#random (2022-05)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

Do Istio upgrades (especially between 1.4 and 1.7) give anyone else PTSD?

Yes… yes it does - Service Mesh! The must have accessory for every developer… oh… wait… we still have to learn to configure it?

Personally, I’d prefer Cilium with encryption configured. But I’d probably find that had its quirks if I moved to it.

Looks like there might finally be a good rundeck competitor coming out: https://docs.windmill.dev/

https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2016/08/18/http2-connection-coalescing/ https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=954160

https://portswigger.net/research/http2 - also worth reading

In this research paper James Kettle introduces multiple new classes of HTTP/2-exclusive attacks, demonstrated on popular websites and servers.

What does everyone call the wonderful () topic of infrastructure maintenance in your own workplace? I’m working on an “Anti 3am Wake Up” checklist and from chatting to people the term “*maintenance*” is a massive turnoff. How else would you label it?

Operations Engineering?

In my mind, waking up at 3am to fight fires is just ops. Doing work to prevent having to wake up at 3am to fight fires is operations engineering.

thanks - that helps clarify things some more it still doesn’t sound “sexy” but i guess people would prefer to talk about operations engineering than maintenance i guess sometimes you just have to embrace the dull

Nope, this kind of work will never be sexy. It’s important to an organization to make it visible though.

There’s only one thing worse than the 3am pagerduty call. The invisible 3am pagerduty call.

Reliability Engineering … ?

What are people’s thoughts on the Hashicorp Terraform certification? Was it difficult? Do you think it’s a big win for a resume?

Got it last month, I thought it was good, very straightforward, cheap and doesn’t use much time. Just annoying that you get quizzed on the cloud offerings and price points, and for the online proctoring, you have to use a webcam that can show a full 360 and record every square inch around you/above/below you.
I think it’d be a great easy win for a resume for the effort involved if you already know terraform a bit.

Hey everyone I’d like to invite you to join charity event DevOpsDays #StandWithUkraine on May 17-18!
We have amazing line-up – Patrick Debois, Kris Nova, Kelsey Hightower, Lena Hall, Andrew Clay Shafer, and others.
Sign up for free & find out agenda here: https://devopsdays.com.ua Register, donate, share event with friends and #StandWithUkraine!
Join the online charity conference on 17-18 May. We’ll talk about DevOps in crisis with Debois, Hightower, Woodward, Nova, Clay Shafer and others.

https://menubarx.app/ is a great little tool. For me useful to periodically check Twitter, Y Combinator News, LinkedIN feed etc. from the menubar, without having to switch to browser if I am in IDE or any other app (but not browser).

Is anyone using MacOS Monterey Universal Controls yet?

Hey folks. Hope you are doing well. Tomorrow will be conducted 2-days conference DevOpsDays https://devopsdays.com.ua/ Don’t miss it!
Join the online charity conference on 17-18 May. We’ll talk about DevOps in crisis with Debois, Hightower, Woodward, Nova, Clay Shafer and others.

Hi. I’m doing a survey on remote working vs. office. Please participate! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/19NxuzNXIzXH8ud9OtN0sbukMAgbDxlt9vXKrbpxc7Jk/viewform?edit_requested=true

Hopefully this doesn’t go too crazy, but trying some mind-mapping in 2022 because I got bored with Pocket & tagging. https://github.com/azec-pdx/devsecops-mindmap
Obsidian vault, mind-map and graph for all bookmarks for DevSecOps topics of interest

Does anyone know of any Mac or cross-platform app that help in scheduling / restricting time on specific apps and websites?
I want something that will remind me / only allow me to check my email, slack, and LinkedIn every X hours for Y minutes. Otherwise I find myself checking them too often through out the day which breaks up my flow.

I’m pretty sure that Screen Time (built into Apple OSs) can do this. I’ve not used it on Mac but do have it setup on my iPhone to block and restrict throughout most of the day.

Hmm…not me…I don’t have that kind of dicipline

you have some plugin that tracks all of your time though, no?

Yes (I’ve used Toggl and TimeBro) but it doesn’t prevent you from doing stuff

ah, got it

The world’s best time tracking software. Track employee time, send beautiful client reports, and calculate profitability. Free and paid plans to save you time.

timeBro shows you everything you worked on during the day. Each program is recorded so that you can quickly remember. Add-on available for any software. | timeBro |

Great question though. I just shut down slack app and close email

I just don’t check email… 3000+ unread messages and counting…

Do you want to limit the amount of time your kid spends playing a game or using a certain app on a Mac? Thanks to Screen Time, setting up app restrictions like this is a fairly simple and straightf…

Good suggestions — Thanks ya’ll. I still haven’t found something that will prompt me to open an app / website at a particular time and only let me use that during that time, which is really what I’m after but just might not exist. I guess I’ll go back to trying to make calendar notifications or something similar work.

Does anyone have much experience in deploying a logging solution from scratch? My company is looking at the cheapest solution with a few requirements:
Able to query logs (goes without saying) Lightweight. Is able to pull logs from eks / ec2.
Is it better to run this system ourselves? Or pay for the solution?
What are the trade offs here?
Are there any other important considerations?

See metrics from all of your apps, tools & services in one place with Datadog’s cloud monitoring as a service solution. Try it for free.

Datadog is probably not the cheapest but excellent.. papertrail.com is a cheaper solution, but very basic last time I used it.

The most valuable lesson I’ve learned about log costs is that you can save a lot by using sampling. Whichever solution you choose, prices can skyrocket as traffic increases.
https://theburningmonk.com/2018/04/you-need-to-sample-debug-logs-in-production/ https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/rum-js/master/performance-tuning.html#performance-sampling https://docs.datadoghq.com/developers/dogstatsd/high_throughput/#sample-your-metrics

Pay for a solution…. The amount of heavy lifting required to roll your will cost more in people hrs than it would be to buy a solution… with less than half the features. pick your product based on your scale… +1 Datadog… worth the money and support.

*Random Sunday Rant*: I had one module in terraform cloud that I didn’t migrate, and they are doing maintenance today, and it’s unavailable; lol how inconvenient with no notice.

Does this sort of thing happen often in TF cloud?

Not sure but second with me in the last month. If they would send an email out that would be cool

@Josh B. did you try at https://spacelift.io/ ? It is competitor of TF Cloud.

Spacelift is the CI/CD for infrastructure-as-code and policy as code. It enables collaboration, automates manual work and compliance, and lets teams customize and automate their workflows.

I am actually in the process of migrating to them