#random (2019-01)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

“Microsoft has dropped a 40-foot long data-center pod onto the seafloor off the coast from the European Marine Energy Centre in Orkney, north of Scotland.”

this sounds like a thought experiment: schrodinger’s cat if a data center pod is on the sea floor loses connectivity…. how do you know if it’s operating or not? if you open it, it will let in the water and fry the computers haha it’s a new form of quantum computing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schr%C3%B6dinger%27s_cat

Schrödinger’s cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects. The scenario presents a cat that may be simultaneously both alive and dead, a state known as a quantum superposition, as a result of being linked to a random subatomic event that may or may not occur. The thought experiment is also often featured in theoretical discussions of the interpretations of quantum mechanics. Schrödinger coined the term Verschränkung (entanglement) in the course of developing the thought experiment.

The sea will keep the data centre cool, but the computers onboard will not be repairable if they break down.



took them long enough

but I think this is great.

that combined with GitHub actions reduces the competitive advantages of GitLab.

Now, if they would allow project folders with multiple repos, I’ll be totally content.

Using SQL databases is not an impediment to doing DevOps. Automating schema management and a little developer discipline enables more vigorous and repeatable testing, shorter release cycles, and reduced business risk. When you can confidently deploy new releases, you do it more frequently. New features that previously sat unreleased for weeks or months now reach users sooner. Bugs are fixed faster. Security holes are closed sooner. It enables the company to provide better value to customers.

If you are facing some opposition in your company while trying to rollout DevOps style workflows, this might be a helpful read. He makes some good arguments.

Morning people, I’ve published a new blog post about docker and data persistence on the host, I hope you’ll find it interesting and helpfull https://cloudlad.io/Docker%20host%20data%20persistence%20pattern
Having fun in the cloud.

Q: When a file gets created by the process that runs inside the container, which UID and GID will it get assigned?
A: It will have the UID and GID of the user that is set with the USER instruction in the Dockerfile or 0 (the root user) if the USER instruction is not specified.

Ah yes, we’ve had this problem in geodesic
for some time

i’ve been torn on how to fix it. at first, I fixed it this way

but then we had a non-root container and it was a PIA since as a human-operator we cannot run apk add ...

(our use-case is a bit unusual though for docker sicne we’re using docker as a thin shell)

check this out! https://github.com/mumoshu/variant
Task runner for the container era. Containerize bash scripting workflows with dataflows and dependency injection, JSON Schema for inputs validation - mumoshu/variant

it’s a “universal cli” interface that is awesome for integration of lots of tools

you use it like this: https://github.com/mumoshu/kodedeploy/blob/master/kode
CodeDeploy for EKS. Parallel and Continuous (re)delivery to multiple EKS clusters. Blue-green deployment “of” EKS clusters. - mumoshu/kodedeploy

basically, you can now have a consistent interface to your most common workflows

while this can be achieved with make
(we do it), I like the structure of this more since it supports args

in make
, we often use environment variables like args (named parameters), e.g. make plan SOMEVAR=somevalue

with @mumoshu’s task runner, it would look like kode plan --application=foobar --environment=baz

it’s kode
because the $0
script is called kode

another way to think about this is “executable documentation”

it’s documentation of how to use the commands which is so good, it’s executable

@mrwacky this is pretty cool

502 on zoom should url rewrite to boom

yea, this has got to be a massive failure

Zoom is having an outage FYI

looks very neat! I like it more than https://github.com/tj/robo which is very similar but less powerful. Good finding, Mr. @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
Simple Go / YAML-based task runner for the team. Contribute to tj/robo development by creating an account on GitHub.

yes, I also was mulling over using robo
for the same reason

Hi, Can someone give the terraform module to provide IAM access to Cloudwatch

@srinivassuryapet probably better to ask in #terraform

29 votes and 14 comments so far on Reddit

If anyone wants to take this for a test: https://github.com/pecigonzalo/loro
WIP: AWS CloudWatch Logs Tail. Contribute to pecigonzalo/loro development by creating an account on GitHub.

let me know your thoughts

@pecigonzalo I’ve used awslogs
like this - awslogs get /var/log/syslog ALL --watch
to watch logs. It works. What is your tool trying to solve?

does not support some of the features, EG: log formatting like -o '[ {{ uniquecolor (print .Stream) }} ] {{ .TimeShort }} - {{ .Event.ecs.cluster }} - {{ .Event.decoded.message }}'

only log query/filtering, which I intend to support as well

I also had issues with its time filtering

It also supports global config files

to set some defaults, like since and etc

The idea is to combine what I believe is the best of the 3 linked solutions: https://github.com/segmentio/cwlogs https://github.com/jorgebastida/awslogs https://github.com/mmcquillan/lawsg
CLI tool for reading logs from Cloudwatch Logs. Contribute to segmentio/cwlogs development by creating an account on GitHub.
AWS CloudWatch logs for Humans™. Contribute to jorgebastida/awslogs development by creating an account on GitHub.
The AWS Cloudwatch Log Viewer. Contribute to mmcquillan/lawsg development by creating an account on GitHub.

all great projects, but IMHO all were lacking X or Y so im trying to bring it all together

can also print JSON or raw messages, so you can parse with JQ

Would it not be better to add this missing functionality into one of those tools? Rather than another tool with largely overlapping use cases. I totally get it if this is a learning exercise

It says on the README why it was not added to cwlogs
which is the closes to what im trying to get to

but if you want me to expand further:
the code structure of lawsg is not great, i would have to basically rewrite the entire tool
code is much better, but I believe A) binary distribution is better for this tool, B) golang is a more powerfull and faster language when dealing with many logs

is great, but its supporting segment.io log format and that makes sense and works great, but its not generic enought for many other cases or supporting other log formats

I was literally just looking for something like this on friday

Give it a look, so far I found some cases when --follow
stops following new streams

I think its because i do not discover new streams, ill check tomorrow

^ that should be fixed now and added non-json messages basic support

At first I thought some users uploaded new avatars, which were odd…

Yeah just seen that

Anyone know of a cmdline tool around which does this ? Acquires lock from different KV , SQL, Dynamodb / S3 exit 0 when lock is acquired exit 1 when lock is not acquired or timeout

@joshmyers has a tool

A CLI tool for distributed locks using DynamoDB. Contribute to joshmyers/dynolocker development by creating an account on GitHub.

cool thx

I never contemplated the risks of lets encrypt going donw

Do you contribute to open source software (OSS)? If you’re interested in sharing your perspective, please consider filling out the form at the bottom of this post. Hello, my name is Devon! I just joined

Hah! first time I’ve seen this:

congrats @Jan @maarten @Nikola Velkovski!

Use a yaml file to stitch together commands and bash snippits and run them with a bit of style. Why? Because your bash script should be quiet and shy-like (…and not such a loud mouth). - wagood…


hahaha wait what

I talk too much?

lol, looks like Ansible to me!


I’m using https://checkvist.com as a personal TODO management solution
please share how you do it on your side! (I’m sure that there are a lot of smart solutions)
@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) probably “productivity” channel is needed?
With Checkvist you can create and share online outlines, project plans, online checklists, and task lists. Very keyboard friendly, with code, Markdown, and OPML support.

@tolstikov totally….. I’m all about productivity hacks.

ugh timezones suck. Am in New Zealand for a conference and jet lag is kicking my arse.

Trying to finish writing a talk I’m giving in about 4 hours..

What’s the talk on?

@endofcake is in NZ

Yup I’m in NZ, it’s a beautiful summer here. Didn’t go to LinuxConf as I’ve got my share of conferences for a wee while;)

Talk is essentially talking about how automation shouldn’t be the first thing you show junior staff

Excellent topic, I very much look forward to circulating it!

and that they need to understand what the automation is doing behind the scenes

I interview people all the time

and they’ll tell me all about how they use puppet and terraform and so on

but when I ask if they can do it manually

or understand what it’s actually doing for them

I get blank looks

hahah yea, I know the feeling

Like don’t me wrong I love writing automation

and using it

but I want to understand what the hell it’s doing

Yea, i’ve noticed the same thing

I assume every one knows what an HTTP request looks like

but then ask them, and they’ve only ever used curl
or some library to wrap it

I ask people to dump the memory of a running process to stdout

I’ll be honest I’m a bit rusty on the specifics of it

because I haven’t needed to do that in quite a while

i guess it’s just about what point we jump on the rails


I’d get back in the swing of it pretty quickly tbh

it’s what I do

I get handed things that are on fire

and I get to figure out how to extinguish said fire without actually breaking shit further

but yeah I planned to write the talk before I came

but I got pulled into a DC migration 2 days before I left

as the people planning it had done a fantastic job of screwing it all up

Or just basic subnet math

I find debugging questions to be great

Yea those are great

Mixed with high level architecture questions

Does anyone have recommendations for “applicant tracking systems” aka ATS?

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) here is a complete solution: https://www.traffit.com/en/ Friend of mine is a CEO, so I know they are doing great job.


I’ve used http://www.greenhouse.io/ in the past,

Greenhouse’s applicant tracking system and recruiting software is designed to help you find better candidates and improve your entire recruiting process.

never used anything else so can’t compare but it fulfilled our needs

Sounds like you have a good problem to solve! More applicants than you can handle via emails or in memory. :)

Yes so many people have reached out but I don’t have a good way to keep them on file. Want to solve that!

The applicant tracking system and recruiting software by Google that helps you hire more qualified candidates faster, and seamlessly integrates with Gmail, Google Calendar and other G Suite apps.

This looks nice too


I found it after this proposed change https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=896897&desc=2#c23

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) not a software recommendation but rather a framework to build hiring process which we use since some time is https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Guide-Hiring-Getting-Hired/dp/0988957418/

When we started working on a Continuous Integration solution back in 2011, it was hard to imagine what Travis CI would become. Years later, we’re still continuously working to make our community an…

I never heard of Idera

Me neither

I wonder if they’re gearing up to compete more fully with GitlabCI and potentially with whatever integrations Microsoft adds to GitHub

From other comments on HN, sounds more like Idera is about buying up SaaS products with a large base of legacy users, but not necessarily innovating.

basically ensuring the longevity of the product, but not trying to out do the competition

I lol’d a lot harder than I probably should have :p https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/aj5aks/this_is_your_ram_and_this_is_your_ram_on_chrome/?utm_source=reddit-android
28,639 votes and 877 comments so far on Reddit

5 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit

A real browser preview inside your editor that you can debug. - auchenberg/vscode-browser-preview


anyone else catch themselves typing git commands into slack by accident all the time?

~for me it’s always ~ls


I do Ctrl+w and close tabs/windows all the time when trying to delete a word

“In a gold rush, you can mine for gold or you can sell pickaxes”

Anyone every worked with https://concourse-ci.org ? Would like to hear opinions.

Podman Release 1.0.0 Podman has gone 1.0! Our original goal with Podman was to provide a fully-featured debugging experience for CRI-O, but it has become so much more. Podman 1.0.0 is a fully-featured container engine. It provides a Docker-compatible command line to ease the transition from other container engines. Most Podman commands can be run as a regular user, without requiring additional privileges. Furthermore, all of this is accomplished without a daemon!

@maarten used concourse briefly. Was nice but seemed very tied into CloudFoundry/bosh

Have you looked @ Drone?

Hi @joshmyers, a potential customer wants to use it, would be part of the assignment.

It is a bit of a learning curve IIRC

What is the difference between USA and USB ?
One connects to all of your devices and accesses the data, the other is a hardware standard.

@maarten re concourse - I spent some time POCing it mid 2017. in general it didnt fit my idea of good. from skimming my notes (I apparently didnt keep a copy of the ticket where I summarized this for a client…): scaling (auto or otherwise) is a significant challenge (perhaps easier if your a bosh shop). secrets management is nonexistent. yml configs don’t ship and branch etc with the code (ala circle, travis, most of shippable, etc), you actively push them to the concourse server. docker support inside a project seemed painful (no native support) (ie, if you wanted to build a container then use it in your build flow, that was less than sane to achieve)

Thanks, doesn’t sound I want to work with this if I have the option.