Discuss Packer for building AMIs and Docker ImagesArchive: https://archive.sweetops.com/packer/ 2021-10-21 Saichovsky12:11:46 PMHey guys,Need some packer help Saichovsky12:11:59 PM provisioner "shell" { environment_vars = [ "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={{user `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`}}", "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID={{user `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`}}", "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY={{user `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`}}", "AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN={{user `AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN`}}" ] script = "test_script.sh" } Saichovsky12:12:46 PMWhy won’t this work? I need to pass environment variables from my laptop’s CLI to the provisioner, so that they can be printed out by the test_script.sh script Saichovsky12:13:10 PMBut I’m getting this error message instead:Error: Failed preparing provisioner-block "shell" "" on jenkins-slave-ami.pkr.hcl line 87: (source code not available) render 'environment_vars': template: root:1:20: executing "root" at <user `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`>: error calling user: test in: AWS_SESSION_TOKEN={{user `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`}}