#release-engineering (2021-11)
All things CI/CD. Specific emphasis on Codefresh and CodeBuild with CodePipeline.
CI/CD Discussions
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/release-engineering/

anyone run into issues with github-actions and using an env value that starts with https://
? e.g.
REPO_ENDPOINT: 'https://...'
it keeps stripping the https://
from the env in the log, but i can’t find any docs on that behavior. and i’m pretty sure the yaml is fine?

i even tried an extra set of quotes…
REPO_ENDPOINT: '"https://..."'
which i can see makes it into the env and the run command as ""
. so it seems to be a specific filter for urls?

mystery deepens… even removing the https://
from the env, and hardcoding it in the run command, it still gets stripped?
run: aws --endpoint-url https://${{ env.REPO_ENDPOINT }}
and it prints as
aws --endpoint-url ...

ok, it’s not the https://
specifically. it happens when the env value contains a period .
what fresh hell is this?

escaping it as \.
in the env avoids stripping https://
but doesn’t remove the \
from the command…

leading and trailing periods are fine, so either of these work: .wut
or wut.
but this does not work: wut.wut

- name: wut
run: echo https://${{ env.REPO_ENDPOINT }}
Run echo wut.wut
echo wut.wut
shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}

omg, can’t even pass it as a literal string expression, ${{ 'wut.wut' }}

omg i am never getting that hour back. the issue with it stripping the https://
from the command is just a wonky issue with how github actions outputs the log. the value is passed to the command just fine. total red herring.
actual issue was due to aws
v2 just returning a botocore object when there is an IMDS endpoint on the host, but it can’t figure out the region from that endpoint (which happens on Azure DevOps runners)… https://github.com/aws/aws-cli/issues/5262
Confirm by changing [ ] to [x] below to ensure that it's a bug: I've gone though the User Guide and the API reference I've searched for previous similar issues and didn't find any s…

env and it was fine

hi folks, has anyone managed to get an idea the cost between GHA/ CodeFresh & Spacelift? Asking as i’ve been using GHA which is dead cheap however when i’m looking at the others i see 250$/m and that limited to 5 users.

the billing models are not the same. GHA charges per minute, while Spacelift charges a flat per-worker rate. You would need to do maths based on how many minutes you use per month to compare them

right, i see. Thanks @Alex Jurkiewicz for sharing this info, i’ll dig more into it

Yea, the comparisons won’t work. Spacelift and TFC are purpose built platforms specifically solving one problem for a niche demographic. Their business models necessarily are more expensive because they have a smaller market.

right i see the angle, make sense. thanks!

hi folks, in one of the office hours or other videos it was mentioned a CD pattern using GHA instead of codefresh/ spacelift. If i remember correctly it was said that a pattern of below could be achieved:
• TF config or modules in one git repo
• GHA to build and upload artefacts - ie lambda docker/ layer/ zip file to S3/ ECR (not use tf lambda modul to deal with packaging CD:
• a different / standalone git repo which will run TF plan/ apply to v envs. Q:
What i don’t get how the source repos (in case of poly-repo where various TF modules are scattered in N GH org repos) will:
• be synced to CD git repo? What sort of dir structure layout will be on the CD repo to cover for multiple deployments for different root modules ?
• any metadata consumed by CD and generated by CI - how will that be available ? i.e each lambda zip file or docker image / or TF code will generate a new tag/ release … that needs to be consumed somehow by CD GHA workflows no ? anyway i forgot who made the claim about using GHA as CD, will love to understand more the pattern

any insights of using GHA as CD? thank you

@Erik Osterman (Cloud Posse) sorry to tag you directly … if you don’t mind, can you please shed a bit more context on the story you mentioned in this video (go to 4:29).
• If you have some TF code + other code which is pushed over the “wall” by GHA to “deployment” repo in its own branch, are you saying tools like Spacelift etc can watch a git repo for any dynamic branch name and then trigger a pipe ? I suspect there is more low level info which was not shared w.r.t pre-req on Spacelift side to create a pipe mapped to a known branch name on source (aka eployment repo), have i got it right?
• i guess in your above story, the source git repo TF code relates to a “stack” (root module or solution etc) and not “component” modules of different versions which could be shared between different customers/ env Thanks for taking the time to respond

I am at reinvent this week - will take a look when I get back

now i have a better idea / understanding of various videos watched on your playlist due to the conv we had here , i guess the summary is that you are using the right tool for the job based on its own strengths:
i.e - specific to TF maybe TFC/ Spacelift; for apps (depending on the type/ deployment packaging etc )

@DaniC (he/him), here’s a gist of something I cobbled together for $job[0] while I wait for another team to deliver spacelift. I recommend skipping this and going for spacelift, but this may prove helpful to you if you’re in a similar boat. https://gist.github.com/jim80net/d6a9d291c2f860e14c825a92063aea13

fantastic, looking into it, thanks a lot for sharing it @jimp