#random (2019-08)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/


That’s a great way to ruin a few hours. Oh man, D2 almost caused to me flunk out of college.

I purchased CD keys for D2 and LOD last week.. total impulse

I’ll never get that same D2 high again, I’m sure

I started to realize how much time it takes


How can i override the values.yaml of a helm chart in helmfile….e.g. If i have the helm chart in that say we have a variable set to env=laptop now on runtime i want to override the value to env=single…so how can i do that…

Basically, this could be done via values:
, depending on what you have in the original values.yaml of your helm chart. I.e.
- name: your_name
namespace: your_namespace
chart: your_chart
version: ~0.1.0
- env: single
or you could prepare the dedicated file with all the values or go templates and use it instead of the inline form. It’s possible to use set:
, but I wouldn’t suggest using it. More on that straight here: https://github.com/roboll/helmfile#configuration.
Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts. Contribute to roboll/helmfile development by creating an account on GitHub.

Basically i want to override full values.yaml with the different values.yamk at runtime

It’s better to ask here #helmfile


Guys, Its query related to ansible tower, Just thought of posting here to check whether you guys had any knowledge about this issue. I’ve installed Ansible Tower 3. 5 on centos7(Which is EC2 Instance), Whenever I try to lauch a Job thorough template, I get following error : The vault password file /var/lib/awx/.vault_pass was not found
I’ve created .valut_pass.txt in the above directory and try to re-ran the Job it is failed, Then I try to update .vault_pass in home ./~~~ directory and re-ran the Job still it is failed. Also I made reference to .valut_pass in bash profile also by reference the path (ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=~~~vault_pass.txt) still it failed when I try to run the job.
Also I tried to remove the reference(Just for testing) from ansible.cfg(User one, which is there in my Ansible Tower Set up) to see whether Job will run, Still it failed,

also, maybe try #ansible

The question of what should be moderated, and when, is an increasingly frequent one in tech. There is no bright line, but there are ways to get closer to an answer.

Hey all - I’ve written about DevOps a bunch on hackernoon!
I’ve been nominated for an award but I need votes!
So, please, click through here, click my name “Patrick Lee Scott” to see the articles I’ve written on hackernoon, and if you’ve seen one before or find any interesting, or helpful, I’d really appreciate your vote!


Berlin’s public transporter BVG started to test driverless busses today https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/berlin/verkehr/kostenlose-fahrt-bvg-testet-ab-sofort-selbstfahrenden-bus-im-strassenverkehr-33020728
Die Berliner können erstmals einen selbstfahrenden Kleinbus im normalen Straßenverkehr testen. Der Bus mit sechs Plätzen fährt seit Freitag im Ortsteil Tegel und verbindet die Endhaltestelle der U-Bahn-Linie 6 mit der Uferpromenade des Tegeler Sees. Bis Jahresende soll erprobt werden, wie sich das Fahrzeug verhält und wie das autonome Fahren bei den Fahrgästen ankommt, sagte die Chefin der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG), Sigrid …

the future is now

The future of unemployed bus drivers

This Person Does Not Exist (ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com) is a website showcasing fully automated human image synthesis by endlessly generating images that look like facial portraits of human faces using StyleGAN, a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) created by Nvidia researchers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StyleGAN https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com

StyleGAN is a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) created by Nvidia researchers. One of its uses is by the website This Person Does Not Exist (ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com), that showcases fully automated human image synthesis by endlessly generating images that look like facial portraits of human faces. The website was published in February 2019 by Phillip Wang. The technology has drawn comparison with Deep fakes and the tells of poker, and its potential usage for sinister purposes has been bruited.

Hi, It seems that rest-client 1.6.13 is uploaded to rubygems.org. I did review between 1.6.9 and 1.6.13 and it seems that latest version evaluate remote code from pastebin.com and sends information…

Learn the 7 essential ways to determine if a company claiming to offer an AI solution is lying about whether or not they use AI.

Is #1 that they list “AI” on their business cards or website?

Should be

My thoughts exactly!

Half a year after launching its managed PostgreSQL service, upstart hosting and cloud services platform DigitalOcean today announced the launch of its managed MySQL and Redis database offerings. Like most of the company’s latest releases, this move exemplifies DigitalOcean’s ambition to…

This Person Does Not Exist (ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com) is a website showcasing fully automated human image synthesis by endlessly generating images that look like facial portraits of human faces using StyleGAN, a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) created by Nvidia researchers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/StyleGAN https://www.thispersondoesnotexist.com/

StyleGAN is a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) created by Nvidia researchers. One of its uses is by the website This Person Does Not Exist (ThisPersonDoesNotExist.com), that showcases fully automated human image synthesis by endlessly generating images that look like facial portraits of human faces. The website was published in February 2019 by Phillip Wang. The technology has drawn comparison with Deep fakes and the tells of poker, and its potential usage for sinister purposes has been bruited.

Measure latency to Google Compute Engine regions

anyone see something like this for AWS?

there is gcping via cli https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/gcping
Like gcping.com but a command line tool. Contribute to GoogleCloudPlatform/gcping development by creating an account on GitHub.

Console tool to check the latency to each Amazon EC2 region - ekalinin/awsping

Amazon Web Services EC2 Reachability and Connectivity Test

ah actual latency

I misread

This site allows you to perform an HTTP ping to measure the network latency from your browser to the various Amazon Web Services™ datacenters around the world.

Test ping time for different AWS (Amazon Web Services) regions from your web browser


The role “arniam:role/gc-invoicedataimport-function-role” cannot be assumed —- Jenkins error


(via @Jeremy G (Cloud Posse))

Apple this morning shared a new Apple Card support document, which covers proper cleaning and storage methods to maintain the card’s signature…

Yeah, but it’s a card built with premium materials , it deserves it’s own cleaning instruction page…

you can imagine the price tag..


https://www.etiasvisa.com/ watch out Americans. Soon you will be required to obtain Travel visa to EU
ETIAS for Europe will grant travelers authorization to visit EU countries. The ETIAS visa waiver has been designed for short-term stays of up to 90 days.

Did anyone Come across NPM memory Issues ?

Some of the early work on the Google Hire recruiting software happened at Bebop, which Google bought in 2015. Now Hire is going away two years after it was formally announced.

argh! bit by another google service deprecation

I think it’s smart that they “pumpkin plan” their products, killing off the products that don’t work.

just it sucks as earlier adopters

and they have such a trackrecord of doing it, it really makes it challenging to trust any new product they release

@hairyhenderson I understand this may be a long shot feature request! Anyways, just wanted to get it on your radar, in case it sounds cool. what support a way to create templatized projects, e.g. a…