#pr-reviews (2021-07)
Pull Request Reviews for Cloud Posse Projects

In need of some help moving https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topic/pull/34 forward …

It was previously opened under #32 but because I messed up fork rebasing badly by pointing it to wrong cloudposse repo when adding upstream git remote, I had to reopen it after sorting out our fork….
what I was using cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topic to deploy SNS Topic and subscriber SQS queues for routing Bounce and Complaint notifications from AWS SES service. AWS SES won't accept SNS …

Updated PR to fix tests and docs …

Also need help moving https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topic/pull/35 forward …

Ok, I am now waiting for some more and from administrators on the above 2 PRs …

i’ll review later today, thanks @azec


@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse), thank you for the reviews. I have addressed comments on #35 and commented more on #34:

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) & @jose.amengual, thanks for helping merge #35 .
I have rebased , reworked #34 based on your comments: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topic/pull/34
NOTE: Previously opened and discussed as #32 , but had to open new PR because of the bad upstream fork rebasing (accidentally pointed to another unrelated CP TF module and ruined git history). what…

@azec thanks again, reviewed

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse), I have made updates again, please check it out: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-sns-topic/pull/34/files

approved, thanks @azec

Thank you again!

Hello guys ! Could somebody take time for a quick review of this MR I did a moment ago ? https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-elastic-beanstalk-environment/pull/182 It has been ready for a while and is now well tested on my side. Only a strange bridgecrew error failing but with no error.
what Add NLB support in the module Set default protocol to TCP in case that loadbalancer_type == "network" S3 logs and Security Groups are not valid for Network ELB. HealthCheckPath appl…

@Florian SILVA Sorry it’s small but here is the thread with BridgeCrew regarding why they’re failing PR checks.
The tl;dr; is that BridgeCrew fails when the PR is from a fork (which is all PRs that don’t come from folks in this channel, so 99% of em).

Hey gang, made a PR to aws-ecs-web-app
which enables setting a custom policy/role for the tasks. Please when you can! TY https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-web-app/pull/155
what We needed to give our container IAM permissions to perform AWS tasks. why We're deploying an internal app that needed to be able to operate on S3 files. We needed to be able to give the…

Hey @Matt Gowie make readme
succeeded this time
My Go setup on personal machine wasn’t working right, ran it in docker and it’s good to go now
what We needed to give our container IAM permissions to perform AWS tasks. why We're deploying an internal app that needed to be able to operate on S3 files. We needed to be able to give the…


hi all, please could I have on my PR? https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-transit-gateway/pull/11 @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) @Maxim Mironenko (Cloud Posse) this is my first contribution of a few in this repo and I may need some input on my follow on (specifically how to achieve multiple route tables/associations) if you have some time please?
what Module should not create infrastructure if enabled = false Fixed test failing due to tgw apply dependency on the vpc/subnets apply Added new test/fixtures for enabled/disabled variables Base …

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) @RB the failing test is a problem that will prevent the merge. I’ve seen this a few times now in my local testing. The tgw id exists but the API calls in the AWS provider barfs. What are your thoughts on how to proceed please?
what Module should not create infrastructure if enabled = false Fixed test failing due to tgw apply dependency on the vpc/subnets apply Added new test/fixtures for enabled/disabled variables Base …

This might be related, but this failing test is run in a single account. https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/10025
Hi, I am having issues with attaching a Transit Gateway to a VPC as it is being provisioned. The first time I run an apply I get the error message for each route table. module.vpc.aws_route.vpn_rou…

This is also of interest https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform-provider-aws/issues/13830#issuecomment-713145404
Description I noticed an area where error handling can be improved for aws_route: I accidentally used the id attribute of a aws_ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment instead of the transit_gateway_id …

I pushed a potential fix after reviewing that last link

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) @RB I think this PR is just waiting the final nod before merge. Anything else outstanding?

Hi, looking for review https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-eks-cluster/pull/123. This is quite crucial, as kube_exec_auth method doesn’t work with latest AWS CLI v1 without this change.
what Allow to set api_version for kube_exec_auth. Maintain backwards compatibility by using older API version. why Latest AWS CLI switched API version from client.authentication.k8s.io/v1alpha1 to …