#packer (2022-03)


Discuss Packer for building AMIs and Docker Images

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/packer/


momot.nick avatar

I’ve been experiencing the weirdest issue with Packer: • Running a build on a Windows image in ca-central-1 has issues with WinRM where it’s unable to connect and times out • Changing the region to us-east-1 immediately resolves the issue

• I’ve been able to recreate this with the tutorial from the Packer docs Has anyone run into this as well? Can anyone recreate this on their end?

I first noticed this yesterday and felt like I was going insane

Amazon EBS - Builders | Packer by HashiCorpattachment image

The amazon-ebs Packer builder is able to create Amazon AMIs backed by EBS volumes for use in EC2. For more information on the difference between EBS-backed instances and instance-store backed instances, see the storage for the root device section in the EC2 documentation.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Sounds like it’s security group related

Amazon EBS - Builders | Packer by HashiCorpattachment image

The amazon-ebs Packer builder is able to create Amazon AMIs backed by EBS volumes for use in EC2. For more information on the difference between EBS-backed instances and instance-store backed instances, see the storage for the root device section in the EC2 documentation.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

cc @matt
