#prometheus (2019-04)


Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/prometheus/


sarkis avatar

I used CW Exporter at last job. Was mainly to get ELB metrics, the downside is CW is delayed by 15-20 mins usually, so something to think about if you want to then alert on those metrics :(

Tim Malone avatar
Tim Malone

what part of CW was delayed - the metrics ingest? or the alarming? i haven’t noticed any delays with native metrics so i’m curious because i was thinking of going down the same path for our k8s stuff…

sarkis avatar

wow i completely missed this - but CW metrics ingest was delayed, I think the issue is due to the specific metrics I was after having a high resolution - best explanation I found was from datadog: https://docs.datadoghq.com/integrations/faq/cloud-metric-delay/

Cloud Metric Delayattachment image

Datadog, the leading service for cloud-scale monitoring.

Tim Malone avatar
Tim Malone

ohh right, ok that makes sense - in the context of getting the metrics out to another service. although - that delay is still a lot. but, thanks for the context!

joshmyers avatar

https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf is a pretty cool swiss army knife for this stuff


The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics. - influxdata/telegraf

tamsky avatar

Thanks Josh, I didn’t know telegraf can have a prometheus compatible /metrics endpoint.



The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics. - influxdata/telegraf




joshmyers avatar

Ja, it’s basically a pipe on steroids, so many inputs/outputs/filters/processors etc
