#office-hours (2023-02)
“Office Hours” are every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers! https://cloudposse.com/office-hours
Public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers!
Meeting password: sweetops

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Dan Medeiros has joined Public “Office Hours”

Harold Sphinx has joined Public “Office Hours”

Linda Pham (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Nenna Salinas has joined Public “Office Hours”

David Hawthorne has joined Public “Office Hours”

Maura Rowell has joined Public “Office Hours”

Oliver Schoenborn has joined Public “Office Hours”

Ralf Pieper has joined Public “Office Hours”

Eric Berg has joined Public “Office Hours”

Paul Marcelin has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Calhoun has joined Public “Office Hours”

Andy Wortman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Brian Choate has joined Public “Office Hours”

Soren Jensen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Vlad Ionescu has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Pursifull has joined Public “Office Hours”

Steven Kalt has joined Public “Office Hours”

Robert Jordan has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Atkinson has joined Public “Office Hours”

dag viggo lokoeen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Marc Tamsky has joined Public “Office Hours”

Nick Keam has joined Public “Office Hours”

Evans Tucker has joined Public “Office Hours”

tyler has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Vasilenko has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Atkinson has joined Public “Office Hours”

Luis Masaya has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

Brian Choate has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Siegman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Isaac M has joined Public “Office Hours”

At TrackIt, we are acutely aware of AWS costs; we know things can get expensive if you don’t monitor your resources. That’s why we began…

venkata mutyala has joined Public “Office Hours”

AWS Clean Untagged Resources will notify you on Slack and terminate/stop untagged EC2/RDS resources!

# Requires parameter:
# - allowed_regions # Comma separated list of regions in which to allow operations
# <https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_manage_policies_scps_examples.html#examples_general>
- sid: "RestrictToSpecifiedRegions"
effect: "Deny"
- "a4b:*"
- "acm:*"
- "aws-marketplace-management:*"
- "aws-marketplace:*"
- "aws-portal:*"
- "awsbillingconsole:*"
- "budgets:*"
- "ce:*"
- "chime:*"
- "cloudfront:*"
- "config:*"
- "cur:*"
- "directconnect:*"
- "ec2:DescribeRegions"
- "ec2:DescribeTransitGateways"
- "ec2:DescribeVpnGateways"
- "fms:*"
- "globalaccelerator:*"
- "health:*"
- "iam:*"
- "importexport:*"
- "kms:*"
- "mobileanalytics:*"
- "networkmanager:*"
- "organizations:*"
- "pricing:*"
- "route53:*"
- "route53domains:*"
- "s3:GetAccountPublic*"
- "s3:ListAllMyBuckets"
- "s3:PutAccountPublic*"
- "shield:*"
- "sts:*"
- "support:*"
- "trustedadvisor:*"
- "waf-regional:*"
- "waf:*"
- "wafv2:*"
- "wellarchitected:*"
- test: "StringNotEqualsIgnoreCase"
variable: "aws:RequestedRegion"
# List of allowed regions
%{ for r in split(",", allowed_regions) }
- ${trimspace(r)}
%{ endfor }
- "*"

If you are a member of your organization’s networking, cloud operations, or security teams, you are going to love this new feature. The new Amazon VPC Network Access Analyzer helps you identify network configurations that lead to unintended network access. As you will see in a moment, it will point out ways that you can […]

John Watson has joined Public “Office Hours”

View the available performance checks from AWS Trusted Advisor to help optimize your resources and services.

Links from today’s call: https://github.blog/changelog/2023-01-17-push-notifications-for-actions-on-mobile/ https://www.awspuritytest.com/ https://searchengineland.com/yandex-search-ranking-factors-leak-392323 https://docs.otf.ninja/ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-cloudtrail-lake-supports-ingesting-activity-events-from-non-aws-sources/ https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/01/amazon-opensearch-serverless-available/ https://kwok.sigs.k8s.io/ https://github.com/jmforsythe/Git-Heat-Map?utm_source=tldrnewsletter https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/31/openai-releases-tool-to-detect-ai-generated-text-including-from-chatgpt/?utm_source=tldrnewsletter&guccounter=1 https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt-plus/ https://www.semafor.com/article/01/27/2023/openai-has-hired-an-army-of-contractors-to-make-basic-coding-obsolete https://docs.aws.amazon.com/config/latest/developerguide/required-tags.html https://aws.amazon.com/resourceexplorer/ https://medium.com/aws-security-user-group-west-africa/aws-tools-aws-nuke-to-clean-up-an-account-4b9077103780 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/rande-manage.html


Might be interesting for next week… https://github.com/aws-samples/hardeneks
Runs checks to see if an EKS cluster follows EKS Best Practices.

Any recommendations on an NFS like solution for kubernetes? I am trying to support “high” density nodes with 32+ pods that need storage and it appears there are limits with how many PV’s that can be attached (ex 24). I am trying to avoid using EFS and was originally thinking i could use mini.io but turns out they dropped it from their offering entirely. Anyone here have a kubernetes based recommendation?

Why would you want to avoid EFS?

We are doing a multi-cloud deployment within AWS, Azure, GCP so I am looking to solve it the same way across all 3 clouds with minimal customizations.


another managed offering by AWS for high-performant filesystem that can be mounted to kubernetes pods. https://aws.amazon.com/fsx/
Amazon FSx makes it easy and cost effective to launch, run, and scale feature-rich, high-performance file systems in the cloud. It supports a wide range of workloads with its reliability, security, scalability, and broad set of capabilities. Amazon FSx is built on the latest AWS compute, networking, and disk technologies to provide high performance and lower TCO. And as a fully managed service, it handles hardware provisioning, patching, and backups – freeing you up to focus on your applications, your end users, and your business.

Not sure if it’s helpful, but you don’t need to use PVs to use NFS in pods. https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/volumes/#nfs
On-disk files in a container are ephemeral, which presents some problems for non-trivial applications when running in containers. One problem is the loss of files when a container crashes. The kubelet restarts the container but with a clean state. A second problem occurs when sharing files between containers running together in a Pod. The Kubernetes volume abstraction solves both of these problems. Familiarity with Pods is suggested. Background Docker has a concept of volumes, though it is somewhat looser and less managed.

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

David Ekpo has joined Public “Office Hours”

Linda Pham (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

dag viggo lokoeen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Nenna Salinas has joined Public “Office Hours”

Charles Smith has joined Public “Office Hours”

Vlad Ionescu has joined Public “Office Hours”

Kris Musard has joined Public “Office Hours”

tyler has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Vasilenko has joined Public “Office Hours”

Kevin Neufeld has joined Public “Office Hours”

Isaac M has joined Public “Office Hours”

Brad Curfman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Siegman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Pursifull has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alexandr Vorona has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Gowie has joined Public “Office Hours”

Stevan Arychuk has joined Public “Office Hours”

Tim Gourley has joined Public “Office Hours”

Ola Ade has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Vasilenko has joined Public “Office Hours”

Vicken Simonian has joined Public “Office Hours”

Robert Jordan has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Ouellette has joined Public “Office Hours”

Fireflies.ai helps your team record, transcribe, search, and analyze voice conversations.

Links from today’s call: https://docs.cloudposse.com/ https://docs.cloudposse.com/components/ https://docs.cloudposse.com/modules/ https://docs.cloudposse.com/github-actions/ https://github.com/aws-samples/hardeneks https://aws.github.io/aws-eks-best-practices/ https://github.blog/2023-02-06-the-technology-behind-githubs-new-code-search/ https://github.com/kamranahmedse/aws-cost-cli https://www.reddit.com/r/kubernetes/comments/10q9dn1/a_guide_to_kubernetes_monitoring_in_this_5_part/ https://github.com/companyinfo/helm-charts/tree/main/charts/helmet https://blog.werf.io/werf-joins-cncf-4767462dd8a6 https://terraform-compliance.com https://fireflies.ai/ https://www.100daysofcloud.com/ https://whyk8s.substack.com/p/why-post-render-hooks https://handbook.sourcegraph.com/departments/engineering/product/process/gtm/licensing/ https://sourcegraph.com


@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Do you remember which Alex asked about a DevOps internship program on our last call? I saw this article and thought he might like to read it : https://www.infoq.com/podcasts/sre-apprentices/ .

In this episode, Thomas Betts speaks with Tammy Bryant Butow, principal SRE at Gremlin, about training new site reliability engineers. The discussion covers a formal SRE Apprenticeship program Butow led at DropBox, and gets into ideas about the best way to teach people new technical skills.

@Alex Siegman

In this episode, Thomas Betts speaks with Tammy Bryant Butow, principal SRE at Gremlin, about training new site reliability engineers. The discussion covers a formal SRE Apprenticeship program Butow led at DropBox, and gets into ideas about the best way to teach people new technical skills.

Can i ask what tools u use to visualize terraform (from tf code to diagrams etc?) not only a graph tool but a real presentable diagrams

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Max Lobur has joined Public “Office Hours”

Isaac M has joined Public “Office Hours”

Eric Berg has joined Public “Office Hours”

Nenna Salinas has joined Public “Office Hours”

venkata mutyala has joined Public “Office Hours”

Ralf Pieper has joined Public “Office Hours”

Linda Pham (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Calhoun has joined Public “Office Hours”

Adedapo Ajuwon has joined Public “Office Hours”

Fireflies.ai Notetaker has joined Public “Office Hours”

Maura Rowell has joined Public “Office Hours”

Thomas Jordan has joined Public “Office Hours”

Tim Gourley has joined Public “Office Hours”

Paul Marcelin has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

Gabriel Tam has joined Public “Office Hours”

tyler has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Ouellette has joined Public “Office Hours”

AJ Junior has joined Public “Office Hours”

Andrew Thompson has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Pursifull has joined Public “Office Hours”

Kris Musard has joined Public “Office Hours”

John Mitchell has joined Public “Office Hours”

dag viggo lokoeen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Oskar Maria Grande has joined Public “Office Hours”

AJ Junior has joined Public “Office Hours”

Omer Sen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Christopher Pieper has joined Public “Office Hours”

pluralith plan -var-file=vars/sbox.tfvars

Read your tfstate or HCL to generate a graph specific for each provider, showing only the resources that are most important/relevant.

Thank you!

Btw something i saw with AWS SSO and terraform (1.3.8) https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/issues/32684 (it was solved long time ago but i see it with 1.3.x again)
I'm going to lock this issue because it has been closed for _30 days_ ⏳. This helps our maintainers find and focus on the active issues.
If you have found a problem that seems similar to this, please open a new issue and complete the issue template so we can capture all the details necessary to investigate further.
Originally posted by @github-actions[bot] in #28872 (comment)

Links from today’s office hours: https://medium.com/@senior-devops/how-to-extend-terraform-with-direnv-a4a3fef092c5 https://www.terrahaxs.com/ https://github.com/marketplace?type=actions&query=cloudposse https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/releases/tag/v1.4.0-beta2 https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/02/manage-enabled-disabled-opt-in-aws-regions-accounts/ https://microconfig.io/ https://github.com/stakater/Reloader https://external-secrets.io/v0.7.2/ https://www.brainboard.co/solutions/import-terraform https://github.com/cycloidio/inframap https://github.com/jerryjliu/gpt_index https://twitter.com/MovingToTheSun/status/1625156575202537474 https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/


do you guys talked about this before? https://www.infoq.com/news/2023/02/aws-policy-language-cedar/

AWS has created a new language for defining access permissions using policies called Cedar. Cedar is currently used within Amazon Verified Permissions and AWS Verified Access. Created by the AWS Automated Reasoning Group, Cedar is designed to be agnostic of AWS and simple to understand the effects of policies.

Sharing to just stir things up for office hours. :)
I scrolled through the comments off his LinkedIn post they appear to have not gone with kunernetes but went with kvm + docker.
Since declaring our intention to leave the cloud in October, we’ve been busy at work making it so. After a brief detour down a blind alley with an enterprise Kubernetes provider, we found our stride building our own tools, and successfully moved the first small application out of the cloud a few weeks ago. Now our sights are set on a t…

Comment from Mr. Dell was interesting to me:
https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn<i class="em em-li"</i>activity//www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urnactivity:7033705467541389312?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28activity%3A7033705467541389312%2C7033771330147676162%29>
Since declaring our intention to leave the cloud in October, we've been busy at work making it so. After a brief detour down a blind alley with an enterprise… | 179 comments on LinkedIn |

Stunning lack of detail of the workloads they are running and how the are running in the cloud…. they could prob. get their cloud spend down easily as low if not lower…. I mean you do you… but they aren’t calculating the human cost, hours spend on install/fixing hardware/patching/updating etc… all that costs human capital

and and if they think storing 8PB of data is cheaper in a DC on a commercial storage solution they are dreaming… they could roll their own… which is also expensive, self warrantied, and again I reference human capital cost coming in. Also… Insurance on hardware in DC in case of disaster?

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

For office hours: Any insight on AWS Cost CLI
I know we have discussed infracost, but its closely tied to resources that are deployed using Terraform. Looking for similar tools that can be applied across a tenant-based account (meaning tag based grouping is key) with resources that were deployed in all different kinds of ways.
CLI tool to perform cost analysis on your AWS account with Slack integration

https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/139-aws-billing/ I have doubts it is able to group by tags though

Hello - Might be a dumb or beginner question. I just joined the slack channel. Where can i find the modules listed in “
module "vpc" {
source = "cloudposse/vpc/aws"
” I don’t see a module/repo named vpc under cloudposse
DevOps Accelerator for Startups Hire Us! https://slack.cloudposse.com/

Terraform has a convention for naming module repos
DevOps Accelerator for Startups Hire Us! https://slack.cloudposse.com/

, so this would be terraform-aws-vpc

Thank you Erik

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Andrew Vitko has joined Public “Office Hours”

Nenna Salinas has joined Public “Office Hours”

Brian Pauley has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Atkinson has joined Public “Office Hours”

dave lundgren has joined Public “Office Hours”

Serhii Kaidalov has joined Public “Office Hours”

Isaac M has joined Public “Office Hours”

Alex Siegman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Amer Zec has joined Public “Office Hours”

Linda Pham (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Andy Wortman has joined Public “Office Hours”

Maura Rowell has joined Public “Office Hours”

Michael Jenkins has joined Public “Office Hours”

Soren Jensen has joined Public “Office Hours”

Fireflies.ai Notetaker has joined Public “Office Hours”

Harold Finch has joined Public “Office Hours”

Kris Musard has joined Public “Office Hours”

Andy Roth has joined Public “Office Hours”

Max Lobur has joined Public “Office Hours”

Tim Gourley has joined Public “Office Hours”

Jonathan Poczatek has joined Public “Office Hours”

Antarr Byrd has joined Public “Office Hours”

Ralf Pieper has joined Public “Office Hours”

Joe Perez has joined Public “Office Hours”

Opeyemi folorunsho has joined Public “Office Hours”

Matt Gowie has joined Public “Office Hours”

Hands-on labs for Amazon EKS

Linda Pham (Cloud Posse) has joined Public “Office Hours”

Darren Pham has joined Public “Office Hours”

https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws-cloud-financial-management/a-detailed-overview-of-the-cost-intelligence-dashboard/ https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/cost/200_labs/200_cloud_intelligence/

Voiced by Amazon Polly As your business grows on AWS, so too does the need for cost and usage visibility and custom cost reporting tailored for your organization. Good Cloud Financial Management (CFM) targets for your AWS usage can include (but are not limited to) Reserved Instance and Savings Plans coverage, average hourly cost of […]
Hands on labs and real world design scenarios for Well-Architected workloads

Michael Vasilenko has joined Public “Office Hours”

Aaron Cutchin has joined Public “Office Hours”

venkata mutyala has joined Public “Office Hours”

Jared Richards has joined Public “Office Hours”

Adedapo Ajuwon has joined Public “Office Hours”

Up docker compose and run tests in specific container

Question for next week (or even today, if time permits):
Anyone using a golden image across clouds? Is there a vendor that does this? I’ve noticed AWS has an ubuntu user, Linode has a root user, and I think GCP has it’s own convention. I’m looking at rolling my own solution with packer but would rather not since all I want is “consistency” between my ubuntu 22.04 LTS images.

Links from today’s office hours: https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/pacu https://github.blog/2023-01-10-introducing-required-workflows-and-configuration-variables-to-github-actions/ https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/managing-repository-settings/configuring-tag-protection-rules https://www.cloudcraft.co/ https://unusd.cloud/ https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws-cloud-financial-management/a-detailed-overview-of-the-cost-intelligence-dashboard/ https://wellarchitectedlabs.com/cost/200_labs/200_cloud_intelligence/ https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner https://github.com/cloudposse/github-action-docker-compose-test-run https://docs.github.com/en/actions/hosting-your-own-runners/autoscaling-with-self-hosted-runners#recommended-autoscaling-solutions https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner https://github.com/philips-labs/terraform-aws-github-runner https://gist.github.com/AlexAtkinson/199748aabd22e6dfc5868fa54c80685f https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elasticache-memcached https://www.taccoform.com/posts/tfg_p2/ https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-4uikou4r7m42c?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa https://aws.amazon.com/image-builder/


Topic for office hours : https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/02/lastpass-hackers-infected-employees-home-computer-and-stole-corporate-vault/ - I think most of us have Admin on our companies cloud systems - how do we ensure we don’t become the weak link?

Already smarting from a breach that stole customer vaults, LastPass has more bad news.