#office-hours (2021-01)

“Office Hours” are every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers! https://cloudposse.com/office-hours

Public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers!


Meeting password: sweetops


Weston Platter avatar
Weston Platter

A question I have about https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms … I’m using it to scale up/down the number of Fargate Tasks for an ECS Service. My issue is that it the scale down action continues to scale the task count below the min desired count. What I’m trying to achieve is for the scale down process to not scale below the min desired count.


Terraform module to create CloudWatch Alarms on ECS Service level metrics. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Probably better to open an issue for this one.


Terraform module to create CloudWatch Alarms on ECS Service level metrics. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-cloudwatch-sns-alarms

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@jose.amengual have you run into this?

jose.amengual avatar

not exactly

jose.amengual avatar

We enabled a capacity provider which caused and issue similar

jose.amengual avatar

maybe you have a capacity provider at the cluster level @Weston Platter?

Weston Platter avatar
Weston Platter

Checking ….

Weston Platter avatar
Weston Platter

I don’t have a capacity provider configured. Do I need that?

jose.amengual avatar

no no you do not

jose.amengual avatar

Capacity providers are a completely different animal

Weston Platter avatar
Weston Platter

gotcha. I’ll go ahead and open a github issue.

Weston Platter avatar
Weston Platter

Asking this here so I can ask this during this week’s office hours.


Eric Berg avatar
Eric Berg

Question for today’s discussion: When deploying via helm, do you use hacked versions of the full values.yaml files or a file with just diffs? Which is better for managing upgrades of things like the datadog agent, going forward?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
07:00:29 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

Thank you for announcing these! I totally forgot what day it was

Miguel Zablah avatar
Miguel Zablah

I just find it haha thanks!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

By any chance, does anyone here have a multi-region kubernetes setup that still uses wildcard DNS? I have a single cluster with hundreds of ingresses like foo.example.com or bar.example.com and I had been thinking about moving to a multi-region setup where half of the ingresses would live in us-east and half in us-west, but would like to keep the wildcard dns setup as to not need to create a bunch of route53 records. I can’t use Route53 geo-based routing as users that have their site hosted in us-east could be accessing their site from a different location (i.e. california). To clarify, the reason that I want to add a cluster in a second region is to minimize blast radius and not for redundancy (foo.example.com would only live on the us-east cluster OR the us-west cluster but not both)

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Q : In https://github.com/cloudposse/reference-architectures#3-delegate-dns Can some one explains An available domain we can use for DNS-base service discovery (E.g. [ourcompany.co](http://ourcompany.co)). This domain must not be in use elsewhere as the master account will need to be the authoritative name server (SOA).


[WIP] Get up and running quickly with one of our reference architecture using our fully automated cold-start process. - cloudposse/reference-architectures

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07:28:09 PM

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:28:12 PM

Tarlan Isaev has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:28:22 PM

charles pogi has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:28:23 PM

Weston Platter has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:28:24 PM

Vlad Ionescu has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:06 PM

Jesse Cafarelli has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:12 PM

uri unger has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Ken Y.y has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Raymond Mazurik has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:39 PM

Andy Miguel has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:48 PM

Shouky Dan has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:07 PM

Adam Crown has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:20 PM

Julian Severino has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:40 PM

Mohammed Yahya has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Brian Tai has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:06 PM

Shouky Dan has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Mikael Fridh has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Randy Bridges has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Florain Drescher has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Matt Calhoun has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:33 PM

Bill Clark has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:57 PM

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

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Neil Gealy has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:38 PM

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07:37:07 PM

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Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Add outputs id16, id32, id64, id128 by alexjurkiewicz · Pull Request #118 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

Truncated forms of id_full which are always available. This is useful when you want to use the same label for several resources with different length restrictions. Closes #117.

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

Is this per field?

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

or is this total?

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07:39:06 PM

Troy Taillefer has joined Public “Office Hours”

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) how to preserve most significant digit being at the end of the id?

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07:39:30 PM

James Haughey has joined Public “Office Hours”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
feat: add possability to use lowercased context tags by SweetOps · Pull Request #107 · cloudposse/terraform-null-label

what add possability to use lowercased context tags why not all cloud-providers supports the uppercased keys for tagging/labeling resources

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

yes, thanks!

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07:43:15 PM

Martin Mazurik has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:43:44 PM

Rashid Boyko has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:44:35 PM

Abisoye Olaomi has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:45:03 PM

Kareem Shahin has joined Public “Office Hours”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Moving on from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL Versions 9.4 | Amazon Web Servicesattachment image

Historically, the PostgreSQL community releases a new major version yearly, and with that, has a defined end of life (EOL) policy of older major versions. This allows version and upgrade decisions to be made on dates known well into the future. The community EOL policy is to support a major version for 5 years after […]

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

theres no db slack channel, so I’m asking here since I’m using RDS (and theyre deprecating support for my postgres version). Anyone thats done the postgres 9 -> postgres 10/11 migration have any gotchas we should be concerned about when doing it?

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07:47:17 PM

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:48:51 PM

Petros K has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:50:25 PM

Anere Faithful has joined Public “Office Hours”

Uri Unger avatar
Uri Unger

Question for me: We are adopting the terraform-aws-jenkins infra and are pretty impressed with it. I have noticed some issues with the use of EFS though which I wanted to ask about. I am not sure if we’re somehow doing it wrong or if this is a genuine issue. 1- throughput in terms of single file operations: dsl jobs (as well as master startup time) are quite longer compared to what we experienced with using local store (which we have done in the past). benchmarking on the master node indeed shows a round trip for a single operation is 5-10ms. 2- normal “nfs pain”- network “hickups” results with locked threads in jenkins master that never unlocks.

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07:52:40 PM

Rohit Koimattur has joined Public “Office Hours”

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

Has anyone looked at and/or considered Terraspaces as a framework for terraform? I have setup a quick and dirty environment in a Cloud9 instance and so far am loving it.

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07:57:06 PM

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

charlesz avatar

hello, what do you guys use for something like constant configuration changes? i was leaning towards ansible but just wanted to see if there is anything out there that works ok too

mfridh avatar

I am still on bit.y/oauth2_proxy … it seems like maybe the project itself has moved on and is active still… (I’m on a very old version on the “legacy” services I front with oauth2 proxy still) – https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy


A reverse proxy that provides authentication with Google, Github or other providers. - oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark


Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark
08:07:59 PM
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Configure external DNS servers (AWS Route53, Google CloudDNS and others) for Kubernetes Ingresses and Services - kubernetes-sigs/external-dns

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08:14:17 PM

Abisoye Olaomi has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Multi Account Setup - OpenDocs

DevSecOps OpenDocs - Document Everything!

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08:16:28 PM

Abisoye Olaomi has joined Public “Office Hours”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Catalog of reusable Terraform components and blueprints for provisioning reference architectures - cloudposse/terraform-aws-components

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08:19:13 PM

Abisoye Olaomi has joined Public “Office Hours”

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

I have not heard of anyone using a dedicated DNS account before

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

Would you talk a little about your thoughts limits around multi-account setup. I think a limit of 10 or perhaps up 20 is manageable, but beyond that I think you should think of creating a new org for more member accounts

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

This is a good question. Will pin it for next week.

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

Excellent. I have been wrestling with this for a while. Obviously there are exceptions. But I like the multi-account member account approach to help isolate and demarc things, but I also worry about sprawl and have seen for some plans of a 100 or more accounts under an org. Myself I see it being more approachable somewhere in the 10 - 25 range.

mfridh avatar

It certainly helps because spreading the zones out is horrible. You might end up needing to use the “prod” DNS from a non-prod account etc…

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

ruby gem

organicnz avatar

Any good news about Waypoint?)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I don’t have any news yet on this. We’re waiting probably until > Q2 before taking a serious look at it.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Very excited about what it is aspiring to do.

mfridh avatar

I am too.. but… it’s always tricky with projects which try to do “allthethings”. If you start on a clean slate it can be absolutely wonderful.

mfridh avatar

Going all-in on something, regardless of what it is though… can be amazing.

organicnz avatar

Oh you’re already talking about)

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

No such thing as “Best Practice.” There are only tendrils of innovation that become increasingly adopted.

roth.andy avatar

I wasn’t in office hours. Is this in reference to a particular tool, or the DevOps world in general?

Overall I totally agree, but I think there have been a couple of things that should be considered a best practice and used by all/almost all

  1. Use Git
  2. Use a modern Git-based VCS like GitHub/GitLab/BitBucket/etc
  3. Do CI, with an automated testing pipeline
  4. Containerize

Other more controversial ones that are, in my opinion, best practices

  1. Kubernetes in all but the most basic of use cases
  2. Throw out your style guide and automate it with hooks/CI/etc
  3. …I’ll think about some more. I really like going over stuff like this 
roth.andy avatar

IaC, probably in the top list…

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park
09:15:22 PM

This was a general statement. The point I was trying to make is that “Best Practice” today feels less like “use drbd, pacemaker, corosync and this my.cnf” and more like the following picture:

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

But I agree, there are definitely some practices that are mature and broadly adopted, like your list above.

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

What I like about Terraspaces is that you can still go an do it with Terraform, but gives some better structure and easier safeties for a small group.

Jim Park avatar
Jim Park

I think one of the most important questions to ask is where on the adoption curve does my organization want to be?

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

Thanks all! I appreciate the insights.

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09:50:06 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2021-01-06 is now available.



Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)

I know y’all explained the CloudPosse way of defining envs and propagating changes many times, but for the life of me I can’t find that recording. Anybody know where I can find it? That part of Office Hours where @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) explained the base Terraform infra, and then the DBs, and then the apps thing. With a flowchart with arrows and nice diagram of things building on top of the previous stages

Vlad Ionescu (he/him) avatar
Vlad Ionescu (he/him)


The 4 layers of infrastructure! They’re explained starting here: https://youtu.be/fVRy3qpTxME?t=2249

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yes! that was it.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I’ve also added the lucid chart here: https://cloudposse.com/big-picture/

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

but I think i’ll change it to a image so it’s easier to share

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
02:00:52 AM

Updated diagram:

Lee Skillen avatar
Lee Skillen

Love it, and an awesome visualisation, but no package management? Possibly with increasing awareness, as more orgs adopt protection against things like the package name squatting fiasco, or utilising isolation to protect from third-parties.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
07:00:30 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

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07:30:12 PM

Andy Miguel has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:23 PM

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:29 PM

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:39 PM

Ian Groff has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:39 PM

Mohammed Yahya has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:40 PM

James Haughey has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:43 PM

Hemanth Kumar has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:43 PM

Bircan Bilici has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:46 PM

Tim Gourley has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:55 PM

Andy Miguel has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:04 PM

Patrick Joyce has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:07 PM

mb Branski has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:36 PM

Patrick Jahns has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:01 PM

Udit Dave has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:26 PM

Mazin Ahmed has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:49 PM

Michael Martin has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:28 PM

Matt Gowie has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:17 PM

Kenji Nakamura has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:44 PM

Isa Aguilar has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:35:19 PM

Bill Clark has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:37:15 PM

Dave Lundgren has joined Public “Office Hours”

Patrick Jahns avatar
Patrick Jahns

Working with the SSO resources - but would be great to also define at least Groups via code

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07:39:27 PM

PePe Amengual has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:44:00 PM

Kenji Nakamura has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mike Martin avatar
Mike Martin

@Bill Clark You mentioned you were getting started with Terraform - this is a GREAT book for “getting up and running”. https://www.amazon.com/Terraform-Running-Writing-Infrastructure-Code/dp/1491977086

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov
Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

Yes. I am reading this one!

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07:48:41 PM

Oskar Maria Grande has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

@Mohammed Yahya I think this is one of the outstanding SSO resources that’s still in draft: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/pull/15322

I’ve been following that PR and it seems like that might be what you were missing.

[WIP] r/ssoadmin_account_assignment: new resource; d/identitystore: new data sources by burck1 · Pull Request #15322 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Update 2020/11/03 To help us to continue to move forward, please go give a thumbs up on #15808. We've completed most of the work for supporting the AWS SSO and AWS SSO Identity Store resources …

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

interesting, I think they will splits the PRs

[WIP] r/ssoadmin_account_assignment: new resource; d/identitystore: new data sources by burck1 · Pull Request #15322 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Update 2020/11/03 To help us to continue to move forward, please go give a thumbs up on #15808. We've completed most of the work for supporting the AWS SSO and AWS SSO Identity Store resources …

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse)
DevOps Engineer - Blue Pisces Consulting Inc | Built In Los Angelesattachment image

Blue Pisces Consulting Inc is hiring for a DevOps Engineer in Los Angeles. Find more details about the job and how to apply at Built In Los Angeles.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya


variable "with_optional_attribute" {
  type = object({
    a = string           # a required attribute
    b = optional(string) # an optional attribute
Type Constraints - Configuration Language - Terraform by HashiCorp

Terraform module authors and provider developers can use detailed type constraints to validate the inputs of their modules and resources.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

awesome to use

Type Constraints - Configuration Language - Terraform by HashiCorp

Terraform module authors and provider developers can use detailed type constraints to validate the inputs of their modules and resources.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Terraform module for AWS ECS Cluster. Contribute to mhmdio/terraform-aws-ecs-cluster development by creating an account on GitHub.

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07:51:02 PM

Shouky Dan has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:51:56 PM

Marc Tamsky has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:52:18 PM

mb Branski has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Exploring better ways to build and manage cloud infrastructure

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07:53:16 PM

Andrew Thompson has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:55:44 PM

rajiv ranjan has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

use this CFN templates until TF AWS SSO is ready

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Looks like AWS SSO assignment resources are dropping today in v3.24.0https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/15108#issuecomment-760421304

Support for Managing AWS SSO Permission Sets · Issue #15108 · hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws

Community Note Please vote on this issue by adding a reaction to the original issue to help the community and maintainers prioritize this request Please do not leave "+1" or other comme…

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

wow Matt you’er fast

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09

Description: Configure AWS SSO


    Type: String
    Default: 'arn:aws:sso:::instance/ssoins-XXXXXXXXXXXXX'
    Description: 'AWS SSO Instance ARN.'


      Id: 'XXXXXXX-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-XXXXX'
      Id: 'XXXXXXX-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-XXXXX'
      Id: 'XXXXXXX-xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-XXXXX'
      Id: '111111111111'
      Id: '222222222222'
      Id: '333333333333'
      Id: '444444444444'


    Type: AWS::SSO::PermissionSet
      Description: Admins Group Administrator Access Permission Set
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AdministratorAccess
      Name: Admins
        - Key: 'CFN'
          Value: 'Yes'
        - Key: 'Project'
          Value: 'Awesome'
    Type: AWS::SSO::PermissionSet
      Description: Developers Group Read Only Access Permission Set
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess
      Name: Developers
        - Key: 'CFN'
          Value: 'Yes'
        - Key: 'Project'
          Value: 'Awesome'

    Type: AWS::SSO::PermissionSet
      Description: Developers Group CodeCommit Access Permission Set
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
        - arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AWSCodeCommitPowerUser
      Name: Developers-CodeCommit
        - Key: 'CFN'
          Value: 'Yes'
        - Key: 'Project'
          Value: 'Awesome'

  # masterAssignmentAdmins:
  #   Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
  #   Properties:
  #     InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
  #     PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt adminsPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
  #     TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, master, Id ]
  #     TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
  #     PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
  #     PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Admins, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt adminsPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, shared, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Admins, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt adminsPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, prod, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Admins, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt adminsPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, dev, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Admins, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt developersPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, dev, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Developers, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt developersPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, prod, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Developers, Id ]

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt developersPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, shared, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Developers, Id ] 

    Type: AWS::SSO::Assignment
      InstanceArn: !Ref AwsSsoInsanceArn
      PermissionSetArn: !GetAtt developersCodeCommitPermissionSet.PermissionSetArn
      TargetId: !FindInMap [ Accounts, shared, Id ]
      TargetType: 'AWS_ACCOUNT'
      PrincipalType: 'GROUP'
      PrincipalId: !FindInMap [ Groups, Developers-CodeCommit, Id ] 
Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

If you have time and interest talk about your Codefresh GitOps method. And did you look and consider the Gitlab terraform automation? Pros and Cons

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Not using it, recommending it or promoting it any more for the same reasons we don’t recommend github actions

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

use a purpose built platform. don’t roll your own using a general purpose CI/CD solution.

Bill Clark avatar
Bill Clark

So neg on the Gitlab and GitHub. But you still like and use Codefresh right? I ask as we have enterprise Bitbucket which has CI/CD capabilities. Im not sure I like it for more than a repo though.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Yes we still use a lot of Codefresh.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

But based on some of our engagements last year, I just don’t recommend building your own terraform CD solution. The problem I think is that teams who want to do it are solving the wrong problem and haven’t yet practiced gitops enough to know the challenges. If after having used TACOS, the team still believes it can do a better job, then they can try it.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We also use a lot of GitHub actions. Love them. But we don’t use them for terraform .

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

(Other than for automated testing)

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08:05:46 PM

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08:10:19 PM

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08:21:46 PM

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09:51:42 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2021-01-13 is now available.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
07:00:26 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Will this affect Terraform ?
Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Does anyone follow a git flow (i.e. develop + master branches) pattern for larger Terraform repositories? How has that worked out for you?

Dahs81 avatar

I tried using develop and master and found it hard to manage. So, I just do PR’s off of master. I create tags for each module as well similar to this source = git@<name-of-repo?ref=v1.0.0 so that when the module changes it’s not pointing to a local reference of my modules. There could be better ways to do it though. We are running terraform locally though and have a small team. I’d be interested in what others are doing as well.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

I tried lot of approaches, let me list them first, then discuss them

• one repo - a branch per ENV

• multiple repos - a repo per env

• one repo - a folder per ENV all of these has pros and cons, but I move to something called stacks

So for any account I have stacks, one for network, others for Data, compute, app, CICD, so any account use one repo, and in that repo I have stacks each stack points to folder. then using a makefile I can have the sequence I want, and using remote state data source I can any output I want.

• one account reflect an ENV in one repo, and within multiple stacks with a makefile If I need to do any change I would create aPR on target account repo, run TF plan, approve it and merge, then run terraform apply, branch name cloud be issue-X or feat-X that match our backlog

some PR require changes on multiple stacks, and that can be easily done with this approach

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Hi Mohammed, I use one repo - a branch per ENV after I tried every one of those solutions. And using seperate organizational accounts for envs. This solved a lot of problem for me like configuration differentiation.

jose.amengual avatar

So this just happened to me: working on a module for a project using a dev environment but I have another co-worker working in another branch and then she did TF apply and I just got a Your query returned no results and I thought I broke something ( we use atlantis for other projects so this that do not happen) is there a way to check the state if it was changed ( like doing a git pull) ?(keep in mind in this case was a data. resource so is not going to be recreated)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Is there anything other than tfenv that provides that smooth experience for various terraform versions. Maybe a docker driven approach that’s not hideous to look at with something like whalebrew or the like?

Also I kinda wanted on installing a new version for it to prompt me to set as default instead of having to do 2 commands so before I dive into exploring submitting a PR or something on that, would like to know if it’s still the best tool to use for managing various versions of terraform

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07:28:54 PM

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:05 PM

David Lundgren has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:12 PM

Phil Hershkowitz has joined Public “Office Hours”

btai avatar

any tips for improving global s3 upload speed? (think india, hong kong, etc) what other optimizations could I possibly make after turning on s3 transfer acceleration and using multipart uploads?

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07:29:19 PM

mb Branski has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:19 PM

Sam C has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:19 PM

Colton Wrisner has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:27 PM

James Thalacker has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:45 PM

Brian Tai has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:29:54 PM

Jim Park has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:02 PM
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07:30:25 PM

Cosmin Drimba has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:29 PM

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:57 PM

Patrick Jahns has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:16 PM

Tim Gourley has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:23 PM

Sebastian Stadil has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:27 PM

Mansoor Ebrahim has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:31 PM

Cosmin Drimba has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:53 PM

James Haughey has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:56 PM

Bill Clark has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:07 PM

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07:32:36 PM

Matt Gowie has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:22 PM

Srikar Ananthula has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:40 PM

Neil Gealy has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:48 PM

Leia Renée has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:53 PM

Andy Roth has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:14 PM

Mikael Fridh has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:34 PM

PePe Amengual has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:49 PM

venkatamutyala has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:58 PM

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07:35:06 PM

Guelor Emanuel has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:35:33 PM

Loren Gordon has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:36:18 PM

Mohammed Yahya has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:38:48 PM

Eric Berg has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:39:03 PM

Oskar Maria Grande has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:40:01 PM

mike dizon has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:40:01 PM

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:40:47 PM

Petros Kolyvas has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:41:31 PM

Robert Jackson has joined Public “Office Hours”

Sebastian Stadil avatar
Sebastian Stadil

Question re: office hours. What types of internal users have you seen typically use these prebuilt stacks / catalog?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Catalogs is a general concept

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Here’s our catalog of datadog monitors:

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Here’s our catalog for AWS Config (with of the rules for CIS 1.2)

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

This module configures AWS Config, a service that enables you to assess, audit, and evaluate the configurations of your AWS resources. - cloudposse/terraform-aws-config

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

…so now we are extending our catalog approach to infrastructure using “Stacks”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

and since we’ve abstracted the concept of a stack as YAML, now we can support that with virtually any TACOS provider.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Like scalr

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07:45:45 PM

Blaisep has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:46:10 PM

Jose Franco has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:46:28 PM

Sheldon Hull has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Dizon avatar
Michael Dizon

Are you guys going to update examples in atmos? I’d love to get it going!

sheldonh avatar

Whatever cloud provider, a registry for easy review and calling of modules is key. I checked and Env0 didn’t have it at this time. Scalyr i think did. Spacelift i haven’t checkout out, but will look too.

I really want to towards that curated high quality modules for teams to use this way.

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07:54:24 PM

Dennis Lipovsky has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:56:51 PM

Miguelangel Freitas has joined Public “Office Hours”

sheldonh avatar

Cloudposse modules are epic I’m always looking to leverage them. I just painfully used a new datadog monitor project that wasn’t Cloudposse as it was a bit more extensive and it felt like pulling teeth.


Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

Ah what did the DD monitor module not have that you were looking for? I was just in there, so I’m curious.

sheldonh avatar

1 - preset messages already built (maybe you had that too) 2 - 10-20 prebuilt monitors for different services already ready. I wanted to convert but didn’t have time. https://registry.terraform.io/modules/claranet/monitors/datadog/latest

I would like to use cloudposse, but need to have time to convert the checks into yaml to use that.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@sheldonh did you see the catalog?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Terraform module to configure and provision Datadog monitors from a YAML configuration, complete with automated tests. - cloudposse/terraform-datadog-monitor

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

There’s a lot there, but maybe not for your services

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

e.g. we have 20 monitors just for EKS

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We’ll gladly accept PRs for more monitors that we can add to our catalog.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

If you compare our module to the one by claranet, it’s a pretty big difference. The claranet one requires a submodule for every one.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

While using the YAML config pattern, we add monitors very easily:

  name: "(k8s) Deployment Replica Pod is down"
  type: query alert
  query: |
    avg(last_15m):avg:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_desired{*} by {cluster_name,deployment} - avg:kubernetes_state.deployment.replicas_ready{*} by {cluster_name,deployment} >= 2
  message: |
    ({{cluster_name.name}}) More than one Deployments Replica's pods are down on {{deployment.name}}
  escalation_message: ""
  tags: [ "ManagedBy:Terraform" ]
  notify_no_data: false
  notify_audit: true
  require_full_window: true
  enable_logs_sample: false
  force_delete: true
  include_tags: true
  locked: false
  renotify_interval: 0
  timeout_h: 0
  evaluation_delay: 60
  new_host_delay: 300
  no_data_timeframe: 5
  threshold_windows: { }
    critical: 2
sheldonh avatar

Yeah I’m going to convert over today.

Here’s the catch, I need to be able to copy json from building a manual monitor then codify.

I’m thinking I copy json to use tool to flip to yaml. If the schema is the same as the datadog json then I just solved my problem . Will look I don’t like the module verbosity of the clarinet one but I did appreciate prebuilt monitors for rds etc. I can build those myself those if I can flip to yaml quickly. If that works I’ll probably ride up a quick blog post on how I did it for folks and see about adding some more monitors to the library. Thanks!

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

@sheldonh Cool you’ll be using it! Interested in hearing how it goes.

Building out that catalog would be really cool. I haven’t added anything myself yet as the monitors I’ve added to client projects are too narrow in scope, but I hope to do so over the coming months for sure.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

yep, thanks sheldon for the update. if there’s any generic monitors (e.g. for RDS), we’d welcome those! If you’re struggling with how to do something, do reach out and we’ll probably be able to answer how we handle it (or htink about it)

sheldonh avatar

I have a suggestion, not sure if makes sense, but here it goes.

Slight schema modification to the yaml structure for monitors. With a slight change you could basically take a manually created monitor and use the export json to “flip” to yaml and plug it in without many tweaks. Any extra properties not included in the default json should be optional.


{jsoncontent} | yq/cfn-flip Now i have a formatted yaml snippet I could plug into the monitor. I had to work through problems though as “options” is used to group the settings and not in the cloudposse yaml.

What do you think? Worth a PR/open issue? Would make it easier to add monitors by doing manually, confirming they work then codifying i think.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Emit Datadog monitors based on Kubernetes state. Contribute to FairwindsOps/astro development by creating an account on GitHub.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

can you share what the schema should look like?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

maybe open issue for documentation purposes.

sheldonh avatar

Would be glad to. It’s minor changes very minimal but would make it super easy to pull in any new monitor. I only had to make a few tweaks and make a few variables optional and it works. I’ll try to get something up there soon. Cheers

sheldonh avatar

For what it’s worth I’ve read that this type of concept:

You want to simplify, that’s great! Simplifying complex systems though often is basically shifting around complexity. In this case… do you want Terragrunt to manage the complexity and it’s own flow, or do you shift it to the user, or a yaml config for example.

I think it’s a case of where do you feel the complexity should be best moved.

Food for though.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

yes, strongly agree.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

there’ll necessarily be complexity with time as we’re doing more. there’ll be different ways to address it that depend on our world view. we’re only shifting it around.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I want to talk more about this later this quarter, once we have more documentation on our latest strategy. I also want to compare it in matrix

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08:01:11 PM

Jeremy Branham has joined Public “Office Hours”

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08:01:35 PM

Udit Dave has joined Public “Office Hours”

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08:03:47 PM

Jose Franco has joined Public “Office Hours”

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08:05:13 PM

Hao Wang has joined Public “Office Hours”

sheldonh avatar

WOOT WOOT. I didn’t see atmos. Is this built on top of variant2?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

It’s a master class in atmos.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I’d like to say it was “Easy”, but it’s been quite challenging. We’ve had to work a lot with Mumoshu to get to where we are on it today.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

We’re also developing a companion cli in pure-go

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

still deciding on name of that one. that cli is for working around limitations in terraform providers in order for us to provde SOC2 compliance for customers.

Julian avatar

Tuning in a bit late, but is there something specifically I could review regarding the SOC 2 Compliance issues your customers are having and how that relates to TF? Very similar goals on this end so trying to head off any frustration before audits begin

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Our workarounds are going into https://github.com/cloudposse/posse-cli (which will be renamed to turf)


CLI Tool to help with various automation tasks. Contribute to cloudposse/posse-cli development by creating an account on GitHub.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

addresses those things there’s no way to do in pure terraform

sheldonh avatar

You all are amazing as usual. I’m excited to see where this project goes. Would you say I could easily replace “runner scripts” now with this tooling or a bit difficult as designed for your specific workflow?

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08:07:12 PM

Andrew Thompson has joined Public “Office Hours”

sheldonh avatar

Seriously you guys are on FIRE

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

A command line tool to switch between different versions of terraform (install with homebrew and more)

sheldonh avatar

asdf is about the ultimate expression of lazy typing i’ve ever seen. Absolutely love it!

sheldonh avatar

Go is HUGE on backward compatibility. They have a promise even on “deprecated” features to never break functionality.

I’d say even if they move to SDK v2, it’s not going to impact us overall.

sheldonh avatar

Pretty sure SDK v2 has been out for years before this announcement too, so it’s not “new”. It’s been in usage from 2018 i believe. It simplifies a lot of code too.

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09:48:57 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2021-01-20 is now available.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
07:00:47 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Hi Erik, I’m having trouble with companies regular meetings. I kindly suggested them to squeeze meetings into 1 or 2 days so developers can have full silent days focusing their job. I’ve found these articles to support my proposal.
Context switching and an engineer’s mile-long trail of mental notes are sworn enemies. As legendary computer scientist and entrepreneur Paul Graham says, “One reason programmers dislike meetings so much is that they’re on a different type of schedule from other people. Meetings cost them more.”


I wonder if I’m alone on this fight or not?

How our devs reduce distractions (and unnecessary meetings)attachment image

Slack is where work flows. It’s where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done.

Stop the Meeting Madnessattachment image

How to free up time for meaningful work

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

This is the quintessential essay by PG: http://www.paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html

How our devs reduce distractions (and unnecessary meetings)attachment image

Slack is where work flows. It’s where the people you need, the information you share, and the tools you use come together to get things done.

Stop the Meeting Madnessattachment image

How to free up time for meaningful work

Doug Lane (he/him) avatar
Doug Lane (he/him)

This just occurred to me, so it may not quite be fully baked. This falls under psychological safety, although the context for that is usually regarding feeling safe to share opinions, ask questions, etc. But people need to feel safe to be silent and singly focused, too. The pressure to always have an opinion or answer to share or to context switch frequently creates a cognitive overload.

roth.andy avatar

did this get talked about already? I joined a little late

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée


Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse)

(coming at this topic from a TPM perspective) one issue I found with daily stand ups is they are ideal for a team working towards similar goals, where the team shares responsibility on the same stories/tasks. DevOps teams usually are supporting things in silos (shared services), so stand ups become less meaningful since each person isn’t always very invested in what everyone else is doing. the opportunities for collaboration are there, but are arguably better handled over Slack as one-offs.

there’s also something to be said about expectations of availability. if your team expects you to respond to slack messages and such in a timely manner, this can pose a similar problem as the meetings where you’re in a good rhythm on your task and then you get taken out of it to context switch.

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) avatar
Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse)

@Doug Lane (he/him) definitely agree.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Hello, how do you organize your code for multi-region ? do you set the region at provider level ? or providing location at each element ? or include the region in the directory structure ?

Zoom avatar
07:30:18 PM

Andy Miguel (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:22 PM

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:28 PM

Eric Berg has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:32 PM

Mikael Fridh has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:34 PM

mb Branski has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:34 PM

charles pogi has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:45 PM

Leia Renée has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:45 PM

Nicolás de la Torre has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:51 PM

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:51 PM

Sam C has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:53 PM

Patrick Joyce has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:54 PM

Raghavendra V has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:30:56 PM

Tarlan Isaev has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:20 PM

Matt Calhoun has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:21 PM

Warren Brown has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:42 PM

Mohammed Yahya has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:31:56 PM

David Lundgren has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:05 PM

ivan pedro has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:10 PM

Michael Martin has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:15 PM

Mahmoud Dolah has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:32:22 PM

Oskar Maria Grande has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:10 PM

Joaquin Menchaca has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:11 PM

mike dizon has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:15 PM

Michael Londeen has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:16 PM

James Chai has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:33:20 PM

PePe Amengual has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:22 PM

Florain Drescher has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:32 PM

Brian Stascavage has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:39 PM

James Haughey has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:34:39 PM

Andy Roth has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:35:08 PM

Matt Gowie has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:35:10 PM

venkata mutyala has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:35:41 PM

tamsky has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:37:12 PM

Evan Pitstick has joined Public “Office Hours”

roth.andy avatar

What to do if something that is 0.X was inadverdently published as 1.X and we want to turn back time and go back to 0.X?

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07:40:04 PM

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:40:24 PM
roth.andy avatar
07:44:20 PM
charlesz avatar


Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée
Deploy Any Resource With The New Kubernetes Provider for HashiCorp Terraformattachment image

We are pleased to announce the alpha release of a new version of the Kubernetes Provider for HashiCorp Terraform. The kubernetes-alpha provider lets you package, deploy, and manage all Kubernetes resources, including Custom Resource Definitions, using HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL).

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

It provides a way to deploy kubernetes yaml description files through out TF. It solves another problem that TF kubernetes provider was following new K8s releases from the back. That latency will be part of the history after this featue.

Note: For now, I am using https://github.com/leiarenee/terraform-kubernetes-yaml to deploy bare K8s yaml files under TF


Contribute to leiarenee/terraform-kubernetes-yaml development by creating an account on GitHub.

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07:52:16 PM

Zadkiel has joined Public “Office Hours”

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07:53:08 PM

Brandon vh has joined Public “Office Hours”

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08:04:46 PM

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

I’m using multibranch GitOps approach, every environment lives in a seperate branch

Michael Dizon avatar
Michael Dizon

how does geodesic/atmos fit into git workflows? we are currently using tf cloud with diferent workspaces for dev, stag and prod

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

I’ll bring this up next week

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08:12:47 PM

Dale-Kurt Murray has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mahmoud avatar

So is a better alternative to standup just to write what you would say into slack?

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya
Asynchronous stand-up meetings in Slack | Geekbotattachment image

Discover how to organise asynchronous stand up meetings in Slack and keep your team synced using Geekbot. Start your free trial today!

Mahmoud avatar

Ah interesting, thank you

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Re: Standup bot, my team uses both.. We use Dixi, but it doesn’t really matter which tool is used.

  1. We believe async standup can’t replace in person standup, but does enhance it
  2. Our in-person standup is guided by looking at the async responses - It keeps people focused
  3. Async standup can still be used if someone isn’t able to attend in-person standup
  4. Listing your blockers as soon as you start working has the potential for people to help with the blockers before Standup even happens. I regularly will list a blocker and a teammate will reply in the Thread and offer to help with it right away
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
The Virtual Project Management Assistant

Standuply automates Agile and HR processes in Slack & MS Teams and provides Q&A system for companies.

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08:21:27 PM

Ola Ade has joined Public “Office Hours”

Mahmoud avatar

Just to clarify, this is what you guys are referring to with the “maker schedule” right? http://paulgraham.com/makersschedule.html

roth.andy avatar


Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée


roth.andy avatar

Re: Standup bot, my team uses both.. We use Dixi, but it doesn’t really matter which tool is used.

  1. We believe async standup can’t replace in person standup, but does enhance it
  2. Our in-person standup is guided by looking at the async responses - It keeps people focused
  3. Async standup can still be used if someone isn’t able to attend in-person standup
  4. Listing your blockers as soon as you start working has the potential for people to help with the blockers before Standup even happens. I regularly will list a blocker and a teammate will reply in the Thread and offer to help with it right away
Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Hi Andrew, Which tools are using for async communication?

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Standup bot and Dixi, am I right?

roth.andy avatar
08:35:00 PM
roth.andy avatar

Dixi is the async bot

roth.andy avatar

It DMs you in slack and asks you the typical 3 questions

roth.andy avatar
08:36:01 PM
roth.andy avatar
08:36:34 PM
roth.andy avatar

/cc @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @matt

matt avatar

Listing your blockers as soon as you start working has the potential for people to help with the blockers before Standup even happens. I regularly will list a blocker and a teammate will reply in the Thread and offer to help with it right away

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Cool @roth.andy Thnks.

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Hi @matt My real blocker is the meeting itself. That’s the paradox.

roth.andy avatar

Anyway, next week I’d like to get the rest of Erik’s response about how CloudPosse does meetings before we got derailed on standups

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Some of the problems I want to solve:

• what’s the relationship of what you’re working on and JIRA. is there a ticket? if not, why and let’s make sure there is one. JIRAs are how we “manage up”

• why has the same jira been “in progress” for 2 weeks. What’s the delta, what’s evolved?

• Is each of these issues in jira really still blocked? If so, what’s the next action. Who is that next action assigned to? How do we track that without creating even more process.

• How do we identify that the approach being taken is the right approach. Sprint planning will help identify what we need to get done. But frequently we don’t know what we don’t know; it’s not until we start working on the problem. THen we see the scope change. Assessing these changes in scope are what I think get missed in async standups. From the developer perspective, it’s very transactional: i’m assigned work, i get that work finished. From the business perspective, it’s different, not all work needs to get finished. Waiting a week or to the end of a sprint is too late. From the developer’s perspective, they are not blocked: they know what the next steps are. That’s not sufficient though.

• If the standups are just reflecting the status of what’s in jira, it’s not useful - we already get that from jira

• If the standups are not reflecting the status of what’s in jira, why not? (it’s a catch 22) I guess my point is there’s this subtle, hard to automate process in our standups.

I like the notion of what standuply does. It integrates with Jira and GitHub so it can pull in a lot of tedious data entry and reflection of “what did I do?”. What I’d like to see is how do we produce meaningful data that is not just a regurgitation of what we already know.

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

Yes that was me actually who was responsible for derailing.

I 1000 agree on you and I’m keen to listen Erik’s meeting experiences as a manager next week.

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée
08:59:55 PM

Poking fun at meetings is the stuff of Dilbert cartoons—we can all joke about how soul-sucking and painful they are. (from HBR)

Leia Renée avatar
Leia Renée

I thing the problem is about multi tasking. Developers most of the time are expected to work with multiple tasks in parallel. This inevitably creates an uncertainty and disrupts the estimation. Only one task per developer should be on developmentstage at a time, so that estimations can be achieved at least approximately.

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09:42:41 PM

New Zoom Recording from our Office Hours session on 2021-01-27 is now available.


