#office-hours (2024-08)

“Office Hours” are every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers! https://cloudposse.com/office-hours

Public “Office Hours” are held every Wednesday at 11:30 PST via Zoom. It’s open to everyone. Ask questions related to DevOps & Cloud and get answers!


Meeting password: sweetops


SweetOps avatar
02:23:55 PM
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@managedkaos saved the day!! Thanks so much Michael for sharing your recording. In all the years of office hours, this was the first one that we missed.

managedkaos avatar

The show must go on!

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Oh, @Nenna is the new face of office hours

Nenna avatar

Oh noooooooo!


Michael avatar

Interesting technique for spreading malicious PyPi packages by posting answers to StackExchange: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/stackexchange-abused-to-spread-malicious-pypi-packages-as-answers/

StackExchange abused to spread malicious PyPi packages as answersattachment image

Threat actors uploaded malicious Python packages to the PyPI repository and promoted them through the StackExchange online question and answer platform.



venkata.mutyala avatar

Anyone here using github container registry as a OCI repository with helm charts?

akhan4u avatar

I’m interested to know more about this.. (Dropped a msg for watch later )

managedkaos avatar

same. not using but interested.

jinvishal2011 avatar

No but aws oci using

akhan4u avatar

Since, this sparked my interest I’ve done a quick POC around it.

You can use ghcr as OCI registry for hosting your helm charts.

  1. You need to generate a PAT token with following scopes (read:org, repo, write:packages)
  2. Login to ghcr via helm CR_PAT=YOUR_TOKEN ; echo $CR_PAT | helm registry login [ghcr.io/GITHUB_USERNAME](http://ghcr.io/GITHUB_USERNAME) -u GITHUB_USERNAME --password-stdin
  3. I’ve used a tool helmper to download helm charts/images to the ghcr repo. It is compatible with other OCI registries too.
  4. Generate helmper config and run helmper --f config.yaml
    k8s_version: 1.27.9
      enabled: true
    - name: prometheus
      version: 25.8.0
      valuesFilePath: /workspace/in/values/prometheus/values.yaml # (Optional)
     name: prometheus-community
     url: <https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts/>
    - name: ghcr
      url: ghcr.io/GITHUB_USERNAME

    Helmper output: ``` ❯ helmper –f config.yml

_ _ | |_ _ | | ___ _ ___ ___ | || -|| || || . || -|| | |||||||||||| ||_||| |_| version 0.1.13 (commit fb537925fa03ff2bdbef970e94ccd48eba91c86a, built at 2024-07-26T13:20:18Z)

{“time”:”2024-08-08T14:16:02.546160477+05:30”,”level”:”INFO”,”msg”:”Updated all Helm repositories ✅”} +—+———-+————+———+—————-+——–+———+————————–+———+———————————-+———+ | # | TYPE | CHART | VERSION | LATEST VERSION | LATEST | VALUES | SUBCHART | VERSION | CONDITION | ENABLED | +—+———-+————+———+—————-+——–+———+————————–+———+———————————-+———+ | 0 | Chart | prometheus | 25.8.0 | 25.25.0 | ❌ | default | | | | | | 1 | Subchart | | | | | parent | alertmanager | 1.7.* | alertmanager.enabled | ✅ | | 2 | Subchart | | | | | parent | kube-state-metrics | 5.15.* | kube-state-metrics.enabled | ✅ | | 3 | Subchart | | | | | parent | prometheus-node-exporter | 4.24.* | prometheus-node-exporter.enabled | ✅ | | 4 | Subchart | | | | | parent | prometheus-pushgateway | 2.4.* | prometheus-pushgateway.enabled | ✅ | +—+———-+————+———+—————-+——–+———+————————–+———+———————————-+———+ 100% [===============] (5/5) Parsing charts…
+—+————————–+—————+———————————————+—————————————————————-+ | # | HELM CHART | CHART VERSION | HELM VALUE PATH | IMAGE | +—+————————–+—————+———————————————+—————————————————————-+ | 0 | prometheus | 25.8.0 | server.image.repository | quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:v2.48.0 | | | | | server.image.tag | | | | | | server.image.digest | | | 1 | prometheus | 25.8.0 | configmapReload.prometheus.image.digest | quay.io/prometheus-operator/prometheus-config-reloader:v0.67.0 | | | | | configmapReload.prometheus.image.repository | | | | | | configmapReload.prometheus.image.tag | | | 2 | alertmanager | 1.7.* | image.repository | quay.io/prometheus/alertmanager:v0.26.0 | | | | | image.tag | | | 3 | kube-state-metrics | 5.15.* | image.registry | registry.k8s.io/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics:v2.10.1 | | | | | image.repository | | | | | | image.sha | | | | | | image.tag | | | 4 | prometheus-node-exporter | 4.24.* | image.repository | quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:v1.7.0 | | | | | image.tag | | | | | | image.digest | | | | | | image.registry | | | 5 | prometheus-pushgateway | 2.4.* | image.repository | quay.io/prometheus/pushgateway:v1.6.2 | | | | | image.tag | | +—+————————–+—————+———————————————+—————————————————————-+ +—+————————–+—————+—————————————————————-+——+——–+ | # | HELM CHART | CHART VERSION | IMAGE | GHCR | IMPORT | +—+————————–+—————+—————————————————————-+——+——–+ | 0 | prometheus | 25.8.0 | quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:v2.48.0 | ❌ | ✅ | | 1 | prometheus | 25.8.0 | quay.io/prometheus-operator/prometheus-config-reloader:v0.67.0 | ❌ | ✅ | | 2 | alertmanager | 1.7.* | quay.io/prometheus/alertmanager:v0.26.0 | ❌ | ✅ | | 3 | kube-state-metrics | 5.15.* | registry.k8s.io/kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics:v2.10.1 | ❌ | ✅ | | 4 | prometheus-node-exporter | 4.24.* | quay.io/prometheus/node-exporter:v1.7.0 | ❌ | ✅ | | 5 | prometheus-pushgateway | 2.4.* | quay.io/prometheus/pushgateway:v1.6.2 | ❌ | ✅ | +—+————————–+—————+—————————————————————-+——+——–+ | | | | | | 6 | +—+————————–+—————+—————————————————————-+——+——–+ 100% [===============] (5/5) Pushing charts…
100% [===============] (6/6) Pushing images…

akhan4u avatar

You can navigate to https://github.com/GITHUB_USERNAME?tab=packages to check your recently pushed charts/images. Alternatively, You can pull the chart locally with helm or image with docker

helm pull <oci://ghcr.io/GITHUB_USERNAME/charts/prometheus> --version 25.8.0
docker pull ghcr.io/akhan4u/prometheus/prometheus:v2.48.0
akhan4u avatar

For letting your package available for others to consume, change the Package Visibility to public on GitHub,

akhan4u avatar

For using it on k8s cluster

helm upgrade --install ghcr-prom <oci://ghcr.io/GITHUB_USERNAME/charts/prometheus> --version 25.8.0
managedkaos avatar

Outstanding example!

venkata.mutyala avatar

Will take a look at all of this over the weekend. Thanks for sharing @akhan4u!

venkata.mutyala avatar

This is pretty cool. I don’t know if i’ll use it for packaging my helm charts/publishing them, but i think i’ll use it for it’s other features such as being able to replicate images into a registry of my choice.


Michael avatar

Apple is indeed adding a new system prompt reminding users when an app has permission to access their computer’s screen and audio. This prompt is designed to appear on a weekly basis. The first time you attempt to use the app each week, you’ll see this prompt and have to decide whether to “Continue To Allow” or change the permission settings. The prompt will also appear each time (for each app) when you use that app for the first time after rebooting your Mac. https://9to5mac.com/2024/08/06/macos-sequoia-screen-recording-privacy-prompt/

macOS Sequoia adds weekly permission prompt for screenshot and screen recording apps - 9to5Macattachment image

With macOS Sequoia this fall, using apps that need access to screen recording permissions will become a little bit more…

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
06:02:14 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.


Jonathan Eunice avatar
Jonathan Eunice

In office hours we talked about the security risks of security checkers (cough, Crowdstrike and its super duper unchecked kernel magic). Discussed eBFP for Linux kernel and whether that was the same, or a risk-reducer because of its limited reach and implicit validation (the consensus). But what does Hacker News bring but news of fixing eBFP kernel vulnerabilities.

Blog: A deep dive into CVE-2023-2163: How we found and fixed an eBPF Linux Kernel Vulnerability

This blog post takes a look at the years where eBPF was one of the kernel subsystems that grabbed the attention of a lot of security researchers. We will tell the story of how we discovered CVE-2023-2163, what our root-cause analysis process looked like, and what we did to ultimately fix the issue.

venkata.mutyala avatar

@Andrew Madsen I think you asked the question

Blog: A deep dive into CVE-2023-2163: How we found and fixed an eBPF Linux Kernel Vulnerability

This blog post takes a look at the years where eBPF was one of the kernel subsystems that grabbed the attention of a lot of security researchers. We will tell the story of how we discovered CVE-2023-2163, what our root-cause analysis process looked like, and what we did to ultimately fix the issue.



managedkaos avatar
Terraform Roadmap - roadmap.shattachment image

Step by step guide to learn Terraform in 2024. We also have resources and short descriptions attached to the roadmap items so you can get everything you want to learn in one place.

Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

Wish something like this was around when I started

Terraform Roadmap - roadmap.shattachment image

Step by step guide to learn Terraform in 2024. We also have resources and short descriptions attached to the roadmap items so you can get everything you want to learn in one place.



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
06:02:50 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

venkata.mutyala avatar
Microsoft Fixes Nine Zero-Days on Patch Tuesdayattachment image

Microsoft’s August Patch Tuesday saw the tech giant address nine zero-day vulnerabilities


venkata.mutyala avatar
ArtiPACKED: Hacking Giants Through a Race Condition in GitHub Actions Artifactsattachment image

New research uncovers a potential attack vector on GitHub repositories, with leaked tokens leading to potential compromise of services.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Oops, missed this

ArtiPACKED: Hacking Giants Through a Race Condition in GitHub Actions Artifactsattachment image

New research uncovers a potential attack vector on GitHub repositories, with leaked tokens leading to potential compromise of services.


Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

https://github.com/mycarrysun/terraform-aws-policy-actions Pretty neat idea, should be nice when the VSCode Gods decide that it’s your lucky day and TF autocomplete works.


Terraform module with an object of AWS policy actions allowed in policy documents.


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
06:02:56 PM

@here office hours is starting in 30 minutes! Remember to post your questions here.

Nenna avatar

Create and store a hash of the Terraform modules used by your configuration

ArtiPACKED: Hacking Giants Through a Race Condition in GitHub Actions Artifactsattachment image

New research uncovers a potential attack vector on GitHub repositories, with leaked tokens leading to potential compromise of services.

DEVOPS WEEKLY ISSUE #700 - 2nd June 2024

Devops Weekly is going to take a break.

Billing for Amazon S3 error responses - Amazon Simple Storage Service

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Amazon EC2 status checks now support reachability health of attached EBS volumes - AWS

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