#release-engineering (2019-11)
All things CI/CD. Specific emphasis on Codefresh and CodeBuild with CodePipeline.
CI/CD Discussions
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/release-engineering/
A GitHub action to create a pull request for changes to your repository in the actions workspace. - peter-evans/create-pull-request
Very cool GitHub action
Need a suggestion : We are hosting a React website on S3, deployed through Jenkins. We have a story to set the site’s environment variables at deployment time (e.g. APIs URL, Vertex Cloud Auth Server , Redirection URL, etc.) but wanted to ping you guys to see if you are doing something like this today
we’re using AWS SSM Parameters – we use a multi-account strategy so each environment: DEV, TEST, PROD is a separate account with their own SSM parameters (keys are the same, values are different). My build process pulls the run time environment variables from SSM param store. for local dev, the team uses a .env
file with default values.
Yea, so a long these lines you’re basically going to want to do text replacement on the generated react site
tools like gomplate
or envsubst
are what we would use
whatever you upload to S3 needs to be static and cannot use envs
so you’ll need to use the envs as part of the CD process
We use the webpack plugin to setup env variables during build stage on CI (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv-webpack) and as described above you can pull variables from AWS SSM or just put your variables to .env.development
, .env.staging
, .env.production
and keep in git, cause these variables should not contain sensitive data
A simple webpack plugin to support dotenv.
otherwise VueJs use the following convention https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/mode-and-env.html
Standard Tooling for Vue.js Development
That sounds even better
Anyone have trouble finding the line with abstraction in Jenkins pipeline libs? I forked someone’s codebase at worked and played around with it. While it works, you have to drudge through documentation that’s formatted for github which is terrible compared to typical code documentation. You (or someone) end up trying to write reusable code but end up with a bunch of one-offs (multiple docker run stages). You’re forced to figure out all the variables that are set by hoping the person that wrote the documentation didn’t miss anything, so you end up looking through the code to verify. I think with my current project I’m going to leave most of the logic in our pipeline.yaml and let it tell the story of how our build works instead of the Jenkinsfile. I’m pretty sure I could write a book about it or find someone else that’s already gone through my grief. Just venting a bit too
@MattyB today at #office-hours
Join us if free!
My motivation is we are starting a Jenkins project next week.
That is great @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) Jenkins is a swiss knife in the CI/CD world and it must be in SweetOps team’s backpack
haha, yea, it was and then it wasn’t it’s a love/hate relationship.
but seeing as how many companies still use it, I totally agree!
yea, but in most cases Jenkins is very redundant for usual operations - build couple images and push them to registry. For this purpose I choose “free” CI tools linke Drone, GitlabCI and etc. Or if we need self managed solution - GitLab CI
But if we need some advanced logic in or pipelines - Jenkins is that we need
Updated our alpine packages repo: https://github.com/cloudposse/packages/tree/master/.github/workflows
Cloud Posse installer and distribution of native apps, binaries and alpine packages - cloudposse/packages
- auto update packages (open a PR every night)
- auto label PR with each package updated (great for mono repos)
- auto clean up branches on merge
- auto assign PR for review
(all github actions)
anyone else trying mergify? started using it to auto-approve/merge prs that dependabot creates, with conditions that the required status checks pass… https://doc.mergify.io/
- name: auto-approve dependabot pull requests
- author~=dependabot\[bot\]|dependabot-preview\[bot\]
- status-success=continuous-integration/appveyor/pr
- status-success=continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr
- name: auto-merge dependabot pull requests
- author~=dependabot\[bot\]|dependabot-preview\[bot\]
- "#approved-reviews-by>=1"
method: merge
certainly some overlap in what it does and github actions
No, but have somethings bookmarked to achieve the same thing with actions
Want to use actions :-)
Today Weaveworks announces a partnership with Intuit to create Argo Flux, a major open source project to drive GitOps application delivery for Kubernetes via an industry-wide community. Argo Flux combines the Argo CD project led by Intuit with the Flux CD project driven by Weaveworks.
super, waiting to see what they will have in the end
yeh - i’m getting a bit annoyed at the “we’re going to work on a thing” announcements
it’s becoming common
I was going to try , https://github.com/cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-atlantis, is there anything I should know about using this repo?
Terraform module for deploying Atlantis as an ECS Task - cloudposse/terraform-aws-ecs-atlantis
we want to run atlantis in ECS
We assume you BYO Docker container
We use geodesic
BYO= ?
build your own ?
Bring your own
or I can use the one in docker registry?
Perhaps but untested
We have a more opinionated approach where by we deploy Atlantis in each AWS account we want to manage
And have a one to one correlation between AWS accounts and GitHub repos
This ensures webhooks and repos and accounts are all aligned
well we want the same
each account with it’s own atlantis
Give it a shot
but you have multiples repos per account
We have one repo per account
Also have you ruled out terraform cloud?
It’s a bit more polished
we just the demo with hashicorp
to be honest I do not know if is such a huge advantage now that you have github actions self hosted runners
then we limit the UIs to just github
and PR that is how we work usually
so having a nice UI is not a huge win for Us
to be honest I was pretty dissapointed about the demo
and workspaces can’t assume roles
so it means that each workspace is one AWS account with aws key/secret in the settings
not so clear is those setting can be set trough the API
and one workspace is one repo so if we use 5 repos per account it means we need 5 workspaces all with the keys duplicated
so if you add key rotation to add it becomes pretty redious
and they are not FIPS compliant
so if they get hacked I gess you could get pretty F…..
I guess
Join us for <#CHDR1EWNA | > if you get stuck |
I have a strip-down version of the ecs-web-app module that we use for all ECS related tasks
that is very similar to what is on that repo
but this
is kinda weird
you are only allowing https/http and 53 out from atlantis ?
Have anyone try https://www.gocd.org/ ?
GoCD is an open source build and release tool from ThoughtWorks. GoCD supports modern infrastructure and helps enterprise businesses get software delivered faster, safer, and more reliably.
I used it at a past job a year or two ago running in a windows shop and not containers or anything
GoCD is an open source build and release tool from ThoughtWorks. GoCD supports modern infrastructure and helps enterprise businesses get software delivered faster, safer, and more reliably.
Any specific questions?
@Alex Siegman not yet. Would be when I will make my hand dirty
I think the most difficulty I had is we didn’t use the various stages and pipelines and environments in the way gocd designed. Their organization of those things are a bit weird. I’d have to look again to remember the specifics, but overall it was easy enough to use as anything else like Jenkins, etc.
@Alex Siegman thanks. That is very useful
CircleCi seems to be having outages on weekly basis. Is this common for other CI/CD platforms?
Never used to happen. Haven’t used it much in the last year. Suspect they may be going through some growing pains
We’ve been pretty happy with BuildKite
I’m very happy with Codefresh, when their macOS supports comes out of beta I’m planning to move our react native app over and shutdown our CircleCI account.
I don’t suppose anybody has gotten these Jenkins automated upgrades working with the Docker image? We have them in our current version, but I’m looking in to moving Jenkins off of Windows and want to make sure we keep the feature.
I wouldn’t be shocked if I were misinterpreting this document to some extent.
for anyone who has used github actions, if I was to create a git action that had
- master
would you think this runs when a PR is merged to master?
I basically want to run a workflow when master has a change
You can test it by creating a PR to a dummy branch.
But yeah, it will run when a PR is merged to master