#random (2018-07)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

Updated blog post: https://eslint.org/blog/2018/07/postmortem-for-malicious-package-publishes Update from the maintainers Incident status report from npm Please follow the comment by @platinumazure…

A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript. Maintain your code quality with ease.

On July 12th, 2018, an attacker compromised the npm account of an ESLint maintainer and published malicious versions of the eslint-scope and eslint-config-eslint packages to the npm registry. On installation, the malicious packages downloaded and executed code from pastebin.com which sent the contents of the user’s .npmrc file to the attacker. An .npmrc file typically contains access tokens for publishing to npm.

Scope of this could be much, much larger

As many npm module repos could now be compromised


npm has revoked all access tokens issued before 2018-07-12 12:30 UTC. As a result, all access tokens compromised by this attack should no longer be usable.

Thank god

Dev teams at 400+ companies like Pivotal, Instacart, and Trivago use Pull Reminders to stay on top of code reviews and ship new features faster.

I signed our cloudposse team up for it! Thanks for sharing.

Dev teams at 400+ companies like Pivotal, Instacart, and Trivago use Pull Reminders to stay on top of code reviews and ship new features faster.

@Daren @dave.yu @Max Moon @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) check this out!

On neat

We also use http://ptsochantaris.github.io/trailer/
Accelerate your GitHub workflow. Never miss a comment again. Track pull requests and issues across repositories, directly in your Notification Center or on any device.

Hah! Was just about to share

I end up drowning in trailer. Also, doesn’t work as well if you use 2 laptops (home and work)


Reposting: http://ptsochantaris.github.io/trailer/
Accelerate your GitHub workflow. Never miss a comment again. Track pull requests and issues across repositories, directly in your Notification Center or on any device.

These PR stats in “pullreminder” are nice

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) uploaded a file: image.png

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) uploaded a file: Pasted image at 2018-07-13, 4:11 PM

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) uploaded a file: Pasted image at 2018-07-13, 4:11 PM

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) uploaded a file: Pasted image at 2018-07-13, 4:13 PM

@Daren :point_up: you don’t get this with trailer

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) uploaded a file: image.png

I need to have more of us know about this app: https://github.com/nvbn/thefuck/blob/master/README.md
thefuck - Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.

Also, this tool for ecs deployments. https://getmu.io/ which i would like to test and compare to doing it all in terraform.

oh ya i use to use thefuck

now i do more screensharing with clients though

maybe i could start again and alias it lol


change it to “please”

Also, has anyone used weaveworks?

Amazon EC2 Container Service (ECS) is a Docker container management service, part of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. By using Weave Net, a software-defined networking solution, you can deploy containers onto ECS more easily, without…

it’s one of the standard network drivers for kubernetes

but haven’t considered it for ECS

@jamie what’s the driver for you?

As in what motivates me? Or what network mesh am I currently using? Or why am I looking at weave for ecs?

what problem are you looking to solve by adding weave into the mix?

mu looks pretty would like a primer on how to best leverage it in combination with terraform

Weave Net simplifies by handling service discovery and load balancing for you.

not problems we are currently facing

I haven’t had a need or a problem to use weave for. But I wanted to get on to using it as my project scopes are becoming larger

Weave Net supports other use cases, which include transparent cross-region connectivity, cross-cloud, and multicast.

sounds more interesting

but no project scope large enough

I had thought in the past it might be the bridge between onsite development environments and the hosted resources

That could be used in a way as if they were local

Sandboxes dev environments with debugging and tracing capacity that allow high pace of change and testing locally without having to push to git or start a pipeline is a common requirement

kuberentes has this: https://www.telepresence.io/
Telepresence: a local development environment for a remote Kubernetes cluster

And sometimes you can just use offline versions of technologies, like dynamodb and sns etc

which is kind of like what you say

have you seen this project? it’s sweet

Oh that’s nice

I haven’t

I am wanting something for serverless dev too

you deploy a service in your cluster that identifies itself as the service you need

but then it creates a reverse proxy tunnel back to your laptop

that way you can develop locally, but other services in the cluster talk to it as though it were natively running in kubernetes

Do we (the cloudposse massive) have an awesome-xyz style key reading/tools/reference page?

Curated list of awesome lists

Kind of


Cloud Posse Developer Hub. Complete documentation for the Cloud Posse solution. https://docs.cloudposse.com

Also, not sure if you’ve seen our massive glossary. https://github.com/cloudposse/docs/tree/master/content/glossary
Cloud Posse Developer Hub. Complete documentation for the Cloud Posse solution. https://docs.cloudposse.com

This automatically highlights terms across the site

Our tools page is currently focused on what we use. We could add a page like awesome though

Hi all! What’s the best channel to post a question about an issue I have with one of your modules? Thank you!

hey! thanks for asking



One of my clients wants to hire me, but I’m moving out of London in 5 months plus I’m employed. So it won’t work. If there are any freelancers that are aws skilled, Terraform, dev team management background peeps on here in London… let me know and I’ll put you forward. :)

interesting article about using separate AWS accounts https://hackernoon.com/managing-seperate-aws-accounts-iam-deployments-e7e3ca038d53

Seperate AWS Accounts is a great way of managing different environments. Get started today with IAM, Security & Deployments.

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse) tl;dr is that covering orgs?

Orgs are probably my favorite feature right now

Quality lesson about security happening with LifeLock right now

If you haven’t caught the news, I’m sure it’ll be coming up soon.

Lesson learned: you can have the most bad ass cloud security, but things still happen.

Oh wow

Reading about it now

yeah, leanring more about it today

Apparently the guy told us, we dropped that part of the site ( yeah for microservices ) pushed a patch and fixed the problem

IMHO, that’s about the best outcome you could ask for

yea, it’s bad for LifeLock

what I learned some time ago is that using integers on URLs as IDs is a very bad idea

use GUIDs

@krogebry Org is just metadata on top of the root account. The article confirms what we’ve been doing - use separate AWS accounts for more security and control

Used orgs with a client with something like 5 accounts for security, like you say

The neat thing was that we could just switch between accounts without having to relog

i agree

it’s more complicated to setup and provision, but you get a lot of benefits from it

Stewart Butterfield’s startup will subsume Atlassian’s corporate chat tools to take on Microsoft.

R.I.P. stride

I am elated that I won’t have to join anymore Hipchat or stride teams


hipchat left a lot to be desired. do not miss it.

never tried stride.

Seriously thought that was an onion article at first

HAHA yea, me too. I had to reread it to make sure it said what I thought it said.

jx is a command line tool for working with Jenkins X: automated CI/CD for Kubernetes

This is the 2018 followup based on the original Google SRE book

the SRE book is also free to read online right now https://landing.google.com/sre/book.html

Is that “y’all suck so bad we’re giving this to you free” or “we love the community so much we want to help make it better” ?

i think it’s Attention Deficit Disorder - nobody will read a 500-page book these days

Lol it’s good stuff, but pretty dense

Btw, we have our own former Google SRE here @tamsky

ohh nice

I read the book

Had some dry parts for sure, but plenty of usable snippets to pull out as justification for removing the gun from a clients own foot

Hi all! Let me introduce myself. I’m super interested in the intersection of Dev, Devops, and Quality. I’m a proponent of containers, Kubernetes, Terraform, and feedback loops. I worked with Erik briefly a couple years back, thanks for inviting me!
I twit err tweet at johntellsall
; blog at <http://johntellsall.com>

Welcome @johntellsall! Glad to have you onboard

Automated dependency updates. Dependabot creates pull requests to keep your Ruby, Python, JavaScript, PHP, .NET, Go, Elixir, Rust and Java dependencies up-to-date.

Too bad not terraform modules!

But it does support submodules and docker!

@Max Moon pretty cool way to keep your geodesic account modules up to date

prod.cloudposse.co - Example Terraform/Kubernetes Reference Infrastructure for Cloud Posse Production Organization in AWS

what Open PRs against terraform repos when terraform modules have new releases Open PRs against terraform repos when terraform providers have new releases why It's an extremely diverse ecosyste…

what Open PRs against terraform repos when terraform modules have new releases Open PRs against terraform repos when terraform providers have new releases why It's an extremely diverse ecosyste…


I highly recommend dependabot - the dev is also super responsive, and overall seems like a great person


I’m really liking it so far.

gotop - A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop

That’s some sexy ascii work right there

Yea, seriously

gtop - System monitoring dashboard for terminal

I want this for kube

Hey everyone! I’m a DevOps enthusiast from Chile, looking to learn/improve as a SRE and hopefully contribute as well. Nice to be here, and thanks for the invite @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

welcome @fernando! thanks for the contributions to our projects

Moving to #terraform

Hi Fellas, I’m in the process of discovery / audit with a new customer. 12factor is a great reference here, but I’m wondering if there are other reference materials which can be used to audit.

AWS Well-Architected Framework

CIS Foundations Framework

Dockerfile Best Practices (by docker)

(slack “All Unreads”)

“Sorted scientifically” must be the best sort order label I’ve seen. Gave me a good laugh.