#releases (2019-12)
Announce New Releases for Cloud Posse GitHub Projects
Archive: https://archive.sweetops.com/releases/

0.79.0 [spotinst] Added spotinst Added spotinst (#202)
Added spotinst
Fix resource limits
Update spotinst.yaml
Update spotinst.yaml
Install metrics
Update spotinst.yaml
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles
what [spoinst] Added Spotinst Kubernetes controller why Integrate Spotinst.com with Kubernetes

[spotinst] Update spotinst to 1.0.50 No content.
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles

0.2.0 Convert to TF 0.12. Add tests. Add Codefresh test pipeline what Port module to Terraform 0.12 Pin all providers Add example for testing Add bats and terratest for the example Add Codefresh badge to point to the test pipeline in terraform-modules project Update README why Module currently does not work with 0.12. Much easier syntax Better regression control Automatically test the example on every commit and pull request Provision resources on AWS in the test account and check the outputs for the correct values terraform-modules project contains…
Terraform module to fetch any kind of artifacts using curl (binary and text okay) - cloudposse/terraform-external-module-artifact

0.81.0 - [nginx-ingress] alert rule fixed to use rate what [nginx-ingress] alert rule fixed to use rate why current alert expression used as is, but nginx_ingress_controller_requests metric is counter type. We need to use rate/irate functions to avoid guaranteed alert triggering.
Comprehensive Distribution of Helmfiles for Kubernetes - cloudposse/helmfiles