#pr-reviews (2021-10)
Pull Request Reviews for Cloud Posse Projects

Hello guys, I recently refreshed my previous PR above according to suggestions and recent rebase. Is it possible to have another review on it for merging ?

https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-cloudfront-cdn/pull/72 but also another PR there
what To add support for realtime log config on cloudfront for cloudfront-cdn module

https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ses/pull/51 Can someone take a look at this (very small) PR? Thanks
what Added the ses_group_name output why The IAM Group can be created based on input or based on context (default). In the latter case it would be helpful to have the output of the group for doi…

what ignore mfa_delete property for origin s3 bucket why mfa_delete is not controlled by this module references #189

bumping this ^