#release-engineering (2020-10)

jenkins_ci All things CI/CD. Specific emphasis on Codefresh and CodeBuild with CodePipeline.

CI/CD Discussions

Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/release-engineering/



sheldonh avatar

FYI… Emojis break azure Pipelines


Chris Fowles avatar
Chris Fowles


Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

Hey everyone, I’d like to announce the launch of Conducto and its CI/CD tool. As a co-founder, I originally developed the technology to do data science at my previous employer, Jump Trading (top quant trading firm like Citadel and Jane Street). As we built it into Conducto, we realized how good it was for our own CI/CD and switched course to target that first. Main distinguishing features:

CI/CD in Python, not YAML: simple and powerful way to define CI/CD pipelines that is understood by IDEs

Trees not DAGs: DAGs are messy. If you’ve ever traced a node’s dependencies in a medium-sized CircleCI project (speaking from experience here) you know how frustrating it is to search through a 2000-line YAML file. Trees help your pipelines stay simple as you grow, and they’re much more useful to look at.

Free mode that doesn’t suck: Run pipelines on your laptop for free, forever, for you and as many teammates as you want. When you need more scale you can run hundreds of tasks simultaneously in the Conducto cloud. We’re launching today, and I’d like to invite you all to check it out. I want feedback as much as I want users, so please look at it and let me know what you think. We’re on HN today, so if you like us please go over to https://news.ycombinator.com/newest or https://news.ycombinator.com/shownew and upvote us. Feel free to engage meaningfully in the comments.

Thank you to @Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) for giving me the to show it here.

Can’t Teach an Old DAG New Tricksattachment image

Better CI/CD and Data Pipelines with Trees.

Zach avatar

At Conducto, we support the finest, artisanal, locally-sourced code.
I lol’d

Can’t Teach an Old DAG New Tricksattachment image

Better CI/CD and Data Pipelines with Trees.

Zach avatar

Based on your CPU/Memory task combinations looks like you are running in Fargate?

Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

Good eye. Yup, sure are. Fargate is great. We plan to run our own EC2 clusters for more flexibility on these dimensions, but that’s down the road.

Matt Gowie avatar
Matt Gowie

This is interesting. I imagine you’d do well in the CDK community where they’re likely to quickly get behind the Python / JS > YAML.

Zach avatar

Is there a good example of a CICD pipeline that builds and deploys an app? I see the ‘hello world’ example and this ‘weather data’ one but that’s not really the normal use-case

Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

Yeah, I thought we had one readily accessible but I’m not seeing it right now. Let me find it.

Zach avatar

Oh oops I totally missed those

Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

No worries, I can understand you jumping to “Examples”. That’s good feedback on making the docs clearer

Zach avatar

also examples like “how to use multiple containers for testing” would be helpful. ie running a postgres db and redis cache

Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

That should be easy to do, we can make that for you and have it up soon.

Jonathan Marcus avatar
Jonathan Marcus

We do those in our own CI/CD pipeline

Zach avatar


Zach avatar

Just useful for comparison to other systems for “how would I do this here”

Matt Rixman avatar
Matt Rixman

I made this multi-container example yesterday: https://github.com/conducto/examples/tree/main/counter (it will be referenced in the docs soon). I’ll look into the db + cache idea too.

If anyone has thoughts about the kind of examples that you think would be useful, I’d be grateful to hear them.



Zach avatar

Anyone use ConfigCat for feature flags? Love/Hate it?

bradym avatar

Not sure if this is the right channel, but we’re using gitlab.com and upon pushing to a repo just now I’m getting the following message:

remote: ========================================================================
remote:   **Notice:** By authenticating via T-Mobile SSO with an account tied
remote:   to an Enterprise e-mail address, it is understood that this account
remote:     is an Enterprise User. To ensure no loss of personal content, an
remote:     Individual User should create a separate account under their own
remote:    personal email address, not tied to the Enterprise email domain or
remote:   name-space. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
remote: ========================================================================

We’re not using any sort of SSO and have no connection to t-mobile. Anyone else seen this? Any ideas what’s up?

Alex Jurkiewicz avatar
Alex Jurkiewicz

do you have a paid account with gitlab?

bradym avatar


bradym avatar

And gitlab just tweeted that it’s a known issue and has been fixed.
