#random (2020-06)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

That guy was banged up by the end, dang.

Painfully determined, but Darwins monkeys can do it once, i want see him land it twice so its no fluke.

Just a reminder of what it takes to become successful


This is what it feels like to troubleshoot complex helm charts….

hahahah right?

tweak, redeploy, crashloop

tweak, redeploy, crashloop

tweak, redeploy, crashloop

tweak, redeploy, crashloop

I even yell like he does when it fails over and over again… “GAH!”, “ARRRGGGHHH”

Then when it finally works and the stars align … I throw my keyboard across the room!

3rd party code review ftw



We just launched Terraform 0.13.0 beta 1! We need your help, and want to hear from you. You can download beta 1 on releases.hashicorp.com. We're expecting to ship beta 2 on June 17th. I'll …

Upgrade guide: https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/blob/doc-v0.13-upgrade/website/upgrade-guides/0-13.html.markdown
Terraform enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is an open source tool that codifies APIs into declarative configuration files that can be shared amon…

Wow Cloudflare runs Nomad

A walkthrough on how we are improving the reliability of our management services running in each data center by using Nomad for dynamic task scheduling.

Regular readers will know that I’m very active in the CA / PKI space and even deliver a 2-day advanced training course on the topic. Over the last year or so I’ve been watching as a potentially big problem has been rolling in over the horizon and just the other day

So how to update the root CAs on the Tesla roadster https://www.whereisroadster.com/

Current location of Elon Musk’s cherry red Tesla Roadster and Starman launched by SpaceX on the Falcon Heavy maiden flight


Just need to launch a repeater in a faster orbit so it can wirelessly update.

Coming to a device near you!

Another way of looking at this is the built-in obsolesce of IOT devices that are not updated

countdown for when google buys them, breaks and abandons the project, and eventually shuts it down starts now!

but this could maybe finally make google drive something useful

good catch

https://diginomica.com/hsbc-moves-65-relational-databases-one-global-mongodb-database your account ballance: $NaN

HSBC Bank is one of the world’s leading financial institutions. It is simplifying its data model by running its applications on MongoDB.

HSBC Bank is one of the world’s leading financial institutions. It is simplifying its data model by running its applications on MongoDB.

that feeling when the last couple of days of performance problems are solved by an init container with
DELAY="$(( $RANDOM % 120 ))"
echo "Delaying by $DELAY"
sleep "$DELAY"
to be fair to myself, i don’t know this application very well and it tends to lock up in 2 different databases at least

nice trick!

i forgot about $RANDOM

well, not fully, I’m in the process of adding net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time
sysctls and friends, which requires adding arguments to kubelets
all because devs won’t send heartbeats

also all of that is only partially helpful

Last month I published my AWS Snowball Edge Update and told you about the latest updates to Snowball Edge, including faster storage-optimized devices with more memory & vCPUs, the AWS OpsHub for Snow Family GUI-based management tool, IAM for Snowball Edge, and Snowball Edge Support for AWS Systems Manager. AWS Snowcone Today I would like […]

QUIC is the protocol underlying the next version of HTTP

illuminati confirmed

QUIC is the protocol underlying the next version of HTTP

Haha I just realized this was posted back in 2018. thought it was some new information, but nope. Likely not going to see this for a while.

heh, we did some in-house http-over-udp magic back in ~2010, 2011. I’m sure google did theirs better, we just needed it for a single service - and it was a “if we need this in the future, we’ll invest more in it as we scale up” prototype…

Does anyone know any similar Slack’s for Database related stuff? Trying to use a database trigger in MongoDB to bump a specific document field into a new document and having some issue but hard to know where to ask besides SO https://stackoverflow.com/q/62518308/7987987
Update: I use "$match expression" to describe this but I don’t actually use the $match operator. According to the docs, the selector should conform with $match’s syntax, though the $match

Hi All, i am getting below exception when trying to provision EMR from Module https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster
Error waiting for EMR Cluster state to be "WAITING" or "RUNNING": TERMINATED_WITH_ERRORS: VALIDATION_ERROR: ServiceAccessSecurityGroup is missing ingress rule from EmrManagedMasterSecurityGroup on port 9443
Kindly comment Thanks
Terraform module to provision an Elastic MapReduce (EMR) cluster on AWS - cloudposse/terraform-aws-emr-cluster

Draw AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes diagrams for free

Is there something I can do to stop people from copying and pasting code from this dangerous person? I don’t think there are comments on Medium anymore… The “robust” code collapses when processing takes more than heartbeat interval, which leads to messages being redelivered, which means the longest processing jobs will occur multiple times for the same messages, until they somehow happen to succeed.
Last week I had to fix code which was basically this, copied and pasted. In general case it is impossible to consume from a RabbitMQ queue without a dedicated thread for RabbitMQ communication.
This article is going to cover building a RabbitMQ consumer in Python and Kombu that is capable of ensuring that the connection it…

contact the author?
This article is going to cover building a RabbitMQ consumer in Python and Kombu that is capable of ensuring that the connection it…

it does seem like it would let me comment on that article, also… https://medium.com/p/ccd660d17271/responses/show
Responses to a Medium story.

oh haha, i see your comment on there now

I had to create a medium account

medium is the new stackoverflow when it comes to copy-paste

Hey Guys aws rds (mariadb10.4) root user by default cant give GRANT ALL permission how can we make it do that I need grant all permission

that’s how i feel, except my task is to build a bucket