#random (2020-11)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

GitHub is broken o/ https://github.com https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24967170
GitHub is where over 50 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and feat…

Seems fixed already, cert in my browser is valid till 2022
GitHub is where over 50 million developers shape the future of software, together. Contribute to the open source community, manage your Git repositories, review code like a pro, track bugs and feat…

Finally pulled the trigger and bought a Timeular tracker

I’m already liking the API integration into Toggl since I use that a lot too

Interesting. I could see being into this… Let me know how you like it after a couple weeks.

I used it for a month and then I stopped

I’m required to fill out a pretty detailed timesheet every day, and I already track my time in Toggl, so it should definitely be a value add for me

I’m loving it so far. The physical tracker thingy arrived in the mail 2 days ago. It is very accurate. I’ve never once had it do something I didn’t intend it to do

And the integration with Toggl (which I use heavily) works flawlessly

Sweet… I may have to pick one up. I use toggl as well for tracking hours for clients and I could definitely be better at it.

Thanks for the info / follow up!

Update on the Timeular tracker:
I’ve been using it for several weeks now. I absolutely love it. It makes tracking my time every day virtually effortless. Sometimes I forget to flip the tracker when I switch contexts, but it is very easy to go into the app and adjust. I have it connected to my laptop via bluetooth, and they provide a desktop app for seamless connectivity. It automatically goes to sleep when I put it in its little cradle and wakes up when I pick it up the next morning.

@roth.andy I bought one a week or two after you — I’m digging it as well so thank you for the recommendation!

I’ve also noticed it helps me avoid getting distracted. I see the tracker sitting on my desk and which side is facing up and that helps me stay focused on tasks that are important for that particular project while filtering out other stuff. I try to avoid flipping the tracker more than once every 15 minutes or so.

But if I’m blasting through my email inbox it is very easy to flip it every couple of minutes since email is usually all over the place

And I’m happy that that all gets tracked accurately. Before it was just a wild guess after spending 1+ hour on email to break out that time accurately

Seeing this on a github pull request, I believe it’s the deploy status of Netlify for the branch. What is this type of status called, and is there an API to create similar “statuses” for other apps?

ah, Github Deployments

Happy birthday @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)!

Thanks @Yonatan Koren!

Speculation kicked off after someone moved the huge sum on Tuesday, and now we know who it was: the U.S. government.

A mutual friend helped to match Krishna Kant with Anne Kim by saying she needed help understanding cloud infrastructure.

hey sweetops! i remember at devopsdays i was handed a GCP -> AWS cheatsheet / phrase book that compared the services, does anyone remember this? can’t find it via google.

it was handed to me by the GCP stall

that looks about right! did you google it?

Yup I also had it in my history as I was asked to consider helping on a AWS-to-GCP migration… sometime at the beginning of this year

I wouldn’t worry about it


Hi Everyone, I would be very grateful If you’d spend 10 minutes of your time to answer this survey//managementism.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9uXPZCLvOPWM1xP> It’s very quick and it’s about people opinion about cloud computing for businesses. This would help me immensely as I’m struggling to get enough participants
cloud computing

Upptime is the open-source uptime monitor and status page, powered entirely by GitHub Actions and Issues.
Uptime monitor and status page powered by GitHub - upptime/upptime

How the pros use #Terraform https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnNIxacUwAEstDf.jpg

Docker container with fun terminal commands and ASCII art. - wernight/docker-funbox

Need help understanding DevOps?
Let @DavidHasselhoff @FlavorFlav @carole_baskin help simplify @awscloud @kubernetesio @Docker for you.

https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1331695592787959808/pu/vid/1280x720/3sNlcvNqEQ59CPtf.mp4?tag=10 “I just want a personal blog”


https://tailscale.com/ — just became a fan boy of this product within 30 minutes of installing it. Very cool product if you’re looking to avoid VPNs / expose internal network resources to your team.

Tailscale creates a virtual network, based on WireGuard, to connect your devices and services directly, no proxies needed.

Second, the devs are fun to follow on twitter also

Tailscale creates a virtual network, based on WireGuard, to connect your devices and services directly, no proxies needed.

@loren Mind sharing links to who you follow? I’d like to follow along on that front. Seems like they have a number of things on the todo list that I’m interested in.

Looks neat - excited to try it out

Maybe you can give a demo on office hours

Sorry, missed the notification earlier, here are the accounts I’m following…
• https://twitter.com/Tailscale (of course)
• https://twitter.com/dave_universetf
The latest Tweets from Tailscale (@Tailscale). Simple, secure networks for teams of any scale. Built on WireGuard. LGA SEA SFO SYD YUL YYJ YYZ
The latest Tweets from Dave Anderson (@dave_universetf). Tinkerer, distributed systems, general nerd. High salt content. Fixing all networks once and for all @Tailscale, with WireGuard and magic. He/Him
The latest Tweets from David Crawshaw (@davidcrawshaw). non-euclidean networks @Tailscale. Manhattan, NY
The latest Tweets from bradfitz (@bradfitz). I do computers. Married to @radkat. Two sons. Pro diaper changer. Xoogler. @golang team 2010~2020. Made LiveJournal. Currently @Tailscale making WireGuard easy. Seattle, WA

Thanks man!

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) I’m going to try it out with a client and see how it goes. Once I have a real setup in place I’d be happy to though.

Oops, forgot one, https://twitter.com/apenwarr
The latest Tweets from apenwarr (@apenwarr). Simple, secure networks with @Tailscale and WireGuard. Canada. Sometimes.