#random (2023-07)
Non-work banter and water cooler conversation
A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/

Interesting. Tigris DB looks nifty. https://www.tigrisdata.com/blog/tern-stack/

Introducing the TERN (Tigris, Express.js, React, and Node.js) stack, and how to migrate your MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js) application to TERN.


How is the DevOps landscape evolving this year? Let’s explore together the 13 prominent trends taking place in 2023 and what are the key drivers of the DevOps market growth

How is the DevOps landscape evolving this year? Let’s explore together the 13 prominent trends taking place in 2023 and what are the key drivers of the DevOps market growth

Here’s a great related article. Was just reposted on app.daily.dev, so there’s a link to the comments as well. https://blog.massdriver.cloud/posts/devops-is-bullshit/ https://app.daily.dev/posts/8rpNNufIn

Does anyone have a favorite DAM that can publish to S3? And that’s not $50,000 minimum like Adobe AEM?

Cool project for those of you who are on actions:
https://github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/pinact / https://github.com/suzuki-shunsuke/pinact-action

Also nice that it works with renovate

Nice find!

Shunsuke (the dev) seems to be doing a good deal of awesome open source stuff: https://suzuki-shunsuke.github.io/profile/oss-development
first release date | name | badges | lang | type | short description |

I’m contributing some packages to aqua-registry, and it seems to me like he is another dev like mumoshu – just constantly grinding on open source and building good stuff in the devops space.
aqua’s Standard Registry

Very interesting solution, but Renovate is able to pin the exact version of dependency.
Checkout this PR: antonbabenko/pre-commit-terraform#464
So, I suppose you find a Renovate bug - please create a discussion for that in https://github.com/renovatebot/renovate/discussions
or, the reason why this solution was created, was a lack of RTFM (who read these docs, right? :) and checking how Renovate org uses Renovate itself.
Btw, you can just start using https://github.com/SpotOnInc/renovate-config/ and forget about this and, many other problems.

Do you plan to maintain this tool until renovatebot/renovate#21901 resolution or archive pinact specifying that there is a Renovate-native hack solution for that? Just curious.
I don’t decide yet. I don’t have any plan to add new features to pinact for now,
so maybe I’ll archive this repository.
Maybe pinact is still useful for non Renovate users, but I’m not sure.

The terrifying realisation than my entire childhood is now an exhibit at the Science Museum