#random (2024-07)

Non-work banter and water cooler conversation

A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels.

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/random/


Mehak avatar

wanted to know the average temperature at honemoon places in europe during 30 nov - 15 dec? Is it a good time for honeymoon there?

theherk avatar

Europe is a pretty big place. But yeah, of all the continents, it’s a pretty good one to be on. Have any place in particular?

Niek Neuij avatar
Niek Neuij

I mean, if you’re going to Valencia or Palermo or Cyprus, then yes, I guess… Europe is a big place

theherk avatar

Probably won’t be very awesome in Bergen. I mean, I’m wearing a sweater and raincoat today… It’s July.

Niek Neuij avatar
Niek Neuij

a dog barked at me in Bergen because I wasn’t holding an umbrella

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
#2280 [EKS]: eksctl support status update

AWS is aware of the recent announcement from Weaveworks about shutting down commercial operations. In addition to their significant contributions to the the CNCF and open source, Weaveworks has been a great partner to EKS and we are continuously grateful to Weaveworks for their leadership and development of the eksctl project.

In 2019, AWS and Weaveworks formed a partnership to designate the open-source eksctl CLI tool as the officially supported CLI for Amazon EKS, driven by significant customer demand and the tool’s capability to streamline and automate numerous EKS cluster management tasks. Since then, EKS as a service has evolved, implementing features that closed some of those early automation gaps. eksctl has always stayed a step ahead, adding usability enhancements before similar features are built into EKS service APIs.

Last year, AWS and Weaveworks announced a renewed partnership to co-develop eksctl. As part of that announcement, the eksctl project was moved under the shared /eksctl-io GitHub organization, and AWS engineers were added as project maintainers. Moving forward, AWS will take over full responsibility and ownership of the eksctl. We plan to continue development to meet the needs of customers with continued frequent eksctl releases. We are fully committed to the ongoing development and maintenance of eksctl. Later in 2024, we will move the eksctl project repo to the /aws GitHub organization. We will leave this issue open in case of any questions, comments, or concerns.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang
Generate code for your console actions using Console-to-Code - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use Console-to-Code to generate code for your Amazon EC2 console actions.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

not good for Plumi

Generate code for your console actions using Console-to-Code - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Use Console-to-Code to generate code for your Amazon EC2 console actions.


bradym avatar
proofconstruction avatar

Easy path to not being “GPU poor”


bradym avatar

Anyone running keycloak in k8s? I’m trying to get 25.0.2 running in a cluster behind nginx-ingress controller and for the life of me I cannot get it working. When logging in I get “Cookie not found. Please make sure cookies are enabled in your browser.” despite seeing the AUTH_SESSION_ID cookie set. I’m trying to figure out the right combinations of keycloak settings and nginx config. Any hints/working configs?

bradym avatar

At the moment I’m trying to get it working locally in a k3s cluster. Looks like the issue might be that I’m not running it with https locally or using a localhost domain.


Comment on #30977 cookie_not_found error on authentication since Keycloak 24

Because of the way security features of browsers work and the APIs Keycloak needs to function you’ll need to make sure it runs on what browsers consider a secure context, which is basically a valid domain with HTTPS enabled, or <http://localhost> or http://*.localhost for development.

Closing this issue, as there is not really anything we can do about this, and we plan to enforce secure contexts in the future.

Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse) avatar
Gabriela Campana (Cloud Posse)

@Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) @Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)

Jeremy G (Cloud Posse) avatar
Jeremy G (Cloud Posse)

Sorry, I haven’t dealt with Keycloak since version 9 or 10. It looks like you found the right issue, which is that you need HTTPS enabled. You can use cert-manager to get free TLS certificates from LetsEncrypt.

Getting Started with cert-managerattachment image

Quick start guides for cert-manager



Steve Wade (swade1987) avatar
Steve Wade (swade1987)

Hey everyone! wave

I’m excited to invite you all to The Cloud Native Club, a free and vibrant community of over 50 members, including project maintainers and cloud-native enthusiasts. We created this community to support folks who can’t make it to big conferences like KubeCon or don’t have local meetups nearby. We’re planning some awesome project spotlights featuring Thanos, wasmCloud, Kyverno, and more. It’s a great place to connect, learn, and grow together!

Register here: Cloud Native Club

Follow us on Twitter: @cloudnativeclub Connect on LinkedIn: Cloud Native Club LinkedIn


akhan4u avatar

Hey everyone, I’m having questions around bare-metal provisioning? What tools are available to provision bare-metal at scale with ease ? I’ve checked tinkerbell, but it seems to be a lot of work and there seems to be some gap in the documentation. I also took a look at matchbox. it seems to have a terraform provider too and straight-forward to setup. Can someone help me in understanding what could be the best way for bare metal management and an OSS tool if they’re aware of. Also please feel free to point my message to the right channel/group. Thanks!

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

wow I also tried tinkerbell before, it is an interesting project, yeah it is hard to work with. Canonical has a similar project, https://maas.io

Metal as a Service | MAAS

MAAS (Metal as a Service) offers cloud style provisioning for physical servers. It is open source and free to use, with commercial support available from Canonical.

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

can you share more details about your environment? quite different solutions for different environments, is it IoT? if not, you may just need network installation process

akhan4u avatar

Hey @Hao Wang, It is not IOT provisioning, just plain server provisioning in a DC

Hao Wang avatar
Hao Wang

ok, believe MAAS can help in a DC, easy to use




haroon ejaz avatar
haroon ejaz

Hey everyone, I need to implement open source CI/CD tool. Can anyone recommend any good tool they use? Our projects are non-containerized. The tools we are checking are:

  1. https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/
  2. https://jenkins.io/
  3. https://drone.io/
  4. https://www.gocd.org/
  5. https://concourse-ci.org/ Which one should we choose from above list or anyone recommend any other?
akhan4u avatar

Are you planning to self host or use their SAAS version? What is your VCS provider currently? It might depend a lot on several factors like community support, ease of use, maintainability, reliability, etc

haroon ejaz avatar
haroon ejaz

planning to self-host on AWS EC2 and main goal is to automate the code review process and minimize the errors by adding tests in pipelines

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Where is your source code kept today?

haroon ejaz avatar
haroon ejaz

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) there are multiple projects, for most projects source code is on bitbucket and for some its on github

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Honestly, I don’t recommend to anyone to self-host CI/CD. My professional recommendation would be to consolidate on GitHub and adopt GitHub Actions.

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Then when you need to reduce costs of runners, consider self-hosting or using something like runs-on.com

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

Further more, GitHub Actions are “free” (no platform charges from github) to self host. But I advise against self-hosting for as long as possible. Get comfortable with CI/CD first, then scale second.

managedkaos avatar

@haroon ejaz If your code is on Bitbucket, consider using Bitbucket Pipelines. Its much like GitHub Actions in the fact that its a service that runs alongside your repo code. The configuration is pretty easy and the features are great for getting started with CI/CD.

While the service is free, it tops out at around 50 build minutes per month. Premium plans are not too much and probably less than what it would cost to run an idle EC2 instance (in addition to the time to support).

Like others have said, if you can get away with using a hosted solution, go that route if at all possible.

If you must host, don’t use Go CD as its unmaintained (since 2023 and for the forseeable future).

Jenkins has wide support but it can be a bear to host at scale so I would take that off the list.

Of the others remaining, i don’t have any experience with drone or concourse and would steer you towards GitLab based on its features and community support. GitLab also has a SaaS solution so you can start with their service and then move into your own server down the road if you find it will be cheaper or easier to manage.

Good luck! Let us know how your plan works out.

Soren Jensen avatar
Soren Jensen

Ask what you and your developers know and have used in the past. Using a tool you know nearly always beats the most recommended. Secondly, don’t overthink and complicate the decision. Plan for what works best for you know, and keep using it until it’s a pain point, then evaluate over what you like and don’t like for the next iteration.

haroon ejaz avatar
haroon ejaz

Hello @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) @akhan4u please guide on above question ^^
