#prometheus (2019-03)
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/prometheus/

Hey folks, I’m deploying Prometheus (with helm and the prometheus-operator
chart from stable) into several clusters, but wondering how best to set up the alerting rules? I’ve added a Slack receiver to Alertmanager, and I’m getting alerts there, but … any clues on the process I would use to ensure good alerting on my clusters?

Hrmm @Glenn J. Mason can you add some more context around the process piece?

Process for updating alerts?

Where to define them?

More like … how do I go about discovering what metrics mean “bad, or going bad”? Like … do I just monitor in e.g. grafana and/or make up “sensible” defaults that I think might work? The human process for tuning I mean.

Have you started by looking over the many community provided dashboards?

Yep, looking, but I was really wondering about the Prometheus alerting rules rather than Grafana dashboards specifically. I think the default rules are pretty good, but (e.g.) we’ve got the micrometer.io actuator getting JVM metrics in, and it’s hard to really be able to say “yep, that’s healthy” — except of course by monitoring and historical trends, etc. Which is certainly useful, and the “normal” way to do these things.

I think it’s the only way to go, perhaps: monitor, decide on “normal” and take it from there.

Yea, you’ll need to establish a baseline before you’ll really know what to alert on

Anyone running Pushgateway in ~HA~HA”?

We are evaluating multiple options, but could not find a lot of info about it, as I can see we:
- Replicate traffic to multiple PG from another proxy
- Send reports to multiple PGs

@pecigonzalo what are your goals with running pushgateway with an HA setup?

to avoid downtime during deployments/etc so it always gets the metrics

EG: i roll a new update, config is bad, i broke the PG, and now Im losing all PG metrics coming in (backups, etc)

if this was HA, a rolling/blue-green would be really simple

have you considered using either DNS + a load balancer – or service discovery in clients – which should help?

I’ve never run PG in production, but if I did, I would avoid running it as a singleton. Is there anything non-trivial involved with running more than one PG (replicas with load-balancing, healthchecks)?

We do have a LB and DNS

but the problem is that you need the data in both places

is like having 2 postgres database, wihtout replication, and trying to read form the 2nd one if hte first one goes down, you dont have the same data

to avoid downtime during deployments/etc so it always gets the metrics
EG: i roll a new update, config is bad, i broke the PG, and now Im losing all PG metrics coming in (backups, etc)
if this was HA, a rolling/blue-green would be really simple
I think I’m having trouble understanding what “always gets the metrics” means for your situation.
is like having 2 postgres database, wihtout replication, and trying to read form the 2nd one if hte first one goes down, you dont have the same data
Are you sure you’re using pushgateway to solve a problem for which it is designed & recommended ?
If not, please describe what you’re trying to solve for.
An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach.

if hte first one goes down, you dont have the same data
If the first one goes down, you shouldn’t care, assuming both are equally scraped by prometheus. Prometheus reads the metrics from the first (down) and second (up) and merges metrics+{labelsets} into the same metrics timeseries history.

I think I’m having trouble understanding what “always gets the metrics” means for your situation.
You have only 1 PG, you do a failed deployment or it goes down for any reason, now any job pushing to PG cant push to it, because its down until you fix it/rollback/etc
Are you sure you’re using pushgateway to solve a problem for which it is designed & recommended ?
Yes im 100% sure, eg scheduled jobs like backups or other croned or event triggered things.
If the first one goes down, you shouldn’t care, assuming both are equally scraped by prometheus.
It does matter, because if you have 2 PG, unless you push the same data to both, by either a proxy/LB that replicates the data to both or by pushing to both from the clients, you have different data

eg. a backup job runs, after it ran it pushes a metrics to PG through a LB.
- PG1 gets the connection and stores the info
- PG2 does not, as the LB only sent to PG1
PG1 goes down, for whatever reason, Prom starts reading from PG2, which doesnt contain the metric for the backup. now your metrics show odd stuff, and might trigger an alert about a missing backup in our case

Let me respond to each of those separately:
You have only 1 PG,
Is something forcing you to create a single point of failure?
By deploying 1 PG, you create a SPOF.
Have you considered deploying N+1 ?
you do a failed deployment or it goes down for any reason, now any job pushing to PG cant push to it, because its down until you fix it/rollback/etc
If, as you say, you only have 1 PG and you accidentally deploy a “failed deployment” (read: “a blackhole for metrics”), yes, you’re going to lose data. Load balancers alone won’t help, but healthchecks do. If your infrastructure is always testing that your PG instances are able to accept POST requests, then you have some assurances that active PG are able to accept metrics.

Is something forcing you to create a single point of failure?
Are you even reading my messages?! that is exactly what im doing, and asking how others are doing that….
do you even run PG? because tbh it seems you have no clue what you are talking about

do you understand PG only keeps the data at the receiving end?


and if you have 2, unless you send the data to the second nodea s well, you are not going to have redundant data

To be honest, it seems like you are trolling at this point

are you looking to use pushgateway as a continuous scoreboard? because that’s what it sounds like – but that’s not what it’s designed for.

Again, do you even read?

absolutely I read and have been trying to understand how you’re using it and why exactly you think it’s a problem to have different data on different PGs

Why dont you explain how YOU run your N+1 reployment instead?


I was in the middle of composing this when you replied, so I’ll send it now:
Yes im 100% sure, eg scheduled jobs like backups or other croned or event triggered things.
If your backups and crons run in the same place (host/instance) then I’d suggest using the Textfile collector [1]
I’ve definitely used it to export the status of a backup script… the script would even update metrics during execution,
eg: it updated a start_time
metric before triggering the backup
and additional detailed metrics at exit: {exitcode
, completion_time
, last_backup_size_bytes
If using textfile metrics is not possible, that’s fine – just hoping to make you aware it is option, if you weren’t already.
[1] https://github.com/prometheus/node_exporter#textfile-collector
Exporter for machine metrics. Contribute to prometheus/node_exporter development by creating an account on GitHub.

Not an option, and the textfile option is just a hack tbh, you are basically building metric state in your node

now you sound trollish

but not an option, this is lambda

ok great - thanks for sharing the environment in which you’re trying to operate

im waiting for you N+1 deployment,instead of how to save metrics to disk

pushing lambda/cron/job style metrics is EXACTLY what PG is there for


An ALB with N+1 PG’s in the targetgroup can receive metrics from your ephemeral jobs.

Your prometheus server collects metrics from each PG in the TG individually – it does not scrape them via the ALB

rewinding a bit from the scenario above – are you doing anything currently to manage the metrics lifecycle on your current PG’s ?

do you delete metrics at all?

On PG, no I do not delete them, but that has not been an issue nor the topic of my question

now, in your scenario

you have a lambda, that runs, pushes a eg, timestamp of lastsuccess run (like many metrics do) to PG, through LB. It only lands in 1 of the PG, lets say PG1 Now PG1 is down, your new metrics would go to PG2. Now you have an alert or want to check something like: ` ((time() - pushgateway_thismetric_last_success) / 3600) > 24` to check last daily backup did run

wouldnt the 2PG metrics be 2 different metrics (due to the node they come from) and make it so you get a trigger

because PG2 might not have data for pushgateway_thismetric_last_success

Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs. Contribute to prometheus/pushgateway development by creating an account on GitHub.

so the only situation where what you’ve described creates the situation you sound concerned about would be:
your lambda pushes via the LB to pg1
, after which pg1
dies without being scraped by your prometheus server.
in all other situations where lambda pushes via the LB to pg1
and prometheus scrapes it, you’re safe.

because of merges metrics+{labelsets} into the same metrics timeseries history

because your query for pushgateway_thismetric_last_success
should return the latest metric, whether it arrived via pg1
or pg2

Yeah, that makes sense, cool

I was under the impression it would not do that due to instance
being different basically

you have to make sure the instance label is being set to (""
) on scrape

Yep, they act as basically the same metric

that’s the behavior you want


if you do have “can’t lose” metrics – you’ll want a more durable path to getting the metrics to prometheus

Yeah, tbh in the rare case of the metric getting pushed to PG1 and prom not scraping in time

i can tolerate the bad alert

Or I guess there the persisting to disk or some other exporter would make more sense

your questions here got me thinking of a setup : api gateway -> lambda sns writer -> sns readers -> dynamodb ) + ( /metrics
scrape endpoint -> api gw -> lambda dynamo reader )

that would be better than PG tbh

right ? glad you agree

you could even ALB -> lambda -> dynamo

I searched around and didn’t find anything even discussing that setup

without SNS and api gate

I was thinking of a fanout for writes to go to multiple readers, in case you wanted cross-region HA

I guess you could make it have 2 endpoints

one for direct push, 1 for fanout or similar

or make it extensible for fanout

maybe there’s a market for an HA pushgateway

as for many people ALB->lambda->dynamo might be enought

I was also thinking that having TTLs on the dynamo entries would kind-of automate the metrics deletion aspects that you’ve waved your hands at

if the entire ALB and lambda of region goes down, i have probably bigger issues

Yeah, tbh we dont have that issue right now, as most of our metrics are not “stale”

auto-metrics-deletion gives a lot of rope to folks to create high cardinality issues for themselves.

but if you run most of your stuff in serverless, I guess you do have that problem

running your stuff in serverless isn’t a fixed concern – it’s always how you’ve designed your labelsets. you have to be cognizant of their cardinality.

Yeah, but pushed on button, as we only run satellite jobs and some simple (but important) metrics from them (backups, cleanups, checks, auto handle of failed events, etc) we dont have too many labels or cardinality

you might benefit from having instance
on a pushed metric in the pushgateway – so you can quickly find+debug the job that pushed it.
but when you scrape it, that instance
label is no longer useful, so it should be dropped/nulled.

Yeah, that basically was my entire confusion with this PG stuff at the end


glad to help

that is why I wanted to check how others were doing, because just discarding random stuff on the prometheus config seemed odd, but we needed a way to handle more than 1PG so we HA

If you don’t yet, I’d suggest you run a blackbox prober scheduled lambda that pushes metrics on an interval, both individually to each PG (avoiding the ALB), as well as through the ALB. This gives you an alertable metric that your PG is not functioning.

wouldnt this be covered by up()

but you are also correct, once Prom got the metric from one PG, and as long as your query “accepts” or “discards” lables that make the metrics from any of the PGs different, it should work

yes, how you compose your alert rules is key

ill do a local test with compose,thanks for the help

glad we could understand each other at the end

same here.

I have one more @tamsky if you have a minute

if you have PG1 last_success = 123 PG2 last_success = 124 (because the LB sends one to each) dont they get overwriten on the prom side after each scrape and make for odd metrics?

timestamps should distinguish the two

when you push, you push with a timestamp?

Push acceptor for ephemeral and batch jobs. Contribute to prometheus/pushgateway development by creating an account on GitHub.

reading that, maybe I’m confusing it with the timestamps in the textfile exporter

rereads that link

do you have a push_time_seconds
for your last_success
metrics group?

push_time_seconds gets generated automatically


there is a timestime field tho, which in my test I did not push


/tmp/tmp.Aj9RooPWfR on master [!] on 🐳 v18.09.3 took 2s
❯ echo "some_metric 3.14" | curl -u "admin:admin" --data-binary @- <http://localhost:9091/metrics/job/some_job>
/tmp/tmp.Aj9RooPWfR on master [!] on 🐳 v18.09.3
❯ echo "some_metric 3.15" | curl -u "admin:admin" --data-binary @- <http://localhost:9092/metrics/job/some_job>

the sample metric looks like

I see what’s going on. thinking

that is the problem i have with my backups metrics as well, that is why i was trying to basically “replicate” traffic to both PGs

I might be missing something in the config tho idk

- job_name: "pushgateway"
scrape_interval: 10s
honor_labels: true
- targets: ["pushgateway1:9091", "pushgateway2:9091"]

just in case

what does a graph of push_time_seconds
look like?

the same

should be two flat lines

no, its just one

because they dont have any labels that distinguishes them

and you pushed at nearly the same time to both 9091 & 9092 ?

some seconds after

no, not at the same time

If you have an LB one can come now, the other in 10 minutes and hit the other node

that is the problem i have with my backups metrics as well, that is why i was trying to basically “replicate” traffic to both PGs
I understand that you want to try to replicate PUT/POST to the PG… but I’m now thinking I’m wrong about HA being a valid design pattern for this.
I was thinking that the PG timestamps operated similarly to the file exporter / text format
An open-source monitoring system with a dimensional data model, flexible query language, efficient time series database and modern alerting approach.

rewinding to the decision of “I need HA for PG” – what’s driving that decision?

Dont you run PG in HA? and even you said
By deploying 1 PG, you create a SPOF. Have you considered deploying N+1 ?

dont you have the same issue?

I’ve run PG in multiple regions, but haven’t needed HA, single node ASG has been fine.

So basically no

it’s possible HA can still work, you’d add a non- job
label on scrape of each PG with a unique value and then can query for the most recent group
of metrics across all scrapes


and your metrics query looks like a join

Now to Why, as explained in the question before

when you asked that

what if your deploy a bad version?



will help

if you deploy a metrics blackhole, you’re going to lose pushes

Im surprised im the only one having this “issue” with PG not supporting HA

The thing you seem concerned with (“bad config/deploy”) is not unique to PG

What if you deployed a bad version of prometheus? Or your lambda functions?

But you might be able to get there with max_over_time(push_time_seconds{job="myjob"}[5m])

that is why you run prom in HA

with 2+ nodes and even federation

and a DNS/Server/Client based balance for EG grafana

yes, but nobody gets concerned if you lose one of 2 nodes, and that a new node doesn’t have exactly the same set of data that the older node does

but quite similar

its clearly not the same, prometheus has a pseudoHA config

I don’t agree with the statement: prometheus has a pseudoHA config

where you scrape same targets, and the only difference is due to timing, which you have to live with or not use prometheus

that I agree with.

that is their way of HA

it’s redundancy

when running multiple promservers nobody expects them to store identical timeseries history to disk

And I never said that

but that’s HA


Where does it say that is HA?

that is maybe your personal take on HA

that seemed to be the desired outcome for the PG – that an HA version of PG would replicate writes to all PGs

that sort of replicated write does seem like a possible way to configure PG

would work for evergrowing metrics, but not for a gauge

if you push something like items_processed
you can do that

and you get a flapping metric again

lets get an example going for max_over_time

push_time_seconds{job=”myjob”,pg=”pg1”} 111 push_time_seconds{job=”myjob”,pg=”pg2”} 122

where is pg=
coming from?

are you adding instance labels?

because the client pushing, is not aware to which PG is pusshing

I mentioned it earlier:
it’s possible HA can still work, you’d add a non- job
label on scrape of each PG with a unique value and then can query for the most recent group
of metrics across all scrapes


Yeah, Prom side


yeah, doing a join does work, I meant direct max_overtime
does not

quite… hacky imho

I’d think you’d use max_over_time
to select the series and pg
label that has the most recent timestamp (you’re running ntp
right )

yeah, that could work as a join, but its quite a hacky way as said before

I agree hacky

instead of engineering the PG to be HA have you considered making the PG clients more robust? what fallback mechanisms do you have if PG is down?

Yes, I did, as explained when I started this, I could have 2 targets per job

that’s just 2x fire-and-forget

I’m thinking a separate backup path if the primary is down. Backup might not be HTTP.

I think at that point i would rather add a proxy that replicates the data to multiple PGs

as its a solution that applies to all my lambdas/jobs instead of an implementation per job

how do you ameliorate the situation where the proxy misses a write to one of the PGs and the datasets diverge?

you’ll wind up with a fluctuating graph, like you shared

unless you run one prom server per PG ?

but then its the same, 1 alrets one doesnt

multiple prom will not fix it

but yeah you are right, if the node returns, we might be back to square one

I think “be careful” will still apply

unless we have non persistent metrics

I wasn’t thinking the PG node goes up/down/up

which then the new pg does not have a metrics for the metrics that the other PG does

I was simply thinking the proxy fails to communicate a PUT/POST for any number of network reasons – and it doesn’t retry, so that PUT/POST gets dropped on the floor.

I would ask, how often is that bound to happen on an internal network?

a non-zero number of times

I didnt ask how many times, I asked how often

divide by choice of duration

which is, if this affects only 1% of the cases, im not really that worried for this scneario

how do you ameliorate the situation where the proxy misses a write to one of the PGs and the datasets diverge?
In a number of ways, for the number of problems


I’m thinking from all this that you have different classes of metrics that you’re pushing – some are frequent and business critical and are categorized “can’t lose”, and others are batch processes, like backups where the metric is useful but losing it isn’t intrinsically harmful.
is that correct?

Well that is the thing, a metric for backups going missing is quite harmful depeding on the period

as it could trigger a number of alerts

OFC, if the soltuion to HA PG is more complex than just a couple of silences here and there

ill just silence them when the event presents

but Im suprised this is not a bigger problem for other usecases, eg. heavy serverless users

triggering alerts definitely has a cost, but maybe there’s a different metric, (for example, via a blackbox prober) that reports the actual status of the latest backup

you mean <https://github.com/prometheus/blackbox_exporter>


Yeah, i mean that is basically saying “dont use PG if you need PG HA” which is ok

maybe PG is not the tool for this

but im asking in a more generic way

a blackbox example might be: a script that reads the state of all backups and reports the most recent timestamp

how do you run PG in HA or some way of redundancy

and there does not seem to be a way to do that

Just to be clear, I know i can solve this in a number of different ways

but in this case this is not my question, it is rather, how would you HA PG?

then I agree, there is no out of box clustered PG that offers a singular HA datastore

or replicated, even if delayed

like gossip based for example

Yeah, out of the box nothing, but maybe there are some clever ways to do this

I’d use the existing singleton PG pattern, use ASG, and put it behind an ALB.

EG: a replication proxy (altho your comment makes a fair point against it)

Yeah, we do that already basically with a container

I’d implement a backup channel in the clients to write metrics to SNS and have a persistent reader dequeue and PUT SNS data->PG

clients would use the backup channel if the primary PG failed or timed out

The thing is the problem is not the channel tbh, if that was the case, you could argue the same point about any HTTP communication

but it could be a good solution to have some sort of queue

it depends on the criticality of the data – if you have a requirement that you can never lose writes, you need more backup channels

so client -> SNS/SQS/whatever -> deque -> PG

so if PG goes down, it will just put the metrics once its back up

I’d throw in a S3 writer if I thought SNS wasn’t reliable enough

Yeah, i agree, but again, I guess you could say the same about any communication

maybe an out-of-region backup PG ALB as an alternate

and I dont see this being a pattern for any REST service for example

you have this problem even in kafka writers

kafka guarantees writes, but only after ACK. what do you do as a writer with critical data that doesn’t receive an ACK.

- keep trying
- queue to a different system
- all of the above

- fall over and ask for help

yeah but you dont com over a different system

normally, you retry or buffer and retry

or fallover

you don’t have as many options in lambda

Exactly, but I think its not a great architecture patter to say

“all lambdas HTTP to PG or send over SNS if that fails”

because the same could be said about any HTTP connection in the same way

waht about lambda calling another service?

should it SNS as well?

I would rather just make SNS or a queue the com channel

and if that fails, then fallover and cry

I can agree with that decision… just use SNS for all metrics writes

(given you can async)


Yeah, queuing the PG metrics might be a sane idea, that mitigate 90% of the issues, for not that much extra work

actually I’m thinking SQS is the thing we’re talking about, not SNS

Yeah, I said SNS as you said SNS before, but yeah im talking about a queue

yeah - we’re talking same

the question isn’t how to handle REST failures in lambda, it’s how to deliver unique unreplicated data that will be otherwise lost unless written somewhere

Yep, i think that is accurate

my mistake using SNS

and hopefully you can engineer it so that some amount of loss is acceptable

as opposed to “no amount of loss is acceptable”

Yeah, that i guess depends on the use case, as said for backups/simple stuff, it might be the silence-work<architectural-complexity

but i was curious about how this is tackled across places, as i can think of many ways/things where this becomes more critical

hear me out for another minute

lets say your cron job that performs backups fails to report its status to PG

and you have an alarm NoRecentBackupsHaveCompleted
which fires after N+1 hours

I think it’s also wise to have another job that reads the most recent backup and exports what it read.

lets say that other “backup-reader” job has a metric alarm NoRecentValidBackup
– which would be in state OK
if the backup worked ok

you can combine those two alerts to inhibit. you don’t need silences.

lmk if you need more detail.

I mean, yes this will fix it for backups, but while a second metric seems like a good idea for this case anywa, I think it’s a rather inelegant for the PG issue itself

how this is tackled across places, as i can think of many ways/things where this becomes more critical
I haven’t worked with enough shops that were totally serverless to know the pitfalls.
I do know some folks are very happy with couchbase for event metrics.
I’ve also seen mondemand
used as an event bus (in both multicast and anycast modes).
At some point, durable logging becomes your primary concern, and metrics ingestion becomes secondary.

Yeah, that is another option I considered, doing just logging for it

And you could even do metric form that, like mtail

That reminds me of one other excellent resource that I’ve used, and that’s nsq

metrics/events can be written to nsq
and tailed
like you mentioned into different systems

I’ll check it out

is pretty awesome

anyone using prometheus to monitor an aws stack with the cloudwatch exporter? is it worth using?

I’m also curious how costs compare to using cloudwatch alone vs the api request costs of the exporter

We use CW-Exporter, but only for things we cant get native metrics for. I dont know if that helps you much

by native metrics, you mean the host metrics from node_exporter?

what would those metrics be that you use CW exporter for?