#pr-reviews (2022-09)

Pull Request Reviews for Cloud Posse Projects


Brent Farand avatar
Brent Farand

Hello! I have a PR for the terraform-aws-transit-gateway module (https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-transit-gateway/pull/29). It allows the amazon_side_asn to be specified for the purpose of both having multiple transit gateways in the same deployment to have different ASNs (following AWS’s documented best practices), as well as to allow importing an existing transit gateway with a non-default ASN without needing to destroy and recreate it.


• The new variable ‘amazon_side_asn’ was added to the module with a default value of 64512 (AWS default, preserving current behaviour). • Variable ‘amazon_side_asn’ is now provided as an argument to the ‘aws_ec2_transit_gateway.default’ resource. • Documentation updated accordingly.


• Allows the ASN of a transit gateway to be set, allowing the best practice of having multiple transit gateways used in the same deployment to have different ASNs (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/tgw/tgw-best-design-practices.html) • In cases where a user is importing their existing infrastructure so it is managed via terraform, specifying the existing ASN means that the existing transit gateway does not need to be destroyed and recreated


• closes #27


Andre Lohmann avatar
Andre Lohmann

Hi there, I found a Bug (or not a bug, but more a missing feature) in the cloudposse/s3-bucket/aws module (https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket) which I was able to trace down to the cloudposse/iam-s3-user/aws module and the cloudposse/iam-system-user/aws module (the last one introduced the max age for the expirable access token and set that to a default of 30 days, which currently can’t be influenced in the s3 module).

I created two PRs to solve the problem

https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-iam-s3-user/pull/47 https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-s3-bucket/pull/155

How can I make sure these two PRs are getting merged and/or how can I align/adjust my changes to fulfil (to me currently unknown) requirements?

Nitin avatar


• Remove join splat on module.security_group_arn


• Fix conflict with using custom security group in associated_security_group_ids and argument create_security_group is false


• N/A


Chris Dobbyn avatar
Chris Dobbyn

Hi there, simple change. It adds aws_default_route_table that gets create automatically with every aws_vpc resource. https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-vpc/pull/110


• Manages the default route table created alongside aws_vpc resource automatically.


• If not managed there are no identifying features about this resource which is confusing. • In our case we establish ownership via tags passed into this module, if no tags are present it is difficult to report on ownership


• Closes #109aws_default_route_table


Nitin avatar


• Added support for io2 and gp3 volumes


• original PR had conflicts, this will work hopefully • io2 and gp3 are new more performant volumes therefore they should be supported


Closes #114


• Link to any supporting github issues or helpful documentation to add some context (e.g. stackoverflow). • Use closes #123, if this PR closes a GitHub issue #123



Chris Dobbyn avatar
Chris Dobbyn


• Manages the default route table created alongside aws_vpc resource automatically.


• If not managed there are no identifying features about this resource which is confusing. • In our case we establish ownership via tags passed into this module, if no tags are present it is difficult to report on ownership


• Closes #109aws_default_route_table

Tommy avatar

just added an output to acm module: https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-acm-request-certificate/pull/59

from terraform aws provider documentation: It deals with requesting certificates and managing their attributes and life-cycle. This resource does not deal with validation of a certificate but can provide inputs for other resources implementing the validation. It does not wait for a certificate to be issued. Use a aws_acm_certificate_validation resource for this.


• added acm_certificate_validation.certification_arn output


• to avoid alb module can’t create listener because of not validated cert • use this output as certification arn in alb module


#58 • closes #58



Amrutha Sunkara avatar
Amrutha Sunkara


• This module creates a write endpoint by default. Creating a RDS proxy read endpoint will ensure underlying primary/master instance is excluded from the connections isolating DDLs & DMLs in addition, to providing and additional layer for just read based workload.


• Usecase involves a separate read proxy endpoint that isolates reads to the replicas & separate write proxy endpoint to the primary instance.


https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/db_proxy_endpointcloses #10

Amrutha Sunkara avatar
Amrutha Sunkara

Could someone take a look at this PR?


• This module creates a write endpoint by default. Creating a RDS proxy read endpoint will ensure underlying primary/master instance is excluded from the connections isolating DDLs & DMLs in addition, to providing and additional layer for just read based workload.


• Usecase involves a separate read proxy endpoint that isolates reads to the replicas & separate write proxy endpoint to the primary instance.


https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/db_proxy_endpointcloses #10

praneeth avatar
02:24:58 PM

@praneeth has joined the channel


Joe Niland avatar
Joe Niland


• Adds a flag var.deny_users which, when disabled, will allow IAM users to assume team roles • Specific users can still be denied via var.denied_principal_arns


• The existing functionality denies all IAM users from assuming team roles • In legacy/specific situations it would be good to allow this


• None

(PR submitted on behalf of @Gowiem)


Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

I don’t know if this is necessarily the right channel, but I’d like to revert the behavior introduced in PR #142. I created an issue to explain why, but maybe I’m missing something.

Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

Hey @RB I added a comment in response to yours. WDYT?

@nitrocode If I understand the previous behavior correctly:

db_subnet_group_name = local.db_subnet_group_name_provided ? var.db_subnet_group_name : (
    local.subnet_ids_provided ? join("", aws_db_subnet_group.default.*.name) : null

if local.subnet_ids_provided is false, and no external db_subnet is provided, then it returns null

subnet_ids_provided = var.subnet_ids != null && length(var.subnet_ids) > 0

var.subnet_ids is default []

So not providing subnet_ids to the module should evaluate to the same behavior PR #142 added, while also allowing the case that is described in this issue.

Tyrone Meijn avatar
Tyrone Meijn

Hey @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) sorry to tag you directly, but this issue has been stuck for more than two months and this “bug” prevents me from upgrading the module version. Do you know someone that could move this forward?

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Tyrone Meijn we’re happy to look at any PRs, (promote them in #pr-reviews). Otherwise, I have to echo what @RB said, that we cannot prioritize looking into a fix/pr at this time unless the issue is raised by a customer. I hate to push back, but we don’t have anyone who can take a look right now.

roth.andy avatar

Can I get some help figuring out why the pipelines are failing? Looks like the error is happening in the step that updates the Status of the run in the PR



• Add new variable tenancy that allows user to configure instance tenancy (default (default), dedicated, or host)


• An organization that I work with has a security policy that requires use of dedicated tenancy. This PR adds the capability to do that when using this module.


https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance#tenancy • Closes #139

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)


• Add new variable tenancy that allows user to configure instance tenancy (default (default), dedicated, or host)


• An organization that I work with has a security policy that requires use of dedicated tenancy. This PR adds the capability to do that when using this module.


https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/aws/latest/docs/resources/instance#tenancy • Closes #139

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

Yes, our test framework was broken. GitHub overwrote an environment variable we were using (which was fair, since our variable started with GITHUB_). This has been fixed, now, and this particular PR is waiting for input validation to be added.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Btw, saw this morning that github is deprecating all set-output commands soon

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

so we need to address that now too
