabenko

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Videos are posted

antonbabenko avatar

Yes, it was me on Saturday :) thanks for mentioning @Alex Siegman and @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

aaratn avatar

@antonbabenko I’ve written a tool which helps switching terraform and terragrunt version with a single binary. You can check this out here



Terraform & Terragrunt Version Manager. Contribute to aaratn/terraenv development by creating an account on GitHub.

antonbabenko avatar

I think I saw it before, but don’t have a need to use it. There is tgenv which I used couple times for that

aaratn avatar

Yeah, this solves problem of having multiple tools + this is written in python so can be good for platform independence.

antonbabenko avatar

I thought Go is a language for platform independence :) 2.7 vs 3.7 in python is not always working, but 2.7 is still present sometimes

aaratn avatar

yeah you can package python to be a binary

aaratn avatar

I just added support for pip today. pip install terraenv

antonbabenko avatar

I’ve just used terraenv to download latest terragrunt which is not yet in homebrew. Do you plan to add support for latest ? Like this - terraenv terragrunt install latest ? I understand that latest is not very presice, but this is exactly what I need while developing.

aaratn avatar

Thanks for feedback. I can surely add that to next release Thanks for trying out terraenv !

antonbabenko avatar
Previously, I ran tfenv install tfenv list-remotehead -1`
antonbabenko avatar

Now I need to write a bit longer -

terraenv terragrunt install `terraenv terragrunt list remote | tail -1


antonbabenko avatar

I’ve updated slides of my talk where I mention your tool as alternative to tfenv

aaratn avatar

I will add support to install latest version in a day or two

antonbabenko avatar

Also, my last feature-request for today is terraenv terragrunt install-and-use latest - this is a way to install and use even if it is already installed.

aaratn avatar

I think thats the case right now, if you install <version> it automatically switches to that

aaratn avatar

If its already downloaded

aaratn avatar

@antonbabenko this is implemented, try doing brew reinstall terrraenv if you are on mac / pip --upgrade install terraenv if you are on other platform

antonbabenko avatar

terraenv terragrunt install latest works as expected. Thank you!

Zoom avatar
10:55:08 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Public “Office Hours” on 2020-02-05 is now available.

Julian Gindi avatar
Julian Gindi

Sad I forgot about this today, will join next time!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

See you next time!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Btw, did you register? If so, you’ll get a calendar invite along with email reminders.

Julian Gindi avatar
Julian Gindi

I need to do that, thanks for the reminder

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Julian Gindi check out the recording! we had an especially good session today.

Julian Gindi avatar
Julian Gindi

Already one step a head Def interested in hearing about interview questions


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

haha, we didn’t get to the interview questions yesterday, so it will remain on the docket for next week

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

if you have any tricks for interviewing, would be great to hear them.


Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

@antonbabenko 11AM GMT is 6AM Toronto time, but that’s not going to stop 3 guys from my shop including myself from seeing your talk https://events.hashicorp.com/hashitalks2020

HashiTalks 2020

Join us for HashiTalks 2020 on Thursday, February 20th. Keep up with the conversation on Twitter using #HashiTalks and @HashiCorp.

antonbabenko avatar

I hear you want me to start making slides! Will do!

HashiTalks 2020

Join us for HashiTalks 2020 on Thursday, February 20th. Keep up with the conversation on Twitter using #HashiTalks and @HashiCorp.

Yonatan Koren avatar
Yonatan Koren

haha no I’m actually going to wake up. Trying to get the other guys to do that as well.

wattiez.morgan avatar

Will there by any recording ?

antonbabenko avatar

Yes, it will be on youtube. I think it was about a few week after the event.

wattiez.morgan avatar



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@johncblandii can you join office hours? some guys have questions regarding terraform cloud.

johncblandii avatar
07:35:29 PM

@johncblandii has joined the channel

johncblandii avatar

sure thing….joining

johncblandii avatar

Static analysis powered security scanner for your terraform code - liamg/tfsec

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Here’s the Zoom chat from our call today

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Zoom avatar
10:51:28 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Public “Office Hours” on 2020-02-12 is now available.




aaratn avatar

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) no office hours today ?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

yep! at 11:30

aaratn avatar

My bad !! Reminder came 30 minutes before !

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

haha, cool - hope you can still make it!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@johncblandii is gonna do another demo

aaratn avatar

Looking forward to that !

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop zoom https://zoom.us/j/508587304

btai avatar

@johncblandii couldnt make it today but what did you demo?

johncblandii avatar

multiline editing in vs code



Zoom avatar
04:24:59 AM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2020-02-19 is now available.


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@scorebot can you keep tabs on whose helping out?

scorebot avatar
05:19:31 PM

@scorebot has joined the channel

scorebot avatar
05:19:32 PM

Thanks for adding me emojis used in this channel are now worth points.

scorebot avatar
05:19:33 PM

Wondering what I can do? try @scorebot help


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@here public #office-hours starting now! join us to talk shop zoom https://zoom.us/j/508587304

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
IoT Device Management | Onboard, Organize & Remotely Update | AWS IoT Device Management

AWS IoT Device Management allows you to scale your device fleets and reduce the cost and effort of managing large IoT device deployments. Get started today!

Karim Benjelloun avatar
Karim Benjelloun


Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell

https://github.com/digitallumens/dlterm was the company I interviewed at.


Contribute to digitallumens/dlterm development by creating an account on GitHub.

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell
How to install IoT Edge on Kubernetes

Learn on how to install IoT Edge on Kubernetes using a local development cluster environment

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell
Falco | Sysdigattachment image

Have visibility into the behavior of your containers & applications with Falco, container native runtime security.

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell
Kubectl attach vs kubectl exec?

by using kubectl exec -ti POD_NAME bash I am able to access the terminal inside the container and execute the command. I can understand the usability and convenient of the above command. As K8s Op…

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell

P.S. If anyone else here is starting to use https://argoproj.github.io/argo-cd more I’d love to chat with more people about how they are doing secrets + argocd.

Blaise Pabon avatar
Blaise Pabon

I’m also interested because right now, I’m just doing google oauth via oicd.

Karim Benjelloun avatar
Karim Benjelloun

(that might be me soon)

Karim Benjelloun avatar
Karim Benjelloun

Thank you guys, it was really interesting!

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell

Oh, one thing I forgot to mention in office hours: If anyone is or knows someone in Boston on April 7th you should check out https://observe2020.io (disclaimer, I’m helping out some of the organizers, but I also thought it was relevant to our falco/monitoring conversation.)

Adam Blackwell avatar
Adam Blackwell

Also worth checking out https://opentelemetry.io in general if you haven’t already.


Effective observability requires high-quality telemetry

Zoom avatar
10:25:32 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2020-02-26 is now available.
