#random (2023-09)

Non-work banter and water cooler conversation

A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/


Andrea Saez avatar
Andrea Saez

Ever wondered how top companies scale their software delivery seamlessly? Our latest blog post unravels the secrets of continuous delivery, the hurdles in the scaling journey, and the role of Cloudsmith in ensuring a smooth sail. https://cloudsmith.com/blog/scaling-software-delivery-continuous-delivery-overcoming-challenges-and-the-power-of-cloudsmith/

Scaling Software Delivery: Continuous Delivery, Overcoming Challenges, and the Power of Cloudsmithattachment image

Explore the intricacies of scaling software delivery, from the nuances of continuous delivery to overcoming common challenges. Dive deep into how Cloudsmith can be the game-changer in your DevOps journey, ensuring agility, security, and efficiency in every release.


Xu Pengfei avatar
Xu Pengfei
KCL Biweekly Newsletter (2023 08.24 - 09.06)Kubernetes Operator, IDE Extensions and v0.5.6 are out! https://kcl-lang.io/blog/2023-09-06-biweekly-newsletter/
KCL Biweekly Newsletter (2023 08.24 - 09.06) | Kubernetes Operator, IDE Extensions and v0.5.6 are out! | KCL programming language.

KCL is an open-source, constraint-based record and functional language that enhances the writing of complex configurations, including those for cloud-native scenarios. With its advanced programming language technology and practices, KCL is dedicated to promoting better modularity, scalability, and stability for configurations. It enables simpler logic writing and offers ease of automation APIs and integration with homegrown systems.


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Frontend/Backend communities are fighting back against Typescript, what can we learn from them?

bradym avatar

What’s wrong with typescript? Why are people fighting it? How do you fight a language?

venkata.mutyala avatar
Ruby on Rails creator removes TypeScript from Turbo framework, upsets community • DEVCLASSattachment image

Ruby on Rails creator David Heinemeier Hansson has removed TypeScript from the forthcoming version 8 of the Turbo […]

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

This is the 2nd post I came across today about ditching Typescript…

bradym avatar

I’m not sure two posts makes something a trend. And in this particular article the only thing I’d consider “fighting” is people arguing to keep typescript.

Sten Reijers avatar
Sten Reijers

Why would people ditch typescript

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

apparently more people are fed up with M$, I heard many people didn’t like M$ 20 years ago and I didn’t know why but now I knew after OpenAI’s sneak attack

bradym avatar

People have been bashing MS for decades, and much of it has been deserved. Especially given their embrace, extend, extinguish strategies.

That said, I’ve never seen anyone say they were ditching/avoiding typescript because they don’t like MS (though it very well could happen).

The reason I’ve seen has been that JavaScript is good enough now, and doesn’t require a build step. Both valid points, but typescript isn’t going anywhere.

bradym avatar

I vividly remember seeing dozens of “java is dead” articles in the early 2000s. Clearly it was not. Saying that people are fighting against typescript feels like a modern iteration of that kind of thing.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

it may or may not be the trend but the industry is more cautious about what M$ is doing after OpenAI

bradym avatar

Perhaps, but that’s not going to drive a large migration away from MS created tech by engineering teams. If a team chooses something because it’s the cool new thing and then moves away from it as soon as anything negative comes out about the creator of the tech, that team isn’t going to get much actual work done.

Are people abandoning Visual Studio, VS Code, MS Office, .Net in large numbers because of this stuff? Nah. We may bitch and whine about it, but in the end we’ll keep using the tools that we believe get the job done.

kallan.gerard avatar

I believe a lot of the migration has been for library/framework maintainers

kallan.gerard avatar

As in, the burden of maintaining typescript isn’t really needed. Especially with jsdoc annotations.

kallan.gerard avatar

Svelte is a much better example of a rational choice than whatever twitter vomit DHH makes.



tommy avatar

Why would we need to care about such kind of silly things? I will use any tool that works and I feel comfortable with, I don’t care about what others think of it.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

The trend is like kinda ripple effect, toolings heavily backed by VCs will be ditched more and more if it is not open enough or it takes a fake-open strategy. Not only for Terraform but also others, Javascript/Typescript is another example

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

I don’t think ThePrimeTime saw this in his new video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bv3YhGku92w


Катерина Кучернюк avatar
Катерина Кучернюк

Hey folks! We’re happy to invite you to DevOpsDays Ukraine: Disaster Recovery at scale on September 14-15th

Get ready for a two-day DevOps journey: Fireside Chat with the co-founder of DevOpsDays, Patrick Debois. Cultural Talks by top experts Charity Majors, Iaroslav Molochko, Manuel Pais, Adriana Villela just to name a few.

Check out agenda & register https://www.devopsdays.com.ua When? September 14-15 Where? Online Can’t wait to see y’all!

DevOpsDays Ukraineattachment image

On September 14-15 we’re running online DevOps event: 12+ world’s experts, 2000+ attendees from all over the world! Join us and get insights about main topic — Disaster Recovery

Катерина Кучернюк avatar
Катерина Кучернюк

Meet the second day of DevOpsDays Ukraine: Disaster Recovery! We will go live at 6:00 pm by Kyiv time. If you’re not with us yet, you still can register and join the second day of DevOps talks. Also after event we’ll send all participants records https://www.devopsdays.com.ua/

DevOpsDays Ukraineattachment image

On September 14-15 we’re running online DevOps event: 12+ world’s experts, 2000+ attendees from all over the world! Join us and get insights about main topic — Disaster Recovery

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Someone asked about Contributor license for Crossplane provider, https://crossplane.slack.com/archives/CEG3T90A1/p1694438229575689. no answers yet


Alex Atkinson avatar
Alex Atkinson

What terminal are linux folks using these days that has sixel support?

johntellsall avatar

OMG I haven’t thought of Sixel for decades.

johntellsall avatar

Does it have to be Sixel? iTerm2 supports rendering images to the screen, see imgcat (macOS only, alas)

Alex Atkinson avatar
Alex Atkinson

Lol. I just got used to being able to pipe vegeta attack output onto jplot…. there’s probably a Linux way, but I haven’t looked into it yet.

Alex Atkinson avatar
Alex Atkinson

Just need something to make an active chart in the term…

johntellsall avatar

Often I’ll do something like this, where “makeplot” will render plot to plot.png file:
while sleep 30 ; do date ; ./makeplot.sh ; imgcat plot.png ; done

johntellsall avatar

In editor, update data and makeplot script. Results will be shown in terminal 30 seconds later.

Alex Atkinson avatar
Alex Atkinson

Nice. I’ll see about it soon. Have some load tests to do.

Alex Atkinson avatar
Alex Atkinson






Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

A code generation framework and runtime for Crossplane providers

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

Upjet - Generate Crossplane Providers from any Terraform Provider

Xu Pengfei avatar
Xu Pengfei

https://medium.com/@xpf6677/the-kcl-programming-language-v0-6-0-released-%EF%B8%8F-d2fb67282457 We have released KCL Programming Language v0.6.0! For this version, we have written a blog to describe the updated content. Welcome to read and provide feedback!


Michael Wong avatar
Michael Wong

Plandek LiveView - A game changer for software delivery teams

Effective product delivery is paramount in today’s rapidly evolving software landscape. Plandek has intelligently designed LiveView to revolutionise how teams keep track of and manage their Sprints and Epics. It allows product delivery teams to track the delivery of their work across the entire toolchain…

Read more: https://plandek.com/blog/enhanced-liveview-for-sprints-and-epics/


Lakshay Nasa avatar
Lakshay Nasa

Hi all,

I wanted to share some exciting news with you. From September 25th to October 1st, KodeKloud have a special event lined up - a Free Week of learning.

During this event, you will have exclusive access to:

• 65+ Industry-leading DevOps Courses

• 500+ Interactive Hands-on Labs

• KodeKloud Engineer 2.0

• A Vibrant DevOps Community with over 1M+ enthusiasts

• Role and Domain-Based Learning Paths You can find more details and register for the Free Week here: https://kodekloud.com/pages/free-week

venkata.mutyala avatar

Sweeeet. I went from PoC to Production after taking Mumshad’s course on k8s 5 years ago.

Lakshay Nasa avatar
Lakshay Nasa

That’s awesome!


Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
Are Terraform’s days numbered?attachment image

An exploration of Kubernetes Resource Manager and the Google Config Connector

sheldonh avatar

I’m not the best bash/zsh scripter. Would love a tip if anyone knows what I’m doing wrong in my script to build a dynamic command. Spent a little time on this a few months back and couldn’t get it working. Will watch for any comments if anyone has any tips.

gist - watching for comments https://gist.github.com/sheldonhull/b30c52cb236965da8cc43ab48f4fecdb


akhan4u avatar

Hey wave I’ve been looking at dependency management and stumbled on tools like dependabot/renovate. However, we use sonarcloud (SAAS) for code-quality, static code analysis. I’d like to ask if there is a way in sonarcloud for performing dependency management?? I’d be more interested to know how it can be enforced on the repos, like dependabot / renovate. I am not very sure if sonar is right tool for the job, just trying best to avoid a tool sprawl.

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

sonarcloud - to the best of my knowledge - does not nor do they plan to implement SCA, and choose to focus on the sast side of the product.

For self-hosted, there used to be plugins, but that configuration is not supported by sonarcloud.

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

the toolchain aboove is what i refer to as legacy sast, and although it has its place, i personally feel it raises too many false positives to be really useful.

have you considered a tool change? tools such as snyk (what i would refer to as nextgen sast) offer both sca and sast in the same tool, although they dont highlight code quality, they offer licensing compliance, sca, sast, and iac scanning in a single pane of glass.

akhan4u avatar

I’ve checked on synk, but it seems quite costly & I’m looking at solving somewhat same problem using open source. I’ve come down to following tools in my research so far

• SCA - Dependabot / Renovate

• SAST - SonarCloud

• DAST - Currently WIP. Not sure yet Let me know if you’ve any other suggestions for me

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

Sast - semgrep Dast - golismero, zap, burpsuite, nikto

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

Have you seen fossa ?

akhan4u avatar

Nope I haven’t heard about fossa yet.

akhan4u avatar

I’m assuming above tools can be integrated in CI/CD pipelines easily, We use circleci in our environments

akhan4u avatar

Sonar community have confirmed that they don’t do any Software composition analysis (SCA). Ref

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

Github.com/fossas Yeah, im aware that sonarcloud doesnt plan to step into the sca market.

Yes, many of the tools i mentioned above can be automated, but you would have to do the work on getting a good result and centralised systems that can handle the information results

akhan4u avatar

I’ll check out the tools & also share some findings here! Thanks @Alanis Swanepoel

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

gimme a shout anytime, this is one of my speciality domains

Alanis Swanepoel avatar
Alanis Swanepoel

(both oss and app-sec)

akhan4u avatar

Seems like fossascli needs a signup too. I’ll look at some alternatives to it.


Danny Gershman avatar
Danny Gershman

Here is a cool tool called KXD my team wrote (completely open source) for managing multiple KUBECONFIG files and contexts. Please ️ it if you like it. https://github.com/radiusmethod/kxd


Kubeconfig file switcher



Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
Anton Putra on X

Crossplane will become a standard among DevOps soon, but I found very difficult to automate creating of EKS OIDC provider and working with IRSA in general, which I’ll cover in the next video. (1/2)
