#packer (2022-04)


Discuss Packer for building AMIs and Docker Images

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/packer/


matt avatar
02:42:44 PM

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Joe Perez avatar
Joe Perez

Hello all, just wanted to share my post on Packer if you haven’t seen it yet: https://www.taccoform.com/posts/pkr_p1/

Packer Detour #1: Packer+Amazon Linux 2+AWS Session Manager

Overview The year is 2021 and you’re still building virtual machines. Yes, you read that right, but it’s not always a bad thing. There are few scenarios where you might consider using a virtual machine over a container (or function.) Maybe AWS doesn’t provide a hosted solution for the technology you want to use, maybe you want to do multi-cloud and the cloud provider’s offerings are too different to manage. Packer can help you build and maintain custom virtual machine images.
