#release-engineering (2019-09)

jenkins_ci All things CI/CD. Specific emphasis on Codefresh and CodeBuild with CodePipeline.

CI/CD Discussions

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/release-engineering/


Gocho avatar

Hi all, forgive me if my question is stupid : I opened a PR for https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-lambda-elasticsearch-cleanup, but it failed on terraform lint. I’m trying to understand why…

But when I read the makefile, I don’t really understand how the lint works (I use TFLint, and it says everything is ok) … what does the terraform/install terraform/lint refers to ?


Terraform module to provision a scheduled Lambda function which will delete old AWS ElasticSearch indices - cloudposse/terraform-aws-lambda-elasticsearch-cleanup

curious deviant avatar
curious deviant

Hey !.. I was looking at the build logs @ https://travis-ci.org/cloudposse/terraform-aws-lambda-elasticsearch-cleanup/builds/577376730?utm_source=github_status&utm_medium=notification .. See if running terraform fmt helps in particular for main.tf?


Terraform module to provision a scheduled Lambda function which will delete old AWS ElasticSearch indices - cloudposse/terraform-aws-lambda-elasticsearch-cleanup

Gocho avatar

Thanks for your reply. I tried terraform fmt, but it gave me nothing I don’t know if that is relevant, but I’m using terrraform 0.11, not 0.12 yet

curious deviant avatar
curious deviant

yup.. just realized that

curious deviant avatar
curious deviant

I cloned your repo.. however for me it did format the [outputs.tf](http://outputs.tf). I am using 0.12.3 on my local

curious deviant avatar
curious deviant

Also if we look at the old build that was passing, looks to me the version shouldn’t be the issue

Gocho avatar

I just realized the format did something… it added a comma after the actions/resources values if main.tf

Gocho avatar

I try to commit that

Gocho avatar

ok, that was that. Build has passed the lint step Thanks !

curious deviant avatar
curious deviant

so glad it worked out

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Gocho we will take a look tomorrow

Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Andriy Knysh (Cloud Posse)


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@Callum Robertson ask @michal.matyjek about spinnaker

Callum Robertson avatar
Callum Robertson

Hi @michal.matyjek, thanks for the intro @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse). I luckily got my artifacts working well.

Callum Robertson avatar
Callum Robertson

Sometimes taking a break and coming back to the problem is the best way to solve it haha

Callum Robertson avatar
Callum Robertson

Good to know that you’re Spinnaker weapon. I’ll keep that in mind

Callum Robertson avatar
Callum Robertson
01:57:35 AM

@Callum Robertson has joined the channel



wannafly37 avatar

GitHub -> Jenkins webhooks for PR builds - mine stopped working, although the hook is recieved and jenkins replies 200, no logs in system log that are helpful besides it recieving the call. Any ideas? I know it can get pretty complex

wannafly37 avatar
Received PULL_REQUEST for https://<github repo> from ⇒ https://<myjenkins>/github-webhook/
Sep 13, 2019 6:52:04 PM INFO com.squareup.okhttp.internal.Platform$JdkWithJettyBootPlatform getSelectedProtocol
ALPN callback dropped: SPDY and HTTP/2 are disabled. Is alpn-boot on the boot class path?
wannafly37 avatar

ive tried changing log levels but no additional logs are added


davidvasandani avatar

@wannafly37 Are you able to manually trigger the Jenkins job with a webhook?


btai avatar

anyone use self-hosted argo in production? if so, what are your thoughts? https://argoproj.github.io/

Get stuff done with Kubernetes | Argo

Kubernetes native workflows, deployments, CI, events

michal.matyjek avatar

@wookasz see here

Get stuff done with Kubernetes | Argo

Kubernetes native workflows, deployments, CI, events

wookasz avatar

wave we do, we run some ML training pipelines as well as some very simple workflows that perform a bit of data extraction and dump it into S3

personally I really like it and it’s been fairly reliable and very flexible

wookasz avatar

happy to answer any questions

btai avatar

@wookasz awesome! im spinning it up on k8s soon and will be testing it out

wookasz avatar

we have not used it for CI/CD

wookasz avatar

also, some developers find the workflow.yaml configuration a bit cumbersome, but I think for someone used to k8s manifests it shouldn’t be problem


Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) avatar
Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse)

@michal.matyjek you run some argo, no?

michal.matyjek avatar

yeah…. let me ping the argo person

wookasz avatar
06:34:39 PM

@wookasz has joined the channel
