#random (2021-06)

Non-work banter and water cooler conversation

A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/


David avatar

Is it a bad idea to open up a graphql playground publically? All of our routes that need it have auth requirements, so it would mostly be just exposing the public schema

Chris Wahl avatar
Chris Wahl

It seems fairly common to encounter playgrounds / GraphiQL setups in the wild, such as with GitLab. Not sure if that’s bad or not.

bradym avatar

We’ve locked ours down by IP. I think it depends on whether you have a public api or not. If you do, it could be a useful tool for people using your api. We don’t have a public api, so locking it down made the most sense to us.

Harry avatar

Anyone can run graphql playground, graphiql, altair or a similar tool locally and just put in your actual API URL if you don’t host one for them.


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@kelseyhightower Ranchers don’t have cattle as their pet project. Cattle is their business! So in this analogy (which I’ve always loved), you become the Rancher and you have to run it as a full on business. That means financials, (internal) sales, marketing wins, R&D, etc


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
The SaaS CTO Security Checklist Redux - Gold Fig — Peace of mind for infrastructure teamsattachment image

Learn how to protect your SaaS applications with the SaaS CTO security checklist. Doing the basics goes a long way in keeping your company and product secure.

Nicolò Marchesi avatar
Nicolò Marchesi

This is golden! Bookmarked

The SaaS CTO Security Checklist Redux - Gold Fig — Peace of mind for infrastructure teamsattachment image

Learn how to protect your SaaS applications with the SaaS CTO security checklist. Doing the basics goes a long way in keeping your company and product secure.



rei avatar

Apparently fastly broke the Internet https://downdetector.com/

Status overviewattachment image

Realtime overview of issues and outages with all kinds of services. Having issues? We help you find out what is wrong.

rei avatar
News about fastly on Twitter

10m ago @AP tweeted: “Numerous websites were unavailable on Tu..” - read what others are saying and join the conversation.

DevOpsGuy avatar

Can anyone have (best) suggestions on below question?? This is for Kubernetes Micro-services. Cloud: AWS (But, we manage the cluster)

  1. What is the best open source Service Mesh?
  2. What is the best open source API Gateway?
  3. Is it ok to have both Service Mesh and API Gateway? If so, what is the best combination of both?
roth.andy avatar

It’s hard to answer what is “best” since different things are “best” in different situations. Can you talk a bit about what your situation is and what outcomes you are looking for?

For example, in my team, we were looking for the ability to abstract Zero Trust and centralized logging away from the application development efforts and into the platform, so we chose Istio

William Morgan avatar
William Morgan

To partially answer #3, yes, having both is a common pattern

William Morgan avatar
William Morgan

For the others… what problem are you trying to solve?

William Morgan avatar
William Morgan

E.g. I work on Linkerd and our focus is on minimalism, performance, and “feeling” like the rest of K8s. If that’s important to you then IMO it’s a good choice. If you have other goals (especially around integrating non-K8s components into your mesh) then you might look at other options.

Balazs Varga avatar
Balazs Varga

We use kops to setup cluster and use traefik for control gateway. For app gateway and for mesh we use istio

bp avatar

@antonbabenko did a ‘weekly dose of terraform’ a few weeks back talking about a eks boilerplate that you could have a look at? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=giVShrQHf8E


Pipo avatar

Hey guys, I am considering changing from terraform cloud to another service. Have anyone used CircleCi or Scalr or any other service? The main issue with Terraform Cloud is that having too many concurrent runs and the total runs per month is expensive, and I need to run over 5K runs per month.

AWay avatar

Have you seen the CloudPosse video comparing the different “TACoS” providers?

AWay avatar

(disclaimer: I’m from env0)

AWay avatar

we offer unlimited concurrency

Pipo avatar

Nope, I didn’t, thank you! I have something to see at lunch haha

msharma24 avatar

TF cloud why you so expensive

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

This question comes up all the time — The video helps. Good alternatives to TFC are:

  1. Scalr
  2. Spacelift
  3. Env0 (though unfortunately doesn’t have a Terraform provider which is the killer for me) I just completed a migration from TFC to Spacelift and I’m a big fan.
omry avatar

@Matt Gowie we actually have a Terraform provider - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/env0/env0/latest

(I am the co-founder and CTO of env0)

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

@omry Ah glad to see it launched! Ya’ll are now in the running in my mind. I’ll be sure to check out the provider and hit ya’ll up for a demo sometime.

omry avatar

Sure thing @Matt Gowie, we’ll be happy to give you a demo and show you the product


Gerald avatar

Hi people, any Infrastructure as Code practitioners here? I’d need to pick your brain for a second please, to help us prioritize items on an OSS tool roadmap  If you look at your setup (or your customer’s), would you say that:

 You only use a single IaC solution (ex: CloudFormation only, Terraform only, Pulumi only…)  You use multiple IaC solutions on purpose for different resources/use cases (ex: CloudFormation + Terraform or ARM+Terraform and/or the serverless framework)  You use multiple solutions today but plan to migrate to a single solution (ex migrating from a mix of CloudFormation + Terraform to Terraform only)

Many thanks for your feedback, it really helps

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Use terraform for the foundational infrastructure capable of supporting most tools. Use what ever other tool developers want for their applications. Serverless, CDK, CFT, etc

Gerald avatar

very interesting, thanks @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

A second ago I answered it somewhere else)))

Gerald avatar

thanks a lot. Really appreciate.

MattyB avatar

We prefer Terraform over the others due to CloudPosse’s secure by default, context.tf, other good practices, and helpful community. We’ve also used AWS SAM and CDK for certain things like lambdas, apigw, or when developers prefer not to learn another language.

Gerald avatar

Okay, I get it. So it’s a bit like for Erik. Your basis is on TF, but there’s an open door for what developers might want/need on top of that. Thanks a lot for sharing



Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
How Hackers Used Slack to Break into EA Gamesattachment image

A representative for the hackers explained to Motherboard how the group stole a wealth of data from the game publishing giant.



Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

this looks really interesting: https://steampipe.io/ anyone played with it yet?

Steampipe | select * from cloud;

Steampipe is an open source tool to instantly query your cloud services (e.g. AWS, Azure, GCP and more) with SQL. No DB required.

Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles

i can see a ton of compliance usecases


managedkaos avatar

steampipe looks very interesting indeed. I’ve written entire python and javascript programs that do what the whois module does in just a few lines! fb-wow

WHOIS plugin | Steampipe Hubattachment image

Query WHOIS with SQL! Open source CLI. No DB required.

Mohammed Yahya avatar
Mohammed Yahya

Agree, I’m starting adding steampipe to my terraform scripts, as reading values after applying and make sure you get what you applied. also to generate a nice reports about infrastructure

WHOIS plugin | Steampipe Hubattachment image

Query WHOIS with SQL! Open source CLI. No DB required.

Andrea Cavagna avatar
Andrea Cavagna

it support all services? still never tried steampipe but looks a really helpful tool

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

It does look very neat

jark99 avatar

Hi everyone, glad to be in this slack! First time joining SweetOps office hours! Bit about me, I work as a DevOps engineer for a mid-tier cloud consulting firm. Outside of my professional work, I also consult on all things AWS for various client and some software development. Nice to meet you all




Tim Birkett avatar
Tim Birkett

Hey wave - I’ve started to Open Source some very simple Prometheus exporters for AWS that might be of interest to people. The first one exports some potentially useful ECR repository and image metrics: https://github.com/aws-exporters/ecr

aws-exporters/ecrattachment image

A Prometheus exporter for AWS ECR. Contribute to aws-exporters/ecr development by creating an account on GitHub.

Tim Birkett avatar
Tim Birkett

Also probably signed myself up to a lawsuit from AWS

aws-exporters/ecrattachment image

A Prometheus exporter for AWS ECR. Contribute to aws-exporters/ecr development by creating an account on GitHub.

Nishant Thorat avatar
Nishant Thorat

A compiled list of AWS services and subservices//blog.cloudyali.io/aws-services-how-many-are-there-really>

AWS Services: How many are there really?attachment image

TL;DR: Depends on what you count as service, 180 at the lower side and 250 at the upper side. AWS innovates at breath taking speed, often defeating itself. It keeps adding new services, add new features to the existing services at lightening speed. …



managedkaos avatar
Screenshotattachment image

Captured with Lightshot

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
GitHub Issues · Project planning for developersattachment image

Give your developers flexible features for project management that adapts to any team, project, and workflow—all alongside your code.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)
11:30:11 PM
Scott Mathson avatar
Scott Mathson
03:39:53 PM

i don’t believe you


ITGuyEric avatar

Our hosts chat with Steve Ginty, the Director of Threat Intelligence at RiskIQ ! We discuss how to collect relevant, actionable intelligence to protect our organizations from malicious actors. https://sudo.show/28 #itsecurity

Security Intelligence with Steve Ginty of RiskIQ

In this episode, Eric and Brandon talk to Steve Ginty, Director of Threat Intelligence at RiskIQ. They discuss how to collect relavant, actionable intelligence to protect our organizations.


Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov
Juju | Kubernetes and cloud native operations report 2021 attachment image

Kubernetes + Cloud Native Operations Report - Data from 1200 respondents and insight from 7 industry experts on hybrid and multi-cloud operations, VMs and more

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Moved it to random as it seems it fits better

Juju | Kubernetes and cloud native operations report 2021 attachment image

Kubernetes + Cloud Native Operations Report - Data from 1200 respondents and insight from 7 industry experts on hybrid and multi-cloud operations, VMs and more

Andrew Nazarov avatar
Andrew Nazarov

Interesting that they have some open questions which, I think, have been more or less closed already by tools such as helmfile and approaches such as monochart
